i cant think of a title so we'll call this chapter mostly random filler fluff

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Molly I took Rose, Lucy, Victoire, Dominique, Molly II, Lily II, Alice II, and Roxanne, into Regulus Black's old bedroom and conjured up 8 beds for them to sleep in even though the room was jam packed with beds by the time she was done. Meanwhile, Remus took Louis, Fred II, James II, Frank II, Albus, Teddy, Scorpius, and Hugo up to Sirius's old bedroom and did the same."Okay men. We are stuck in a long long time ago with no way to get back to our time. So I say we form a brotherhood. No girls. Just us men". said James once they got situated."James I am your brother did you forget"? asked Albus.

"Yes I did but I mean like an alliance for us Weasley-Potter-Longbottom-Malfoy boys. We shall call this room the King James Sirius Potter II man cave". said James."Why does it have to be named after you"? asked Hugo."Because I was the one who proposed the idea. Now if you don't wanna be in this elite brotherhood then you can gladly leave this man cave and I will personally make sure you don't step a foot in again". said James. No one left."Alright now repeat the sacred oath after me: I, say your full name, hereby declare that I shall be loyal and faithful to the brotherhood of King James Sirius Potter II. This shall include not setting a foot into the girls room, defending our man cave at all costs, and when his majesty King James Sirius Potter II asks to me do something I shall do it to the best of my abilities. If I fail to do these tasks, I shall be shunned out of the brotherhood of King James Sirius Potter II". said James.

"I, say your full name, hereby declare that I might possibly be loyal and faithful to the brother, cousin, friend hood of King James Sirius Potter II. This shall include not setting a toe into the girls room, defending this bedroom at all costs, and when his dumb arse majesty King James Sirius Potter II asks to me do something I shall do it to the best of my abilities maybe. If I fail to perform these things I will be very happy". said everyone in unison."Oi you know what I mean you bloody dumbasses now say the oath"! said James. They all said it seriously this time."Good. Now welcome my brothers to the brotherhood of King James Potter II". said James."Only one of us is your actual brother your majesty". said Albus.

"Alright my future grandchildren, good night"."Goodnight grandma Molly". said everyone(idk why but me typing this makes me feel like they're in a cult or something).

It was nearing midnight when Rose decided she wanted to go sleep with Scorpius. So she tiptoed out of the bedroom nearly crashing onto Lucy at one point, and snuck into the boys room. She was halfway down the hall when she bumped into a tall familiar male figure."Teddy"? asked Rose."Rose? What are you doing up so late"? "Um..just getting some water". said Rose making up a quick lie."Don't lie to me young lady, you were gonna sneak into our room and sleep with your boyfriend". said Teddy with a smirk nearly identical to James's."Well what were you doing up then"? asked Rose."Erm..getting water". said Teddy nervously."No I bet you were going to our room to sleep with Victoire". said Rose."Fine. How about we just go our separate ways and never talk about this again"? asked Teddy."Alright. Goodnight then". As Teddy and Rose turned to go into the rooms they bumped into another male figure coming from the boys room.

"Ugh. Albusss". said Rose groaning as she looked sleepily at her cousin."Oh. Hey guys I was just going to go get some water". said Albus."Your about 2 minutes too late Al. We know you're going to go sleep with Alice"."Okay. Fine. I was gonna go sleep with her. If this information leaves any of your lips, I will personally hex you into the next century. So watch your mouths you two". said Albus."Yeah yeah Al just go sleep with your girlfriend already". said Teddy."Aren't you going to do the same thing"? "No. She's my FIANCÉ. Not girlfriend". said Teddy grinning."Whatever. Goodnight you idiots". said Rose."Night Rosie"."Goodnight". They went to they're separate rooms.

"Morning Hugh, Louis, Freddie, Rose, Scorp...wait...ROSE GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR ROOM THIS IS OUR MAN CAVE NOT THE WOMAN CAVE SO GO BACK TO YOUR ROOM AND SCORP IF YOU THINK ABOUT SETTING ONE FOOT INTO THE GIRLS ROOM YOU WILL BE SHUNNED OUT OF THE MAN CAVE FOR LIFE". said James."Fine, I was just leaving". said Rose."Also where the hell did Ted and Al go"? "Might wanna start the shunning dudes". said Rose with a smirk on her face."I'm going to kill those idiots". said James. He marched over to the girls bedroom carful not to step in it.

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