16. Malfunction

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You both get off the elevator and Jimin is standing there waiting for you. Seeing your hands empty he takes it as a perfect opportunity to hug you again.

"You were right. It is cold" he mumbles, smiling as you hug him back.

You all go in, the boys are excited to see the lil dessert and you're excited to see their reactions to it.

You take one off the tray and offer it to Jin. Instead of taking it from you, he eats it straight from your hand.

Error: Malfunction

To say his lips are soft is an understatement and to say you're doing just fine is an oversight. You would think he did not notice if you hadn't caught the ever so slight smirk from this man as he tastes it.

"Oh that is wonderful I love it y/n, good job" he pats your head, you smile even though inside you're dying.

And Hobi notices. While everyone's tasting the mini bites, he leans closer and whispers, "your face is all red"

You turn away and shove a treat in your mouth so you do not have to talk about it, and just shake your head instead.

This makes him laugh and he calls you cute before going to taste more, Jin gets closer and whispers, "too much?".

You still can't speak and just shake your head again. He smiles and pats your head. Then your back, and the touch lingers at the back of your waist till he fully moves away to concentrate on the treats.

You're praying to all the gods that no one noticed, but Jimin does. He half smiles half smirks, there's this mixture of expressions on his face that you can't quite place, like an oxymoron, like jealousy and satisfaction intertwined the way wired headphones do in your bag. It's difficult to separate it but it's there alright.

Your brain and your heart both can't take it anymore and you decide to give them a rest for the night. Gathering the courage that you need around these gorgeous men, you speak up after your blush settles,

"Boys I think I should call it a night, it's late and I have classes tomorrow."

Yoongi sighs defeated. I do not understand modern education."

"I do not understand. period." Jimin adds, making all of you chuckle.

You look at Jin and he mumbles, loud enough for you all to hear, "I have no think".

It only adds to your laughter and you start gathering your things to finally go home for the night. You turn back to these boys when you're at the door, smiling and thanking Jin for the food.

He approaches you and gives you a brief but cozy hug making you smile big. Then Jimin follows, Hobi peels Jimin off of you to get his turn. You laugh as you hug him back and he rubs your back just a tiny bit. Yoongi seems to have been waiting the longest, just looking at you smiling.

You stretch your arms out in his direction, he scrunches his nose and walks right in. He whispers "cute" under his breath and squeezes you in his embrace for a quick second before releasing you.

"I'm dropping you off"

"To the floor right downstairs?" you say as you put your shoes on. Yoongi also does.

"Yes. I'm not asking" he says. Jimin whistles in the background. "Hyung is going for protective hot neighbour let's goooo!"

All of you find it funny except Yoongi. He just shakes his head and you can tell he's trying his best not to crack a smile. You take the chance and add, "he's very successful if that's the case".

That makes him give in and smirk. You wave to the other three boys as the elevator closes with you and Yoongi inside.

"So you think I'm hot?" he takes one second to get there.

What is it with you and men in elevators asking you if you think they're hot.

You try your best to not blush, as if it's a thing you can control. "come on don't act like you don't know that already!"

He smiles, turns fully to face you so his back is to the elevator door. "I wanna know what you think"

He says as he keeps eye contact throughout. The elevator voice announces you've reached and the doors start to open. You think you've dodged it but he starts to walk out the elevator backwards, still looking at you. You get off as well.

"I'm pretty sure you also know what I think."

Another attempt at dodging the question. You've stopped looking at him because he refuses to look away. You concentrate on unlocking the door. He leans on the doorframe.

"Come on princess, I wanna hear you say it."

You did NOT see that coming. And your brain refuses to co-operate. The keys slip through your shivering fingers, but he catches them for you.

"Cute" he says. You enter the door and speedily blabber


And you shut the door. Heart go boom boom. You watch him through the camera, smiling at how nervous he made you before he walks away. Cheeky lil devil. He knows exactly what he's doing.

You go to the washroom to get ready for bed and catch your reflection in the mirror. Yup, as you suspected, red in the face. You point at your own reflection

"You. Cannot. Be. Going. Around. Falling. In. Love. With. Everyone."

As soon as you lay in bed, the memory foam seems to embrace you. It reminds you of Jimin. You've only met him once but you miss him already. He feels like home. And with these thoughts you fall asleep holding your bolster close tightly.

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