Another one?

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When they got back to 12 Grimmuald place, Molly I was waiting for them on the stairs."WHERE... HAVE... YOU... BEEN?! Beds empty No note! You could've died! You could've been seen!" yelled Molly I."Oh yeah. Sorry. Forgot to tell you we were going to get the parts to make a phone charger so we can watch tikt-I mean, communicate with future Uncle Harry". said Teddy."Fine. BUT IF I CATCH YOU LOT SNEAKING OUT OF HERE AGAIN YOU MIGHT AS WELL SHOUT TO THE WHOLE WIZARDING WORLD THAT YOU BUNCH ILLEGALLY TOOK A VALUABLE TIME TURNER FROM A FUTURE MINISTRY OFFICIAL BROKE IT AND ARE STUCK HERE". shouted Molly I."Okay, okay. Sorry Grandma Molly". said Teddy."Now go get supper before it gets cold". said Molly I.

They headed down to the kitchen and started eating next to Kingsley, Arthur, Fred, George, Remus, and Sirius."Teddy! Where are y- oh here you guys are great. I think I've figured out a way for you guys to get back to 2023". said Hermione as she ran into the kitchen."What have you found out". asked Teddy curiously."Well you see, the minister keeps a small vault of 10 time turners in the Ministry of Magic Headquarters including the one that's supposed to be given to the head auror which is the one you two have broken. But for obvious security reasons Minister Fudge put a non-apparating charm on it so it's impossible to apparate in. I've mapped out each and every centimeter of the headquarters and found where the vault is located. It's on the 13th floor, sector c, room 129". said Hermione.

"Well great! Kingsley, you work at the ministry, can't you just borrow a few time turners so we can get home"? asked Teddy."I'm afraid not. Only Minister Fudge and the head auror are allowed to touch those time turners. And even if you ask him I don't think he'd be very generous to 16 juveniles who broke a bloody time turner". said Kingsley."Then I suppose we'll just have to steal them then"? asked Frank."Frank! That's the dumbest idea I've heard all bloody day! Do you really think we could just waltz in there, nick the time turners without possibly getting caught by the 400 people who work on that floor, and stop by for biscuits and tea with the minister on our way out before he realizes we stole his precious time turners? I'm in". said Rose."Well okay. All who think that's a dumb idea, raise your hand". said Teddy. No one raised their hand. "All who honestly don't give a shit if we get caught or not and sentenced to Azkaban for 10 years, raise your hand". Everyone raised their hand.

"Well I guess it's decided then. It's our only shot at getting home". said Teddy. They spent the rest of the evening trying to come up with plans on how to sneak into the ministry without getting caught. They all decided the ones who would actually be sneaking in would be Teddy and Tonks because they're metamorphmagus and could go undercover as basically anyone working in the ministry.

They decided they'd go undercover as Patrick Abrahams and Hilda Rothenburg. 2 employees Kingsley said worked as a personal assistant to the head of magical transportation who's office was a few doors down from the vault and a magical construction director who works on the floor below but often had to go up to the 13th floor to attend meetings with various construction consultants.

The exact plan was that Kingsley, being an auror, would invite them both to his office and give them both Typhus Tea, one of Fred and George's experiments. It's supposed to give the drinker headaches, fever, and nausea for 3 days after the person drinks it. They'll probably start feeling sick and want to go home a few hours later. Then then next day they're supposed to feel EXTREME tiredness. They'll most likely call in sick the next day. That's when Teddy and Tonks will strike.

That day Tonks will call in sick, then her and Teddy will change into Hilda and Patrick and pretend that they took an Advil and they feel better. Teddy will go to the 13th floor sector c room 125 and just basically be Patrick Abrahams and assist the head of magical transportation for the day while Tonks will just be Director of magical construction Hilda Rothenburg for the day. Kingsley has the head of magical transportation's schedule all mapped out. Apparently he has the access code to the vault written in a black binder. Then at 12:23 everyday the head of magical transportation has a gin and tonic with his secretary, Arlene, in her office on the 12th floor. That usually lasts a good hour and a half. That'll give Teddy plenty of time to search his office for the binder with the access code to the vault. At precisely 2:27 pm, while "Hilda's" supposed to be in a meeting on the 13th floor, they will both excuse themselves to the restroom and meet there. That's when they will morph into Minister Fudge and the Head Auror, so if someone does happen to see them they won't think of it as anything suspicious. They'll stuff the time turners into a bag, non-chalantly leave the vault,and apparate the hell outta there.

Simple plan right? Oh boy how will they screw this up now.

(A/N: okay. I've been extremely bad at finding time to write this past week but I've been like hella stressed lately with school and track. So pls forgive me. Ik this chapter isn't exactly as long as I would have liked it to be but it works. Have a nice day y'all)

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