12 Grimmuald Place

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The order of the phoenix was having a meeting. The people there included Molly I, Arthur, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Kingsley, Mad eye Moody, Remus, Sirius, Tonks, Fred, George, Ginny, and Bill. The date was June 30th, 1996. Everyone was just discussing some random things when most likely the loudest sound on earth came from the hallway. Everyone whipped out their wands and went to investigate.

The Order creeped down the hall slowly only to find a jumbled pile of teenagers on the floor.
"James get your leg off my back"!
"It's not my leg it's Frank's leg"!
"Rose get off of me I can't breathe"!
"Lucy I'm not even on you"!

The order all looked at each other confused. Then Remus said something ."Who are you and what are you all doing here"? He said while pointing his wand at a boy with bright blue hair whom he suspected was the leader."Um. What year is it"?asked the boy with blue hair."1996". "Oh shit I think we went back in time 27 years"! said the boy."You came here by time turner didn't you"?said Hermione."Yes all thanks to this dumbass over here".said the boy with blue hair pointing to another boy behind him who looked vaguely familiar.

"Hey I'm sorry my curious nature gets the better of me sometimes". said the familiar boy while putting his hands up."So who are you people anyways"? asked Arthur."Weasley's, Potters, Longbottom's, and Malfoy". said a girl with long red hair."Oh Arthur! These are our grandchildren"! said Molly I squealing with joy. Everyone else immediately turned to stare at the tall platinum blonde haired boy in the back of everyone who was obviously the Malfoy.

"MALFOY"????? Ron shouted he started walking towards the Malfoy boy in the back except Harry and Hermione stopped him before he had a chance to punch his face."Oh yeah in this time you all still hate the Malfoy's. Don't worry. He's not like his father. He's good". said the girl with long red hair."Alright well, come along then I guess". said Remus. Everyone followed him back into the kitchen.

"So what year are you all from"? asked Tonks."2023". replied the boy with blue hair. Tonks noticed he looked as if he had seen a ghost."Why don't you all introduce yourselves. Full name, age, house, parents, and if your dating anyone put that in too". said Sirius.

"Ok. I guess I'll go first. My name is Teddy Remus Lupin. I'm 23 years old. My house was Hufflepuff when I attended hogwarts. My parents were Remus and Nymphadora Lupin. And I'm engaged to this lady right here. Oh and I'm also a metamorphmagus". said Teddy gesturing to a pretty blonde haired woman standing next to him. Both Tonks and Remus looked stunned but then Tonks blurted out"I have a son"! as she started to cry and hug her son. Remus slowly walked up to him and gave him a nice solid hug. As his parents embraced him, Teddy began to cry too.

"Ok. Um. My name is Victoire Gabrielle Weasley . I'm 22 years old. My house was Ravenclaw when I attended Hogwarts. My parents are Bill and Fleur Weasley. And I'm engaged to that one over there". said Victoire gesturing to Teddy who was still hugging his parents. Bill looked as red as a tomato while Fred and George were bursting into a sea of laughter."Seriously Bill? We thought she was"just your friend" ". said Fred imitating Bill. Bill just rolled his eyes and ignored them. "Well I guess I'll go next then. My name is Dominique Ginevra Weasley. I'm 19 years old. I was in Griffiyndor when I was at hogwarts. And my parents are also Bill and Fleur Weasley".said Dominique. Bill turned an even redder shade of red."My name is Louis Alexander Weasley. I'm 16 years old. I'm in Ravenclaw like my sister. And my parents are also Bill and Fleur Weasley". said Louis. Knowing he had 3 kids with his friend and colleague whom he had a crush on, Bill looked as if he was just about ready to pass out."Please tell me I don't have anymore kids".said Bill. Victoire laughed at this."Don't worry dad, that's the last of us".

"Ok well since we're done with that section of the family it is only fitting that I go next. My name is Molly Hermione Weasley II. I'm 17 years old. Head girl and former prefect by the way. I'm in Ravenclaw along with my dear dear cousins. And my parents are Percy and Audrey Weasley". said Molly II."Percy comes back"!!! said Molly I happily."My name is Lucy Amelia Weasley. I'm 14 years old. I'm in Griffiyndor. And my parents are also Percy and Audrey Weasley". said Lucy.

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