9. Sweet Treats

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Your phone goes off, you have a text. Then two more times. You ignore it for the time being, but Jin says "you should check, it could be important".

"Could be your boyfriend" Yoongi chimes in.

"I don't have a boyfriend" you reply, mostly still paying attention to the food you're very close to finishing.

"Girlfriend then?" he says.

"Nope, absolutely unlovable" you laugh, but they don't. Jin looks at you rather disapprovingly.

"Stop being rude to the baby" he says.

"Wait what baby" you're taken aback.

"You is the baby" Yoongi says, and Jin nods.

"Wait who decided that? I'm not a baby I'm a whole 21 years old"

"I'm 28" says Yoongi.

"29" says Jin.

"Ooookay then" you look down at your plate, smiling at the fact that these two handsome ass neighbours called you baby, even if it were to be in a protective sense.

"But come on guys, it was slightly funny" you say while finishing up.

"Nope, and everytime you make a self depricating joke, I'm gonna give you 3 compliments" says Jin.

"Wait why! 3 for 1 is absolutely not fair."

"Make it 5, I'll give you 2 compliments everytime too" Yoongi adds.

"Oh my god fiiinnee, I'll try to not make those jokes. jeezus" you finish your food and check your phone, it's bee asking you how lunch is going, and you immediately text her back about ANOTHER hot guy being here.

You don't realise you're giggling while texting her and when you look up from your phone, they're both looking at you curiously.

"Who got you smiling like that?" asks Jin.

"You're blushing, even your ears are turning red" adds Yoongi.

"N O" you say without even looking up as you describe cutie yoongs to bee.

You hear the doorbell ring and take the chance to avoid their questioning. "I'll get it" you almost sprint to the door and open it.

It's a very cute, handsome, pretty, and many other adjectives guy standing there. He looks up from his phone and makes eye contact. He has wavy platinum blond hair and his smile lights up the room.

"Oh hey, I probably have the wrong address, I'm so sorry! Have a nice d-"

Jin hears his voice, recognises him and calls out from inside. "It's the right address bish come on in"

You smile at this and step aside as you gesture at him to come in "this is Jin's place, I'm the neighbour".

Yoongi joins you at the door "damn I thought we were friends" he pretends to wipe away a fake tear and you shake your head, giggling "so dramatic"

"Oh hey new friend! I love friends!! The more the merrier" the new guy says as he steps in and wraps you in a hug. You freeze for a second as you weren't expecting that but his embrace is friendly, and warm, and comfortable, so you hug him back too.

Yoongi clears his throat, "uhm, that's a friend I've only known for an hour, Hobi" So that's his name, Hobi. Cute. He pulls away immediately "oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't even ask" you smile and blush, tucking your hair behind your ear. "oh no worries, it's alright."

"I'm Hoseok btw, nice to meet you. You can call me hobi" he smiles. "and this is y/n now back to food" Yoongi replies for you and pushes you both back into the dining room.

"I've known her for a whole 9 hours now and yet I'm the only one who hasn't gotten a hug. Wow" Jin says as you three walk back to the table. It makes you laugh.

"I didn't know you wanted a hug" you protest.

"What normal person wouldn't!" He pouts.

"Cute" you mumble. You all sit down at the table and Hobi sets a plate for himself.

"Can I get a hug if you happen to like the dessert?" Jin asks, his face is like a baby, innocent and honest. It makes your heart melt and you nod, "mhmm".

It's time for desserts and you're barely holding in the excitement. Jin brings out the deserts and it already smells amazing. He sets down a bowl of vanilla Crème Brûlée in front of you. You can't look away from it, it's so pretty and you can't wait to i n h a l e it.

"This is my current favourite dessert, enjoy kids" that's all the green signalling you need before you start eating

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"This is my current favourite dessert, enjoy kids" that's all the green signalling you need before you start eating. It melts in your mouth and you barely stop yourself from making very satisfied groans.

This dessert is making all of your organs happy at once, Jin giggles as he reads your expression. "I take it as a yes for the hug" he says, you since another bite into your mouth and nod excitedly. You notice there's only three of the Crème Brûlées and now there's four people.

You take a clean spoon and offer Hobi a bite. You expect him to take the spoon from you but he surprises everyone when he just eats off the spoon instead, essentially making you feed him.

His face is so close to your hand that your eyes widen and you blush. He notices that, smiles and holds the spoon too. Yoongi watches this and says "i can't even be mad at this because that was lowkey smooth" he says and you look away, catching Jin's gaze.

He waits till you're done eating and then stands up, seemingly excited as the smile doesn't leave his face. You take the cue and stand up too, walking up to him to hug him. But you just stand there looking up at him, almost paralysed by the proximity. Your stomach is doing cartwheels. Before it can get awkward, he wraps his arms around you.

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