23. Snacks, Heart Attacks

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He looks over at you and then smiles. Before you can ask him why, he leans dangerously close. So close you forget to breathe.

He proceeds to put your seatbelt on for you and then settle back into his seat. You finally resume the obviously secondary activity that is breathing.

He notices but instead of saying something he just smiles and starts to drive. Some k-pop song plays in a low volume. It's groovy, you like it. So you ask him what it means

“What is she saying!”

“Can’t I just tell you I like you?

I just want to be honest” he says, stealing glances at you while also looking at the road, smiling.

“I, uh, w-what me why?” you've lost the ability to form coherent sentences and also cannot comprehend where this suddenly came from.

He continues,

“Go away, no don’t go away
Show me your heart, no don’t show it to me
All day, only your smile is in my head
Do you wanna just go out?”

This time he sings it along with the song playing and it clicks. He was translating. You let out a sigh of relief and sink into your seat. He giggles as he sees you do that.

“Giving me a heart attack is funny to you sir?” you act offended.

“Awe baby I did nothing! You asked me a question and I answered is all.” He smiles innocently.

“I'm not your baby right now. Hmph” you pretend to be mad.

He keeps his left hand on the steering while reaching his right hand out towards you and slowly strokes your cheek with the back of his fingers. “Always my baby” he says.

You gulp and sink into your seat just a little more. You want to sound big and scary but your voice comes out barely louder than a whisper. “Fine”

He mumbles under his breath. You sit up straight and cross your arms,
“what did you just say about me!!!!”

“Nothing, baby.”

“What is it? Tell me!!”

“I just... Adore you.”

You scrunch your nose and smile

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You scrunch your nose and smile. It's so cute watching him be at a loss for words because he thinks you're adorable. Hasn't happened ever before but this is definitely the only correct way to do it. You see the building approaching and smile excitedly.

“We’re finally here!!”

“Yes we are, muffin!” he parks the car and proceeds to get down and come over to your side, opening the door for you.
“I’m muffin now?”

“I remember you saying you love blueberry muffins!” You get out of the car holding his hand. He gets the food bags and you see there's a LOT of food.

“Well yeah but then I also like cheesecake”

“Yes, Biscoff cheesecake!”

“W-why do you remember!” you ask while you wait for the elevator to open.

“Why wouldn't I? You're my baby!” he says as he steps in and turns to face you.

“I thought I was muffin!” you join him inside and the doors close behind you.

He smiles, clearly amused. His hands are otherwise occupied so he leans in and boops your nose with his own.
“Baby Muffin!”

Your face goes red and you smile so hard you have to physically cover your face.
“Oh my god stawp it!!”

“From what I know about you in the time I've known you, which is everything btw, you say stop like that when you are actually enjoying it”

He calls you out, you've been smiling so much your cheeks hurt. You turn to face away from him towards the elevator doors so he can't see you blush.

You feel him take very tiny steps closer to you, and you watch him closely in the smudgey reflection of the doors. His hands are full, so he moves close till there's no space between you both anymore and rests his chin on top of your head.

His love language is physical touch, you'd talked about it before and he's not tried to hide it in person either. And you don't mind it from him at all. You barely take half a step back and lean onto him. You can't see it, but you feel him smile. It's warm, like sunshine on a winter morning. The moment lasts just a couple more seconds and you reach your floor and the doors open wide.

You walk out of the elevator and go up to your door with Jimin following close behind. He turns away as you put in your pass code into the lock. It makes you smile that he's so cute while being so respectful. You unlock the door and walk in, inviting him in too.

“Welcome to my humble abode. Now that we’re finally at my place will you please let me take the bags off your hands?

He smiles as he enters and shuts the door behind him. He sighs

“okay fine fine, I don't know why you won’t just let me do things for you” he hands the food bags over to you.

“Cz I feel like a spoiled brat when I make people do things for me!” you take the bags and start to sort and plate the foods all across the dining table. It's a lot of varieties. Looks like he got you 4 types of pizza, 3 kinds of pastas with like 10 sides. Of course there's dessert and fizzy drinks too.

You're just about to ask him why there's so much food so you turn around and he's right there, closer than you expected. He looks down at you and smiles.

“You're not making me, baby, I'm volunteering. If you want to get even, you can let me do things for you and give me affection in return. Also about the food, I realise it's a big amount for two people but I just wanted you to have a taste of everything! We also have like a bunch of human dumpsters in the penthouse.”

You laugh when he says that. And he assures you that he means it, there's no such thing as too many leftovers in that household.

“I don't need something in return to give you affection, silly. I like you regardless of what you’re 'volunteering’ to do for me”

He smiles. “I know, that’s why you're my baby”

You smile back, then realise you've been subconsciously backing away as you’re you rest against the edge of the table. You look away and he takes a step back to make sure you're okay.

“Come let's decide what movie we’re watching while eating” he holds out his hand in offer. You put your hand in his and take him to the drawing room. “oooh I've got a couple options let's check them out! what do you want to do?”

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