43. With Me

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“Just happened to, yeah? Not like I asked you specifically. Not like you were leaning onto me the whole time as I had my arms wrapped around you. Not like you said my touch was soothing and you’d like me to keep touching you. Not like-”

“Oh god shut up DON’T SAY ALL THAT!!” you put your hand on his mouth to shush him as you’re embarrassed. You’re definitely red enough to give competition to Rudolph’s nose right now. You hadn’t expected him to switch up on you like that.

The last thing you feel before your brain short circuits is Yoongi’s smile against your hand.

He laughs softly, his voice a little deeper than usual as he takes your hand covering his mouth and moves it away as he holds it. He’s still smiling as he speaks again,

“Awe, did I embarrass you?” he teases.

“Oh shut up!” you pout.

“Make me, butterfly” he mumbles, now looking away from the road and at you. Your eyes widen as you hear that and you turn towards the window, looking outside.

Yes, pretend like you didn’t hear it and everything is way too interesting outside so you don’t have to answer

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Yes, pretend like you didn’t hear it and everything is way too interesting outside so you don’t have to answer. If you don’t acknowledge it, you don’t have to deal with it!!

That’s when you feel his soft fingertips, brushing your hair away from your face, tucking them behind your ear. “That’s what I thought” he mumbles.

You instinctively close your eyes for a quick second before opening them again, clearing your throat to bring yourself back to the current moment.

“Uh, so, what brings you here? I wasn’t expecting you to pick me up today, we had no such arrangement. Actually to be honest, I didn’t know you had a car in the first place, why were you in the bus last time then?”

He smirks, he can see through your attempt to change the topic. Thankfully he doesn’t push it.

"Well, Butterfly," he starts, his eyes glancing briefly at you before returning to the road, "I was on the bus because my car was at the repair shop. Just picked it up about an hour ago, and coincidentally, your university is on the way. Figured I'd give you a lift."

Surprised, you raise an eyebrow, "Wait, so Jin didn't send you?"

A playful glint dances in Yoongi's eyes as he responds, "Why would Jin send me?"

You shrug, "I thought maybe he wanted to get me home in time for the lunch plans or something."

A small frown tugs at Yoongi's lips, "Lunch plans? I didn't know about any lunch plans."

You feel a pang of guilt for assuming, but then Yoongi's expression shifts, and he pouts playfully, "Well, now that I know, I'm feeling a bit left out. Why wasn't I invited to this mysterious lunch? Unless it’s a date of course."

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