7. Neighbour's Roomie

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B- Didn't he say he wasn't offering, but TELLING you to?

Y- Okay fair enough, i guess I'll text him. I'm about to reach the bus stop anyway

B- Okay good luck ily baiiiiii

You heart react to her last text and open your contacts to find Jin. You see he saved his number as "Jinnie 👨🏻‍🍳" and it makes you smile. You feel the person in the next seat getting even more comfortable. You sit up straight so it's easier for the person and get back to texting Jin.

Y- Hey, this is y/n. Just texting to tell you I'm one stop away from home. Will reach in 10-15 mins at best. And you can still cancel, it's not too late.

He replies after 3 mins,

J- Sorry what was that, couldn't hear you over the sounds of me cooking an amazing lunch for a girl who thinks I'm cute.

His response makes you smile and shake your head.

Y- You're not gonna let that go, are you?

J- Nope, i like it. Oh fyi, my roommate might be joining us, he said 10 mins ago that he's on the way. Hope you're okay with that.

Y- I'm fine with it, i hope they don't find me too weird lol

J- He won't because you aren't, he's barely awake anyway. He's kinda quiet and reserved.

Y- That's not a problem. I'm about to reach the stop, see you soon!

You see the stop rolling closer so you gently try to wake the person up.

"hey, hi, sorry, it's my stop I need to get off, so sorry to wake you!"

you try speaking softly cz he's just waking up, blinking to adjust to the light of the outside world. He sits up straight, looks at you and realises he was using you as his pillow

"oh, I'm sorry, i didn't realise i was leaning on you"

"No worries, you seemed tired, it's alright."

"Wait is this the Ring Road Stop?"

"Yes. Do you get off here as well?"

"Yes! I would've missed my stop if you weren't here. Thank you, again."

"Oh it's alright. Glad it worked out for you" you smile and start to get off the bus, followed by the guy.

He doesn't say anything more, just nods and kind of smiles, you guess by how his eyes go small. You don't exchange words but seem to be walking in the same direction for the next couple minutes. He breaks the awkward silence,

"are you also going to Persona Apartment Complex?"

"yes! Do you happen to live there as well?"

"mhmm. I just moved in yesterday, and you?"

"I moved in last weekend!" you start to smile, happy that you have another normal neighbour unlike the kind your mom warned you about.
You are walking together towards the elevator when the security guard tells you it's out of order for a scheduled maintenance check. You thank him and look at the new neighbour.

"I think I'm gonna pass out. No way I'm taking that many stairs"

You chuckle, "come on, not like staying here is an option! It could be hours."

You start getting up the first flight of stairs and look back to see him climb just three. You look at him and say loud enough for him to hear,

"hey neighbour, last one to the top is a rotten egg" and you start to run up the stairs.

"Oh no you DID NOT" he says as he starts chasing after you, running on the stairs as well. You laugh and speed up even more, and right as you climb your floor, you bump face first into someone's chest. You're about to fall back from the impact but they hold you and pull you aside.

"WHY ON EARTH ARE YOU RUNNING" you look up at Jin, clearly more stressed about you getting hurt than himself. You smile
"oh thank God, it was you!! Sorry tho, i didn't mean to hurt you".

"I'm okay bub, I'm stronger than you think. I heard the elevator was out of order and was just coming to check if you were here and needed help with the backpack. Now back to the question, why on earth were you run-"

Before he finishes the sentence, the other neighbour reaches your floor as well, gasping for air, breathing heavy and he says "i may be a rotten egg but I'm a dead one at that". You chuckle and stick your tongue out at him for a sec.

"I win" you say to him, and he takes off his mask to breathe better. Oh, my god. He's SO CUTE. He's got a lil baby face that does NOT match his sleepy voice and his gummy smile just makes you smile harder.

"yeah yeah you win, but also I'm old so no fair"

Jin, who has been watching this exchange, and saw your expression change says,

"I didn't know you guys knew each other"

"we don't. All i know is that he's a rotten egg"

He shakes his head as you laugh again, "hey don't say that, i slept with you, how can you not know me!! I'm hurt" he pretends to clutch his chest

"SIR- you slept on a stranger's shoulder. You're lucky I'm a nice person-"

"okay okay that's it kids" Jin steps between the two of you.

You look up at him and mumble "I'm not a kid". He hears you and boops your nose, "and I'm not handsome".

You scrunch your nose and keep looking at him, "but you are tho".

He Giggles, "exactly."

"How do you know her though?" the neighbour asks Jin

"well she told me she thinks I'm cute" Jin says to him.

"Hey that is not how it went at all. He invited me for coffee and breakfast and then ran after me all the way down to the ground floor using stairs just to get my number!"

The neighbour laughs looking back and forth between the two of you. "Hello, I'm Yoongi, the roommate. Nice to meet you" he holds his hand out for you to shake.

You smile and take it, shake his hand and say "y/n, enchanté".

He smiles, "so I assume you're the neighbour we are going to have lunch with?"

You look at Jin for confirmation and he nods. "Yup, she's the one. Now go freshen up and meet us upstairs in 5" he says to you.

You unlock your door, walk in and tell him, "after those stairs, imma take at least 15" and close the door with a grin.

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