27. Recaps & Leftover Snacks

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"I must say though, I didn't expect Jin to know me so well!"

Jimin playfully rolls his eyes, "oh whatever". Making you both laugh again before you go pack up food to take it upstairs.

With your hands full of leftover food, you and Jimin make your way up to Jin's apartment. As you both step into the elevator, Jimin leans closer to you, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

"You know, Y/n, I can't help but notice how amazing your hair smells, which flavour is that? Coconut and vanilla?" he teases, his voice low and playful.

You blush, surprised by his remark. "How do you even know that?" you respond, a mixture of curiosity and amusement in your voice.

Jimin chuckles, his eyes twinkling. "Let's just say you like to cuddle when you're asleep, and I may or may not have had the pleasure of experiencing it firsthand."

Your eyes widen in surprise, your cheeks turning a shade of pink. "Nope. Just nope."

He laughs, but before Jimin can reply, the elevator doors slide open, revealing Jin standing at his apartment door. He spots the two of you and a wide grin spreads across his face.

"Y/n! Finally, you're here!" Jin exclaims, stepping forward and enveloping you in a warm hug. "I've missed you, cutie!"

You giggle, returning the hug. "Jin, you always know how to make me feel special. I missed you too!"

Jimin pouts playfully, crossing his arms. "Hey, I want a hug too! Don't leave me out, Jin."

Jin chuckles, releasing you and turning to Jimin. He pulls Jimin into a tight hug, patting his back affectionately. "Yeah, yeah, you jealous little boy. Here's your hug. Now everyone's happy."

Just then, Yoongi emerges from his bedroom and enters the drawing room. He spots you and a warm smile graces his face.

"I thought I heard Y/n's voice

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"I thought I heard Y/n's voice. Come here, you!" Yoongi says, pulling you into a gentle hug.

"Oooh more hugs."

"Me too, Yoongi Hyung!!" Jimin says with open arms. Yoongi gives him a double high five instead, "Nope."

"People keep saying that to me today" he shakes his head and giggles.

Jin takes charge of heating up the food, you offer to help him in the kitchen. He raises an eyebrow and shakes his head with a smile.

"No, no, Y/n. You're our guest, I've told you this before. I can't make you work. But how about you keep me company? Come, sit on the counter and tell me all about your day."

You smile gratefully at Jin's offer, follow him to the kitchen and hop onto the kitchen counter. You start recounting your day, starting with a classmate who had been 'flirting' with you.

"So, there's this guy in my class who started "flirting" with me. It was totally ridiculous because I had mentioned once that I found him cute, but I quickly clarified that I wasn't interested anymore cz he was a little brat. But he just wouldn't take that revision. Man wants to be on my "I find them cute" list! Worst part, he's my partner in sculpture, I HAVE TO SCULPT HIM" you groan, annoyed.

Jin chuckles, stirring a pot on the stove. "Ah, the classic case of someone who wants to be desired by everyone. And that means you have to look at him even more precisely. Yikes. I just know he's going to enjoy that class. Btw who else is on that list of yours?"

You nod in agreement at the first part, his question catching you off guard. You smile mischievously, and say, "I'll tell you what I told him, NUNYA BUSINESS."

He giggles, shaking his head. You continue with the next story.

"And then there's Bee, my uni best friend, who keeps teasing me about the two cars in my life. She's been joking about me to 'go get it girl' with these fancy rides."

Jin chuckles again, adding some seasoning to the dishes. "Well, Bee does have a vivid imagination. But trust me, cutie, no car can replace the bond we share. My car is just an added bonus" He winks playfully and makes you giggle.

Feeling at ease, you think about what more you can tell him. It's like having the non judgemental best friend you've craved all your life. You sigh happily and recall more from the day. You find comfort in his company, knowing that he's always there to lend a listening ear and be his cute, handsome, supportive self. Together, you create a sanctuary in the kitchen, where stories are shared, laughter echoes, and memories are forged.

"Oh, and you won't believe what my professor said in class today. He insisted that I should address him as 'Sir,' but everyone else should call him 'Mr. Kim.' It was so bizarre, but I was too scared to question it."

Jin raises an eyebrow, a mix of surprise and amusement on his face. "That's quite an odd request. Sounds like your professor has a unique sense of authority."

"I won't say authority since he said 'it's not as cute when they say it'" you giggle. He looks at you. "That sounds illegal." He smiles with raised eyebrows.

"That's where Bee would say 'it's not illegal, just frowned upon'" you say mimicking her and you both laugh.

Finally, you share the most recent event, your voice slightly lowering.

"And you know what? Jimin fell asleep in my bed during our nap earlier. Bee won't let me live it down, teasing me about cozy naps and whatnot."

Jin laughs, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "Ah, the joys of having friends who won't let you forget anything."

As you finish sharing the story about Jimin falling asleep in your bed, you notice a peculiar expression on Jin's face. His eyes sparkle mischievously, and a playful smile tugs at the corners of his lips.

"Jin, what's with that look? You seem to have something on your mind

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"Jin, what's with that look? You seem to have something on your mind."

Jin chuckles, a hint of mischief in his voice. "Oh, nothing much. I was just wondering what it's like to nap with you."

Your cheeks instantly flush, the unexpected comment catching you off guard. You playfully swat Jin's arm, trying to hide your embarrassment.

"Stobit. Stop teasing me like that."

Jin grins, his gaze warm and affectionate. "Can't help it, cutie. You her impossibly cute when you blush."

Quickly changing the subject, you ask Jin about the other friends joining the gathering.

"By the way, is Hobi going to join us tonight?"

Jin nods enthusiastically, a smile spreading across his face.
"Yes, Hobi will be here, and possibly V and Kookie too! They're all excited to meet you. We've been talking to them about having you around."

You can't help but feel a touch of nervousness as you respond.

"Oh, I hope they aren't disappointed. I'm just me, after all."

Jin's eyes soften, filled with reassurance.

"Trust me, Y/n, you could never disappoint. You have a way of lighting up a room and making everyone feel at ease. You're truly one of a kind, cutie."

Before you can respond, if you could even find the words to, the doorbell chimes, interrupting the conversation. A smile spreads across your face as you recognize the familiar voice.

"Oooh, Hobi's here!"

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