17. Fancy Coffees

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*Loud phone ringing*


"Idk what you just said but that was not a greeting."

If it isn't the Infamous Twin Eric.

You sit up still 75% asleep.

"I said hello. What happened why are you calling at the ass crack of dawn."
You hear him chuckle.

"Wake up sleepyhead it's 7:00. The sun is out, asscrack and all"

"Uggghhhh fine but why are you calling me!!!"

"That's no way to treat your brother now tsk. Okay sooo you remember how as teenagers we always only dreamt of going to sick parties and never actually went?"

"mmmhhmnnm" you reply, still more asleep than awake.

"And you remember how I was friends with this really cool senior at school that you had a major crush on?"

"Have." You reply, still on autopilot. Then realisation hits that very second and you sit up alert, fully opening your eyes.


"Wait what"

"What, nothing."

"No you said something"

"No I didn't, just tell me what you were saying about Jackson"

"Who? I'm talking about Seunie"

"Yes you little shit, his actual name is Jackson."

You hear him huff. "Well okay you bigger shit, I found out that he goes to your uni."

"Excuse me???"

"You're excused. And turns out he's hosting one of his famous parties this weekend"


"I just said you're excused well anyways I have an invite and a +1 so if you're fre-"


"Wow that was easy."

"Yes. Text me dress code and time I need to sleep a little more before school okay loveyabye"

"You lazy ass. Love you too bye"

Back to sleep. Like it never happened. Like it's all a dream.

You wake up with your 7:45 alarm after cursing at your 7:15 and 7:30 alarms. You drag yourself out and go stand under a cold shower to wake yourself up. After, as you're in the middle of brushing, your doorbell rings and you open the door.

Bad. Shouldn't have.

Jin is stood there, looking as mesmerizing as always, holding two cold coffees

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Jin is stood there, looking as mesmerizing as always, holding two cold coffees. Fancy ones, with whipped cream and stuff. Your instant reaction is to just walk away. Flight is the response. Okay. You go into the bathroom and wash your mouth out. Then you peek your head out and Jin is still standing at the door, looking at you for permission.

"Please come in! Sit at the table I'll be right there."

"Good morning to you too, sunshine"

"Yes yes good morning! You caught me off guard okay that's on you" you reply as you approach the dining table, very careful about your bathrobe so you keep standing instead of taking a seat.

"I'm sorry if this is a bad time. But I remember you leave around 8:15 ish so I wouldn't have had time to meet you otherwise. I didn't want to wake you up too early so I only came after I heard you sing in the shower."

"Ohmygod I'm never singing again" you immediately hide your face in your palms.

You feel his fingers lace with yours as he moves your hand away.

"No please don't be embarrassed. You're really good, it was like a whole concert"

He hasn't let go of your hand AND he's complimenting you. "Oh I'm soooo dead." You mumble to yourself.

He smiles, amused (still holding your hand btw, just as delicate as it is desiring)

"What happened cutie, you alright?" he pauses for a second. Turns your hand that he's holding, bringing it closer to his face. You feel his breath on your wrist and pray to God you do not immediately have goosebumps.

"Oh, it's that sweet treats perfume again" He pulls you closer by your hand to take it in better.

He stands up and you subconsciously take a step back to accommodate his height. He leans in closer, almost hugging you but not quite, he takes a deep breath again.

"Wh-what are you doing?" you mutter, barely louder than a whisper.

"I can't decipher it. One is vanilla but there's something with it, what is that."

He doesn't realise that before he finds the second note your heart is going to burst in your chest.

In your effort to stop him from getting any closer, you put your hand on his chest and whisper ever so soft, "Seokjin"

He looks down at your hand on his chest, then up at your flushed nervous face, and it clicks for him.

"Oh god fuck I'm so sorry!!"

He immediately backs away, a little too far away in your opinion.

"I, I was distracted. Didn't notice. I'm so sorry." He reiterates as you don't reply yet.

"I didn't mean to scare you y/n, really." He continues due to your lack of response.

You shake your head and he stops. "What's wrong?" he says softly, as if he's scared he'll accidentally hurt you by a couple unintentionally wrong words.

"You didn't scare me" you mumble, slightly louder than the whisper but still not in your whole voice.

"You looked scared, still do, your face is all red" he mumbles back, matching your voice. That makes you smile and you shake your head.

"It's called blushing. Look it up. And you start drinking, also stay right here I have to get dressed for school but you can keep talking to me, it'll take like five minutes" you tell him as you walk into your room and see him nod and wave as you wave back and lock the door.

First thing you check is your face as you mumble to yourself

"That's a lot of colour."

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