4. Yes Sir

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"You wanna say something, Taehyung?" Bee says. Ooooh, pretty boy's got a pretty name. He turns and looks directly at you, "you think you can ace this class?"

"Uh, I have to try my best at least." you answer, trying not to get distracted by his voice. His friggin sexy voice.

"I'm the class topper in here, and the faster you understand that, the better." He smirks.

"He's right, last year he scored 97%" bee whispers to you. You look at her, smile and whisper back "that's 3 less than 100" you wink at her discreetly, then you turn towards Taehyung again.

"Yes, understood, good luck." You smile politely, you are just not in the mood to argue with someone with such an apparent god complex.

"Okay what class do you have next?" Bee asks. You check your schedule, "Art History" you answer.

"Oooh I don't have that, you gotta go to the art studio for that class, I hear the new teacher is h o t" she giggles. Your eyes go wide as she says that, you lightly swat her arm.

"He's a teacher we can't talk about him like that" and you start gathering your stuff "where's the studio again?"

"Girl we can say stuff among ourselves, we just can't get caught if we do anything about it" she says casually.

"Oh the third floor, in building B, take the elevator"

"You bet I will" you smile and leave for the next class, finding the elevator in building B takes you a couple minutes, then you enter it and as the doors are about to close you see a person jogging up towards it while waving.

You press the open button to hold the doors and he finally enters. Holy shiii he's tall. You couldn't guess when he was far away but now that he's closer he is almost as tall as Jin, probably a little taller. His hair is dark brown and they look so smooth you get the urge to touch it, which of course you don't. You think to yourself, "I should've worn my tall shoes".

He adjusts his clothes that are ever so slightly disheveled from running.
"Thank you" he says "for stopping".

You smile and nod, "of course". He goes to press the button for the third floor but finds it pressed already "art studio?"

He asks, you nod, "you too?" you return his smile.

He nods. "We have a new teacher, I heard", he smiles and this time turns to face you.

Holy heck he has dimples, a classic weakness of yours.

"Oh we do? What have you heard about him?" he asks, looking interested.

The elevator opens and you get off first, you walk backwards and start talking.

"Well I haven't seen him yet, but my friend said he's hot!"

"Oh really? Well that's, nice I guess" he looks flustered, he's probably uncomfortable. Maybe insecure? Shouldn't have said that.

"Yeah she's a little, direct. I don't think he'd be more attractive than you though" you laugh it off.

He suddenly holds your shoulders and you halt to a stop, making your breath hitch.

He crouches down and you notice you were just about to step on a ladybug. He picks it up and drops it off on the nearest plant he can find. It makes you smile, he's careful, he likes nature, he looks cute when he smiles, the dimples are to die for! You realise you're looking for too long, but this time you let yourself.

 It makes you smile, he's careful, he likes nature, he looks cute when he smiles, the dimples are to die for! You realise you're looking for too long, but this time you let yourself

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You make a mental note to watch where you're going from now on, as you reach the room he opens the door for you, "after you". You smile and enter, taking the first empty seat you find, you turn to ask where he's gonna sit but before that everyone else stands and greets him.


What in the frickity frackity fuckery!




Your face starts to turn red of embarrassment, you quickly sit down as everyone else does too, and he speaks.

"Hello everyone, I'm Kim Namjoon, you can call me Mr.Kim and I will be teaching you Art History for this semester. The first couple weeks are going to be theoretical and then we will move on to practical. Any questions?" you're smiling subconsciously.

"Authority suits him" you're staring at him as you think to yourself. He catches your gaze and repeats himself, a little softer, and warmer this time as he says it directly to you "any questions?" you quickly realise and shake your head, not even able to say anything.

He smiles, nods and looks away, starting to teach.
You stopped dwelling on how embarrassing you are at times and started to pay attention in class. It was a little difficult to concentrate on history but you love art so you made it work.

"So who can tell me, who painted 'Liberty Leading the People'?" he asked and looked across the room. He locks eyes with you again, you say "Delacroix" almost instantly thanks to the kdrama you were watching last night. (Vincenzo)

"That is correct" he smiles, and moves on to other questions and other students to answer. You can hear your heart beating. You tell yourself to calm down knowing it's just your anxiety. (Or is it?)

"Class Dismissed" he said as the bell rang and you started to pack up your things as students file out of the room.

"Ms. y/l/n, was it?"he says standing just a feet apart from you. You look up and nod "yes sir." You were determined to not embarrass yourself again.

"So, what did you think?" he looks at you expectantly.

"Sir I think the class was great, the introduction into what we'll be covering w-"

"Well thank you but I meant what did you think about what your friend said" he interrupts.

"Huh?" You exclaim and then it clicks.


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