The Time Turner Heist

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It was now July 3rd. The kids had been in 1996 for 5 days now. They were all up in the girls room huddled around Molly II as she wired and connected the circuits to make a phone charger."Okay guys just gotta snip this and.........IM DONE"!!!!!!! said Molly II. Everyone clapped and shouted with joy."Okay okay Vic hand me your phone". said Molly II. Victoire gladly handed her phone to Molly II as she plugged it into the wall and then to her phone."AGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT WORK OH MY GAWDE"!!!!!!!!! shouted Molly II. Everyone then started jumping around and dancing and yelling like there was a party going on.

(Kingsley's office)

Kingsley sat alone in his slightly cluttered office thinking up the perfect thing to say to get the director of construction and the assistant to the head of magical transportation in his office when he came up with the perfect idea. He pressed the button on his intercom machine and said "Kathrine, would you please send up Mr. Abrahams and Director Rothenburg? And can you tell them that they are in BIG trouble"? "Sure thing Mr. Shacklebolt".

Five minutes later Hilda and Patrick walked into his office."You wanted to see us Mr. Shacklebolt"? asked Patrick."Yes. Please sit down. Both of you. And have some tea". said Kingsley pushing two cups of tea towards them. They quietly sipped on the tea.

"Now Mr. Abrah-""WHATEVER I DID WRONG IT WAS DIRECTOR ROTHENBURG'S FAULT". shouted Patrick. "Okay please calm down Mr. Abrahams or I'll have to report you to HR". said Kingsley."NO! PLEASE SIR PLEASE! I DONT WANT TO LOSE MY JOB! PLEASE SIR, HAVE MERCY ON ME". said Patrick literally getting on his knees and begging."Then calm the fuck down then Mr. Abrahams". said Kingsley. Hilda just gave him a nasty ass look and Patrick just sunk back into his seat.

"Okay. Now that your calm, I would like to address an issue that I'm well aware has been going on for sometime now. I know you two have been sleeping together at work". said Kingsley."How did you know"? asked Patrick. Kingsley choked on his normal tea because he seriously made that whole thing up.

The three of them sat in silence for a good 2 minutes until Hilda spoke up breaking the silence and said "Wow Mr. Shacklebolt this tea is really delicious where did you get it from"? "Um you know my good friend Arthur Weasley in misuse of muggle artifacts right? He has two twin boys, Fred and George, they're interested in the tea business and gave this sample to me". said Kingsley.

"Yes yes I've heard of them. But didn't Arthur say that they were ruthless troublemakers"? asked Hilda."I have no idea what your talking about those boys are perfect little well behaved angels". said Kingsley."No I'm pretty sure they're a fist full of trouble. My wife's sisters daughter Eloise is in the same year as those Weasley boys. She wrote to my sister in law that last exam day those boys rode brooms into the great hall and threw experimental magical fireworks everywhere causing up a ruckus". said Patrick."Must have been the Weisslly brothers I suppose". said Kingsley."No I heard Arthur complaining about those boys and how they were a waste of a life and a disgrace to the Weasley family". said Hilda.

"I think I heard him muttering something about how he wished he had left them at a firehouse when they were infants". said Patrick. "I heard Arthur complaining to some people a few months ago about how much he wanted to punch and kick their little arses until they were black and blue". said Hilda."Yeah I also overheard him crying and begging Minister Fudge to blast them off the face of the earth yesterday". said Patrick."Okay time to go". said Kingsley shoving Patrick and Hilda out the door. He closed it and sighed in relief. Step 1 was complete. All they had to do now was successfully sneak into the ministry, find the binder with the access code to the vault in it, sneak into the vault, and get outta there before anyone notices what happened.

(Next day)

The next day was July 4th. At 7:00 in the morning, everyone was huddled around an extendable ear intercepting the phone line to Minister Fudge, waiting for Hilda and Patrick to call in sick."ITS RINGING ITS RINGING"!! yelled Albus."Shush Al or we won't be able to hear it". said Rose annoyed."Hello? Is this Minister Fudge"? asked Patrick."Yes this is he". said Fudge."I would just like to tell you.........." said Patrick. Everyone was nervously smiling and waiting for Patrick to say I'm sick."............That I'm feeling healthy as ever. Thank you for your time sir". said Patrick. He hung up the phone. Everyone's jaws dropped and had the wtf look on their faces.

But just then, another call came through."Hello"? said Hilda."Hi this is Minister Fudge". said Fudge."I have some interesting news to share with you". said Hilda."Yes I'm listening"."I feel.............". Everyone's nervous smiles were plastered back on their faces."................Great. I will be coming in to work a few minutes early today. Alright. Thanks for your time". said Hilda as she hung up the phone.

Everyone just stood there stunned. Fred I then quickly ran upstairs and brought down their small inventory box to check their inventory."YOU IDIOT YOU GAVE THEM JOYFUL JUICE NOT TYPHUS TEA"!!! yelled Fred I while pointing a finger at his twin brother."I DIDN'T GIVE IT TO HIM YOU DID"!!! yelled George back."NO YOU DID"!!! "YOU DID"!!! they yelled as George tacked Fred to the ground and started wrestling with him.

"That's enough bickering you two. Go straight to your rooms now at once or I will blast you buffoons off the face of the earth". said Molly I."lucky bitch". muttered Arthur."What was that dear"? asked Molly I."Love you baby". said Arthur a little louder."Ick go get a room". said Sirius while pretending to barf.

"So what's gonna happen now"? asked Alice."I have no idea. Victoire, try calling future Harry and see what he has to say about the matter". said Tonks. Victoire took her phone out of her pocket and called Harry.


Back in the future, Harry, Ginny, Neville, Hannah, George, Angelina, Bill, Fleur, Ron, Hermione, Percy, Audrey, Draco, and Astoria were trying to figure out how to get their kids home when all of a sudden Harry's phone started to ring."ITS VICTOIRE EVERYONE QUIET DOWN". yelled Harry. He answered the phone call."Hey Vic what's up"? asked Harry."Not much but we figured out a way to get home that SOMEBODY screwed up". said Victoire."We heard you". said Fred and George on the stairs. Victoire just rolled her eyes and continued talking to Harry."So what was this screwed up plan and how did SOMEBODY screw it up"? said Harry."Well, there's a vault of time turners in the ministry but only the minister and hear auror have access to it. But we thought if Teddy and Tonks could use their metamorphmagus abilities to disguise themselves as ministry workers and sneak into the vault and aparate outta there". said Victoire."Well how did that go"? asked Harry."Well Kingsley invited the two ministry workers who Teddy and Tonks were gonna disguise as to his office and was supposed to give them one of Fred and George's experiments, Typhus Tea to make them like hella hella sick but one of them accidentally gave Kingsley the wrong bottle and yeah". said Victoire."Heh. Typical Fred and George. It is a pretty decent plan gotta say. I suggest you lot try again. Except this time y'all cannot fuck around. It has gotta be solid. So quadruple check the tea bottles, try to get to the ministry as early as possible, and stay far far away from Fudge that man can smell a phony from miles away". said Harry."Thanks Uncle Harry. Love you. Bye". said Victoire as she hung up the call.


They decided they would try again tomorrow. They weren't going to be making any major changes just to try harder than last time.

So how exactly will they execute the plan now?

(A/N: Ok. I haven't published anything for like a week and a half. And lemme just say, I really need to find more time for this. But anyways, here y'all go. Enjoy. Also if y'all haven't seen Young Royals on Netflix yet, watch it it's a great show. Stay tuned for more weird drama.)

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