Home Again

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Tonks and Teddy walked over to the vault attempting to be discrete and Tonks stood over Teddy while he typed in the access code to get in."Mkay mkay, 5.......7.......1.......9 oops wrong number gotta start again. He said nervously disguised as minister fudge. It took him a few more nervous tries but he typed in the correct code and the vault door unlocked. It was a thick metal door with dozens of bolts bolted to the sides and protected by several protection charms so no one could ever attempt to bust down the door if they wanted.

"Shall we go in"? asked Teddy."You go in, I'll stand guard out here". said Tonks."Alright. Knock on the door 5 times to let me know if theres anyone out there ok"? "Ok". Teddy walked into the vault only to see 10 glass boxes protected with several defense charms to keep people from breaking them.

He took out his wand and slowly undid each protection spell on the boxes. 10 minutes go by and Teddy's in the middle of undoing the charms on the fourth box when all of a sudden he hears 5 knocks on the metal door and immediately stopped what he was doing.

{Tonks pov)

So I was just minding my own damn business trying to act normal and not extremely drunk when the fucking minister for magic walked up to me. Oh yeah I'm dressed as the head auror. "Afternoon Mr. Gresten". said Minister Fudge to me."Uh, a-afternoon Fudge sir". I said while trying to remember if this was still the painting of him or the actual real life imbecile version of him.

I stealthily gave 5 knocks on the door to tell future son that fudge was outside the door."So did you hear about that meeting meltdown with Director Rothenburg? I heard it she kept babbling nonsense for like 10 minutes, had a staring contest with the painting of me in the meeting hall, and kept going off topic". said Fudge."Oh heh yeah I heard about that". I said trying to keep my cover."So uh why are you standing out here I thought you had a ton of paperwork to catch up on"? "Uh I got that done a little while ago. I just wanted to go for a short walk around the office to stretch my legs". I said making up a very fake excuse.

"Alright Henry. If your finished with your walk now, would you like to come to my office for biscuits and tea"? asked Fudge. Fuck. I was pretty hungry seeing as I hadn't had lunch yet and it was already like 2:42. But if I leave there would be no one to watch my future son if something goes wrong with the plan. You know what screw this I'm hungry as hell and the biscuits fudge has are rumored to have pot in them😏."Yes of course sir I'd love to". I replied."Great. Follow me".

{back to 3rd person pov}

Fudge walks with Tonks disguised as the head auror down to his office on the first floor. When they get there he pulls out a chair for Tonks to sit on."Thanks sir". Tonks said nervously. Fudge pushed a silver platter filled with biscuits on them. Tonks grabbed one and ate it. After around 10 minutes she had eaten 4 biscuits and was starting to feel kinda funny. Fudge on the other hand like the human pig he is ate 11 biscuits and was now just sitting in his chair staring at the ceiling and mumbling random nonsense.

meanwhile back in the vault...

Teddy waited 3 minutes to see if anyone was gonna come in the vault or not and after that he got up and did exactly what he was doing before. By now he had around 8 time turners in his briefcase and was working on the 9th. All of a sudden he heard a massive klunk on the metal door and froze. He stepped outside for a mere moment to see what was going on and noticed Tonks had bumped up against the door and was laughing about god knows what to herself."Heyyyyyy". Tonks slurred.

"oh fuck mom are you drunk again"? asked Teddy shaking his head in a disapproving dad way. He smelled his moms breath and noticed the slight smell of pot on it."Jesus did you seriously get high??? While we're in the middle of stealing 10 timeturners"??!??! said Teddy."Sure sure whatever by the end of the day you won't be around to do that thing with that round thing on your neck". said Tonks as Teddy was still shaking his head."Oh also I ran off from sweet yummy melty dessert while he was  singing karaoke to Whitney Huston songs and by the time he's done with I have nothing he's gonna realize I'm gone so finish up quickly with those charms and turn yourself back into that weird assistant you were pretending to be before so we can get going". said Tonks.

"Alright help me so it'll be faster". said Teddy. They walked back into the vault and began undoing the protection charms again. They put the last one in the briefcase just as soon as they heard fudge singing "don't you dare walk away from meeee"."Oh shit he's close go outside" said Teddy nervously as he morphed back into Patrick Abrahams. He and Tonks quickly walked out of the vault, closed the door and pretended to just be walking by eachother just as soon as fudge walked by.

"omg heyyy henry I was wondering where you went do you want more yummy cookies? Oh patty cakes your here too do you want some yummy cookies"? asked fudge who was clearly high as the fucking sky."Uh sure". said Teddy knowing he can't exactly refuse the minister of magic.

(20 minutes later)

Teddy and Tonks are sitting back in their chairs staring at the ceiling zonked out of their minds while Fudge was singing more Whitney Huston. Just then a security officer runs into the office yelling something along the lines of "Someone has stolen all the timeturners"! This was a total wake up call for Teddy and Tonks. As soon as Fudge was dragged out of the room to go deal with the matter, they spray up from their chairs and Teddy said "I think it's time to leave now" as they apparated back to 12 grimuald place.

"Did you guys get them"???? asked Albus who had been waiting for them on the steps all day and was eagerly wanting to go home."Yep we did. COME DOWN HERE YOU LITTLE SHITS" yelled Tonks. All the next gen kids came down from where they were."We really can't thank you guys enough Tonks and Teddy". Victoire said while giving them each a hug."Yeah yeah yeah get all that mushy stuff out now before we wipe their memories and go home before fudge figures out it was us who stole his precious timeturners". said Fred II.

"Okay. Vic, Dom, Molly, Roxie, Fred, James, I'm gonna need all of you to help me obliviate everyone from 1996. And James I swear to god if I catch you screwing around with their heads I'm gonna tell your mom and she's gonna ground you for another lifetime". said Teddy."Okay okay fine". said James. Tonks, Molly I, Arthur, Harry, Bill, Fred I, and George were the first to get obliviated. Then it was Ron, Ginny, Sirius, Remus, Kingsley, Moody, and Hermione."Okay you all now remember nothing that happened in the last week. Guys come on let's get going here". said Teddy.

They all paired up: Victoire with Teddy, Fred with Roxanne, Louis with Dom, Molly with Lucy, Rose with Scorpius, Hugo with Lily, Alice with Albus, and James with Frank. They each spun their time turners back 47 times which got them back to 2023. When they got back they all crashed down on the floor and landed in a giant pile on a floor in Harry and Ginny's house."OHMYGAWD MY BABIES MY BABIES- ew not you problem child". said Ginny as she ran to hug her Albus and Lily while pushing James away."Hey mom". said Albus while attempting to break out of her bone crushing hug."Oh hello my lovely spawns and my one mistake spawn". said Harry while staring into James soul and smiling."You James, are grounded until the end of the century". said Harry to his no condom accident."Yes dad. I understand what I did and I am truly, very very sorry to everyone I got stuck in 1996 and to my parents". said James while looking very sadly at the floor."I don't buy that load of crap no dessert for the rest of the year". said Harry. James fell to his knees and wailed."NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO".
Fred chuckled a little bit."Don't laugh Fredward I know you had something to do with this too". said Harry in a strict tone. Fred swallowed and looked at his feet.

many years later...

"and that kids, is how I met ur Father". said Roxanne.

(A/N: IM DONE IM DONE AFTER LIKE 5 MONTHS IM FINALLY DONE. This chapter took like so long to write. mostly bc I was being a lazy piece of shit. the last quarter I wrote while I was kinda drunk tee hee🤭. anyways, I hope u enjoyed this ppl have a great life)

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