Radio Shack

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It was the morning, 8 am to be exact. Everyone was still asleep. Dom opened her eyes. And attempted to stand up and walk across the room only to find that her legs were making her walk into a wall."Ow. Well shit". said Dom when she crashed into the wall. The loud thud when her body clashed with the wall was enough to wake everybody up."Hey Dommy why are ya sleeping on the wall that's not right". said Louis."I wasn't sleeping on the wall for your information Louis I tried to get up and go outside but my legs won't cooperate". said Dominique."Oof my head is really sore. Please don't make any loud noises again". said Louis.

Just then everyone heard a"AHHHHHHHHHH MY HEAD FEELS LIKE ITS GONNA EXPLODE SOMEONE CALL A DOCTOR AND A LAWYER I NEED TO DECIDE WHOS GONNA GET MY MONEY WHEN I DIE IN 10 SECONDS"!!!! yelled Albus."Stop being so dramatic mate we all think it". said Scorpius."It's just a bloody hangover Al you'll survive jeez". said Teddy."Oi what in the holy heck is going on why am I in you guys's room also good morning children". said Molly I as she, Arthur, Hermione, and Ginny were waking up."Oh um morning Grandma Molly. I don't know why your in our room I suppose it must be a prank from Fred I and George ". said Rose."Dear Merlin those two. If they don't get out of this jokester phase I might as well ship them off to the army". said Molly I as she Arthur, Hermione, and Ginny walked out of the room."Well alright then. Also good morning guys". said Rose."Morning Rosie". said Scorpius."Put some pants on for gods sake". said Rose sarcastically as she tossed him some pants."So Molly II, do you think you can make us a phone charger so we can contact Dad"? asked Lily."If my knowledge is correct, lithium ions, silicon components, zinc alloy, power circuits, aluminum wire, regulator components, and false detection chips have all been available since the 1980s. I'll bet if we go to a muggle Radio Shack we'll be able to find all that stuff there". said Molly II."Okay. Guess we'll have to make a stop to gringotts on the way". said Teddy. Victoire, Dominique, James(the boys let were reluctant to let him go along but Teddy casted a spell that Albus made him do so whenever James said something rude he'd punch himself in the face), Frank, Louis, Teddy, Rose, Scorpius, Hugo, Molly II, Alice, Roxanne, Fred II, and Lucy all made they're way to diagon alley by using the floo network. One by they all landed in diagon alley and went to gringotts together.

"Mmmm children. How lovely. Would you like to make withdrawal or exchange"? asked the short goblin behind the high counter."Um. We'd like to make an exchange sir". said Teddy nervously."IM A WOMAN YOU IGNORANT GENDERPHOBE". shouted the goblin which made everyone in gringotts turn to look at Teddy."Errrrr ummmm sorry, ma'm". said Teddy awkwardly with sweat dripping down his forehead."Now how much money do you children have"? asked the FEMALE goblin."7 galleons, 12 sickles, and 3 knuts". said Teddy."Alright genderphobic sir your total in muggle money is €64.32". said the FEMALE goblin.(I actually did the math and that's supposed to be about the right about of money)"Um. Okay. Th-Thank you sir". said Teddy nervously as he gathered the muggle money."MA'M". said the FEMALE goblin."thank you ma'm". said Teddy with sweat now running down his face. Everyone walked out of gringotts all trying to hold in their laughter until they got outside.

"Hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahha Teds that was so funny". said Hugo."Wasn't for me". said Teddy trying to wipe the sweat off his face."It was really hilarious babe". said Victoire piping in."Well sorry if I can't tell one short wrinkly miserable sack from another". said Teddy sarcastically. This just made everyone laugh harder to the point where people were staring at them and Lily, Victoire, Frank, Louis, and Hugo were literally rolling on the ground laughing so hard."Oi shut up you blokes let's go to that Radio Shack before it gets dark". said Teddy."Alright now according to this map it says that the nearest one is about 2.7 miles away". said Molly II."Merlin that's so far! It'll take us all day to walk there". said Frank."There's a trolley that stops near there. It comes every 10 minutes". said Molly II."Well perfect. We'll take the trolley then". said Teddy. They walked to the nearest stop which was about 3 blocks away from diagon alley.

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