11. Endangered Chivalry

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"Well then, seven oppas for the baby" Hobi says, making you squint and scrunch your nose, "okay, I'm leaving I have homework to do"

"Wait y'all have homework in University??" Yoongi asks half concern half disgust in his voice.

"well not exactly homework, more like readings we have to do to keep up with class, or some practice materials, mock tests ish, assignments sometimes"

"Welp, do not miss that" Jin chimes in.

"WW2 flashbacks" Hobi says, staring at one blank spot on the wall.

"You all are so dramatic" you giggle and ruffle Hobi's hair. "it's not that bad when you're studying what you like, I promise"

"Imma study you" mumbles Yoongi, just loud enough for Hobi to hear and whip his head around in a 'you didn't just say that' kind of way. You couldn't hear it so you say "what?"

"what?" he looks at you.

"What?" Jin is just as confused.

"Wait what's happening?" Hobi is now also confused.

You squint, "y'all are gonna give me a headache I swear" you smile and shake your head. "Anywhooo, boyysss, I will take my leave now, I have to nap and then do assignments too!"

"You can nap here" Jin blurts out almost immediately.

"B-but why?" you're just confused now.

"why not?" Yoongi adds. "because I literally live on the floor right below this place, sir" you say in a matter of fact way.

"But it's nice having you here" says Hobi with a cute pout.

"Aweee lil bebyyyy" you instinctively hold his face and squish his cheeks, making him chuckle. He's so fucking cute.

"See now that's much better" you say as he's smiling now. "Cute" you boop his nose.

"WHEN IS IT MY TURN TO BE HAPPY" Yoongi screams at the top of his voice, looking at the ceiling

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"WHEN IS IT MY TURN TO BE HAPPY" Yoongi screams at the top of his voice, looking at the ceiling. It startles you for a second for then all of you start laughing. Jin squishes Yoongi's face, says cute and boops his nose like you did to Hobi, making you both laugh harder as Yoongi is trying to get out of his grasp.



You laugh some more and have to grab your bag before you forget to leave. "Okay this is amazing content but I need to go sleep now. I'm too full from the amazing food. Thanks again, Seokjin"

"My pleasure. Also, please call me Jin"
"Okay, thank you Jin"

"Or you can call me oppa if you like" he wiggles his eyebrows.

"be happy with Jin or I'm gonna call you a stinky Tuna"

He scrunches his nose "heyyyyyyy" he protests.

"no, byeeeeeee" you take the chance and walk out with your bag, hopping as you are wearing your shoes. Hobi immediately holds you by the arms and makes you sit down on one of the chairs outside. Before you can react he's already kneeled down, tying your laces.

"Oh no you don't have to-"

"I don't want you going around falling... for people" he mumbles the last part but you hear it, you smile as you don't know how to react to that, just hoping you're not blushing.

"This simp" Yoongi mumbles to Jin. Then he approaches you as you're standing up.

"Come I'll walk you to your place" he smiles.

"It's literally just downstai-"

"Don't kill my chivalry pls" he sounds so serious it's almost making you feel bad for laughing.

"Okay, okay let's go." You start walking down the stairs and he's following close behind. You reach within a minute and you're putting the password into the lock, it chimes open and you look back at him.

"See? I reached home safe and sound." You say to him.

"Yes cz I was with you" you giggle and shake your head. "oh of course, thank you Yoongi."

He gives you another gummy smile that's enough to melt you on the spot. He's still not turning to leave, so you decide to ask, "Did you need something from me?"

He gets flustered, like he has been caught, smiles sheepishly and said, "well I was wondering if I could get a hug, you know, as a thank you, cz I walked you home?"

It makes you laugh, "Earlier you said we were friends. If you want a hug, you can just ask sir. You don't need a reason" you say to him. He looks surprised, then he opens his arms and tilts his head ever so slightly, "well?" You giggle and walk into the hug, wrapping your arms around him as he does it too. It's a quick 10 second hug at most, but it's warm and comforting. You look up at him as you pull away, "You give nice hugs, you know"

"So do you. But don't tell my friends, they will hug me to death. Or worse, hug you to death."

You laugh. "Would it be that bad though? I like hugs!"

"Oh god wait till you meet V, he has absolutely no sense of personal space once you pass his vibe check. Oh also Jimin, yup he's going to latch on to you, a parasite" he scrunches his nose as he says that, making you laugh.

"I can't wait, they sound very fun to be around!!"
Yoongi looks at you confused, "I'm literally warning you here" then shakes his head "kids nowadays scare me so much I swear to god"

"SIR I AM LITERALLY AN ADUL-" He pats your head, making you pause mid- sentence.

"A child" . You just sigh and accept it. "okay bye now" you say as you turn him a full 180 degrees making him face the stairs and step backwards into your house, shutting the door. You check the security camera out front to see how he reacts.

He turns back to see the locked door, makes the :] face, smiles and walks to the stairs. It makes you giggle, "cute" you mumble to yourself and go into your bedroom to rest.

You faceplant into the bed from how tired you are and instantly feel yourself drifting off to sleep.

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