20. Boy Next Bench

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You feel someone tap on your shoulder so you turn to look at them.

It's Taehyung.

And he's closer than he's supposed to be. You subconsciously lean backwards and he speaks,

“You seem to be very preoccupied. Didn't you say you needed to come out on top or something?”

He's right. But he's not in a position to be saying that to you. So you smirk and lean back closer,

“Awe, are you jealous that YOU can’t be on top of your grades and on top of hot people both at once?”

He did not expect you to reply like that, neither did Bee judging from her jaw on the floor. He narrows his eyes and studies your face for a second. Then he smirks,

“You're lucky you're cute.”

He then smiles and goes back to his seat. That's when the bell rings. You look at Bee and she’s covering her mouth with her hand, then before going back to her seat she quickly whispers in your ear.

“He thinks you're cute!!”

You roll your eyes at her, then sit up straight and greet the teacher. Classes mostly go by swiftly. You feel your phone buzz so you very carefully take it out, seeing Jimin’s text.

C: What cuisine are we feeling for lunch? I know your favourites are either Indian or Italian

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C: What cuisine are we feeling for lunch? I know your favourites are either Indian or Italian.

Y: I thought we were ordering in!

C: That was before I’d met you and realised how hard it is not to be constantly thinking about you.

Y: Flattery. Cute. But really we can order in you don't have to make a whole trip for food.

C: Not just food, I'm picking you up too.

Y: You really don't have to, Chim.

C: Your uni falls on my route from my office to your place. Just tell me baby, I want you to have a good time.

Y: ok ok fine I'm actually feeling maybe pizzas or like a creamy mushroom alfredo. Surprise me!

C: You got it, cutie. I’ll see you after uni, X.

Y: Excited! X.

You smile and look back up, relieved that the teacher is actually still explaining the same topic. You patiently wait for this class to end, already excited for Art History next. The bell rings and Bee is at your desk.

“Do you think Taehyung is into you? I think he's into you!”

You roll your eyes playfully. “Maybe. I don't care really I'm not into him.”

“Whyyyy you said he's cute”

“Yes but he's being a little brat.”

You say loud enough for him to hear. He does, and then he smirks.

“Apparently there's only room for one and Ms. Y/n has filled that spot already.” He says, not even looking up.

You look at Bee. “See, that is what I'm talking about.” She's giggling, clearly having fun.

“Ok Bee, I need to go to class now it's up in the Art Studio!”

“Oooooh hot professor time, is it!”

You turn around immediately as you feel something get close to you. Taehyung pulls out some small yarn thingy from your hair.


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“Of course, shortcake. Can't let you go in front of your crush like that.”

“He's not my crush. Hold up, what did you just call me?”

“So that position is open then?”

“No. Yes. Wait. Wait what” he has successfully confused you.

He smiles, confirming that that’s exactly what he meant to do. He boops your nose, says “cute” and then walks away.

Bee is giggling, watching this exchange. “This bitch.” you exclaim at him as he leaves. You gather your things. “You know what, I’m actually not even going to question it.”

“What's there to question, he thinks you're cute” Bee says loudly as you start to walk away. You turn around, walking backwards and shouting back at her “ABORT MISSION” before you turn around and walk away.

Finding your way to the elevator and checking your watch. You’re 2 mins away from the class and 1 min away from the bell. Shit. You start to brisk walk towards the elevator.

“Hold it please!” you call out as you see the doors about to close. Right then, the person from inside the elevator stops it from closing and you run inside. Looking up you say, “thank y-”

It’s Mr. Kim.

“Th-thank you Sir.”

He smiles and nods. Holy cannoli. These dimples will land you in hell and honestly, you wouldn't even mind.

“We’ve gotta stop meeting like this, Miss y/n.”

You smile before you can even realise it. Looking up.

“I'm not such awful company, sir.” You smile and look back down.

He laughs. “Quite the contrary, y/n.”
You look up, but you don't ask what he meant by that. The elevator stops and he motions at you. “Ladies first”

You comply and without a word start walking in front of him. You clicked last time. But knowing he's a teacher makes it awkward. Also feels illegal for some reason. As you reach the door of the classroom, you look back at him.

“See you on the other side.”

He smiles and nods. You push the door open and enter, taking your usual seat. Direct line of sight from the teacher’s desk.

This subject has started to seem more interesting overnight. Shocker.

He starts talking attendance for the class. You mentally prepare yourself so you can say “present, sir” and not SQUEAK in front of the whole class. But you don't have to. As he takes attendance and reaches your name, he goes about it something like this


“present sir”


“Yes sir”

Then he looks up and makes eye contact with you, smiling.

“miss y/n is here. Okay, Z?"

“yes sir!”

It leaves you thinking to yourself. That's gotta be just like a one time special attention, right?

Wow. He's also pretty cute with the smile. Fucking dimples. Should be illegal.

You refocus on the class and the lesson, trying not to lose your train of thought everytime you lock eyes with him.

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