Drink or Dare

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(A/N: so this chapter is gonna be more of the girls pov)

The girls were all in they're room painting they're nails along with Hermione and Ginny when they heard something along the lines of "ATTACK THE MAN CAVE BURN IT TO THE GROUND" and "FOR LA RÈVOLUTION"."Those dumbasses are probably playing war again". said Rose while rolling her eyes.

"So. In the future, who's the minister of magic"? asked Hermione."Take a wild guess. It's a girl by the way". responded Rose."Parvati Patil"? "No". "Padma Patil"? "Nope"."Cho Chang"? "Niet". "Fleur Delecor"? "Bù"."Hannah Abbot"? "Non". "Pansy Parkinson"? "Nein". "Angelina Johnson"? "Óchi". "Katie Bell"? "Níl" "Alicia Spinnet"? "Aniyo". "Luna Lovegood"? "Ne". "Ginny Weasley"? "Ingen". "Me"? "FINALLY MOM YES THAT TOOK FAR TOO FUCKING LONG" said Rose."Wowwww I'm seriously the minister? Cool". said Hermione."So Rose, are your grades good"? asked Hermione."Obviously mom I'm top of my class in nearly every subject exepet for potions, divination, and defense against the dark arts only because Scorpius beats me out in potions and defense against the dark arts and divination is a pointless subject so I don't take it". "I have taught you well my child". said Hermione proudly.

"Let me guess. Based on the looks of your brothers I'm going to guess that James is my problem child, Albus is the black sheep, and your my favorite". said Ginny."Pretty much". said Lily II."So what's my job then"? "I won't be as cruel as Rose. You were the seeker for the Holyhead Harpies until you retired a few years ago and started a job working for the daily prophet in the quidditch column". said Lily II."Nice". replied Ginny.

"Do you guys drink"? asked Dominique."What in the fucking hell of course not"! said Hermione."Seriously? In the future, people start drinking fire whisky at age 11". said Dominique."I could really go for a fire whisky right about now". said Lucy."Me too. Hey Aunt Ginny, do you know where Sirius keeps his alcohol"? asked Dominique."In the kitchen third cabinet to the left"."Thanks". Dominique went downstairs to get the fire whisky. She didn't have to be cautious since she was 19."I got da whiskyyy". said Dominique.

"Sweet. Wait I got an idea. How about we play drink or dare"? asked Alice II."Sound fun. Who want to go first"? asked Victoire who was pouring everyone shots."I will. I'm ain't afraid". said Roxanne boldly."Alright then. Roxanne, drink or dare"? asked Victoire."Obviously dare". replied Roxanne."Ok then. I dare you to kiss your brother on the lips". said Victoire."Wut the fuck that's fucking weird Vic". said Roxanne."What happened to"I ain't afraid""? said Victoire smirking."Fine". Roxanne got up and walked to the other room. Everyone looked outside the door to try to see what was going on. At first all they heard was "Hey Roxy guess what"? But then all of a sudden they heard "WHAT THE FUCK ROXANNE IM YOUR TWIN BROTHER THAT IS FUCKING WEIRD". Roxanne ran outta the boys room so fast that the girls started laughing by how fast she ran away from her brother."Lucy, drink or dare"? "Drink. Gimme a shot of happiness". replied Lucy as Victoire handed her a shot. She drank it all in one second which made Ginny and Hermione gasp.

"Okay now Rose, drink or dare". asked Lucy. "Dare". "I dare you to tell me a truth. Have you and Scorpius ever fucked"? asked Lucy with the biggest smirk ever on her face."Um. Yeah". said Rose who was turning a bright shade of pink."Pay up ladies". said Lucy holding her hands out for money."Ugh. Seriously Rose! I bet 20 galleons that you would have more common sense and do it in 6th year"! said Lily upsettingly handing over all the money she had in her pocket."Actually according to statistics most humans lose they're virginity by the time they are 15 years old. Yeah that's right I bet yall forgot I was the daughter of Percy fucking Weasley bitches". said Lucy.

"My turn girlie. Molly, drink or dare"? asked Rose."Dare". "I dare you to tell kreture that you love him". said Rose. Molly II went downstairs and opened the door to the house elves quarters."Oh Kreture! Kreture! My love for you can't wait no more". said Molly II."Wut the fuck". said Kreture."Oh Kreture! I love you! I have always loved you! Ever since I saw you for the first time 2 days ago I have loved you! And I shall love you until the end of time"! said Molly II. She then walked away and Kreture just had a look on his face that expressed what in fucking merlin's shit was that all about in about a thousand different ways. All the girls were dying of laughter from upstairs."Oh shut up". said Molly II.

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