Dumbass James

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It was June 30th. All the adults(including Draco, Astoria, Neville, and Hannah)had plans for the night so Teddy and Victoire were supposed to be watching Dominique, Louis, Molly II, Lucy, Fred II, Roxanne, Rose, Hugo, James, Albus, Lily, Scorpius, Alice, and Frank at the Potter's house. It was around 8:00 pm. Vic and Teddy were cuddling on the couch, Dom was singing karaoke with Lily II, Alice II, and Lucy, Molly II was fiddling with her rubix cube, Rose and Scorpius were cuddling while Scorpius was reading a book to Rose, Louis was filming a tiktok(they have phones), and when no one was looking, Frank went to steal delicious alcohol from the bar area. With everyone running around doing what they were doing, that left Fred II, James II, Hugo, and Roxanne the perfect cover to do something stupid.

So they(James)decided to sneak into Harry's study. The plan was that James and Fred II would slip into his study while Hugo kept Vic and Teddy distracted, and if Teddy and Vic did notice they were gone, Roxanne would be guarding the door. At first, James and Fred II were just digging around a bunch of old junk for a while but then a bright flash of golf caught Fred II's eye."James look what I found"! said Fred II digging through the stack of old auror papers to see what it was.

James almost sprinted across the room to see what his cousin had found."Holy Merlin! Is that..."? James asked going off track with his words."A time turner". said Fred II finishing for him. Outside the study, Hugo was doing his best to keep Vic and Teddy busy but they quickly figured out what he was up to.

They began walking towards the study which they noticed Roxanne was standing in front of. She quickly knocked on the door twice: the"get your weak asses outta there as quick as possible or y'all will be grounded for the rest of the century"knock. James and Fred II quickly stopped admiring the time turned and snapped their heads towards the door."Oh shit we better get out of here"! James said. They quickly hurried to push Harry's desk from the window which they could climb out of.

Meanwhile outside the study, Teddy and Vic quickly approached the door with their arms crossed."Roxanneeeee". said Teddy with annoyance in his voice."Teddyyyyy". responded Roxanne with the same tone as Teddy. Teddy lightly shoved her out of the door way and opened up the door to see James and Fred II halfway out the window."JAMES SIRIUS POTTER"!!! Teddy yelled when he saw the shiny time turner dangling out of James's hand.

When he heard Teddy yelling at him he got startled and jumped back from the window, which made the time turner slip from his hands and shatter as it hit the floor. In all the commotion, everyone else in the house scurried to see what happened and we're all crowding around the study door."Oh shit". Teddy said. Before anyone could say quidditch, they were all sucked up in a blinding
flash of light.

(A/N: heyyy people. this ain't my first fanfic btw but my old acc got banned along w all my works so take this and be happy also i just started doing this new story where i only take yalls requests and write them im doing anything within the harry potter universe so if y'all could pls check that out that would be amazing thank you all)

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