8. Hopes and Dreams

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You unlock your door, walk in and tell him, "after those stairs, imma take 15" and close the door with a grin.

It takes you about 10 mins to push yourself up from the couch, and then an extra 10 to freshen up and change into a comfy black t-shirt with Deadpool boxers. You put your hair down after it being tied up all day, grab your phone and your keys and head to the elevator.

You see their door already open and Jin happily setting up the table, he looks at you and waves,

"come on in and shut the door after you". You nod and do so, walking in to put your phone and keys down.

"where's roomie?" you ask, looking around.

"Wooooow, I don't even get a hello?" he said and acts hurt.

"ou nooooooo, heyyyyy cutie, you know you're my favourite neighbour, right?"

You flash him a big smile. He hadn't expected you to do that and you kinda catch him off guard, he blinks a couple times and fumbles with his words before saying

"oh, well, I actually didn't know that. Thank you, uhm, for that" he says, still not making eye contact.

"Omo I broke Jinnie" you giggle.

He rolls his eyes to distract you from his blushing cheeks and tries to shoo you "go wake him up, and if you come back without him, no dessert for you. He's in the first room on the right, it says 'do not disturb' on the door"

"and you're sending me to disturb him????? Not fairrrr"

"Technicalities, child"

"If he yells at me, I'm 100% gonna cry tho"

you say as you find your way to go pick Yoongi up for lunch. You find the door with a poster on it, It is exactly what Jin described.

 You find the door with a poster on it, It is exactly what Jin described

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You sigh, then look at the door and decide to knock, no response. You knock a little louder this time, still nothing.

"Yoongi? It's time for lunch, Jin asked me to come get you" you say through the door. You hear some incoherent mumbling in response.

"As much as I wanna let you sleep, I really love dessert so you're gonna have to wake up. I'm coming in nowwww" you say loud enough as you try the door, and it's locked.

You sigh. Now you start knocking loudly.

"Mister McYoongles you better come out right now because I need my goddamn dessert" you yell through the door.

The doorknob clicks and turns, revealing a sleepy Yoongi with his eyes barely open. He tilts his head and looks at you, eyes still almost closed, smiles, and before you can smile back or say anything, he walks closer and plops his head down on your shoulder.

You're completely blank for a good minute, standing there, unable to think or move. Luckily, Seokjin comes looking for you both and finds you there like that, holds Yoongi by the shoulders, moves him away from you and jerks him awake.

"YOU BITCH-" he curses

Jin flicks him on the head "language"

"hyung you know I hate being woken up, whyyyy"

"You didn't look like you hated it when I got here"

"What are you even talking abo-" he stops mid sentence as he looks at you

"whoa you're real" he blurts out. That makes you laugh,

"mhmm, just as real as she was about half an hour ago" Jin tells him.

"Now tell me why you were all up in her personal space" he demands "it's been less than an hour since you met her"

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry y/n I honestly thought I was dreaming, I am truly sorry"

"Well damn, Nice to know you were dreaming about me lol"

you turn around as you suspect you're blushing, and start walking back towards the dining room and grab both the men by their sleeves and they let you

"come on boys, I'm r e a l l y hungry. Also, technically I did wake him up so I still get dessert"

"no he was very much asleep before I literally shook him out of it. MANS THOUGHT HE WAS DREAMING"

"B-But dessert" you put your best puppy face in and look up at Jin.

He looks at you, smiles and looks away, sitting you down in one of the chairs "aiisshh this kid. I didn't say no dessert I just said I'm the one who woke him up."

"very rudely so, if I may add" Yoongi says.

"no you may not" Jin says, making you laugh as Yoongi scrunches his nose.

He's so cute when he does that. You realise it's actually the first time you've seen his hair, it's silvery grey with darker roots, it suits him, you catch yourself smiling and bring yourself back to reality.

You wait for Jin to start eating and then dig in like you haven't eaten in a week. You're eating the best food you've tasted in a while and you don't care what you look like while you do so.

Your phone goes off in lil vibrations, you have a text. Then two more times. You ignore it for the time being, but Jin says

"you should check, it could be important".

"Could be your boyfriend" Yoongi chimes in.

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