Jamarie Potternette

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Scorpius, Albus, Teddy, Hugo, and Frank were setting up to sleep on some random couches in the living room with some help from Grandma Molly. The story they(James)made up was that there wasn't enough space in the room for all of them and she didn't give it a second thought."Dude, there's like no blankets here". said Frank."Guess we'll just have to go without blankets". said Teddy."But it's so cold. Why the hell is it so cold it's summer". complained Albus."I don't know. The weathers been strange lately. Is the weather strange in the future"? asked Harry who was also helping them set up.

"No. Winters are cold. Summers are hot. Autumn is windy. And Spring is rainy". said Albus."Well you guys are all set. Goodnight". said Harry"Goodnight boys". said Grandma Molly."Goodnight". they said back. Not even half an hour later..."FRANK HUGO SCORPIUS EDWARD IM FUCKING FREEZING IF I DONT WARM UP IN 5 SECONDS I MIGHT GET HYPOTHERMIA AND DIE". said Albus."Jeez ok well there aren't like any blankets here and the only other blankets are in the "man cave" and James's prideful arse wouldn't let us back in that bloody room if we were on the bad end of the hanging noose"! said Teddy.

"Well Teds, it's either we give our 99.9% chance of James letting us back in a chance or we freeze to death". said Scorpius."Fuck it let's go". said Teddy. So the five boys marched down the hall to the man cave with Teddys wand drawn(since he was the only one actually of age). Albus started banging on they're door."What the fuck was that for Al"? said Teddy quietly."I just remembered I'm pissed at my brother for being a dick head". said Albus."What do you shunned morons want? Our King is asleep". said Louis."We would like to speak to King James". said Teddy as he used a spell to make a bright flame come from his wand. Everyone who knew Louis knew that he was deathly afraid of fire."I-I'll go wake the King now". said Louis slowly backing away from the flame. The boys heard some quiet chattering for a minute and then a "I HEREBY SHUN THEE LOUIS ALEXANDER WEASLEY OUT OF THE KING JAMES SIRIUS POTTER II MAN CAVE FOR LIFE"! All of a sudden Louis walked out of the man cave with an annoyed look on his face."Thanks a lot you blokes, now I'm shunned out of the man cave too". said Louis."I suppose we'll have to wait till the morning then". said Teddy extinguishing the flame from his wand.

The next morning came but now Teddy, Scorpius, Albus, Frank, and Louis were pissed, cold, and cranky from getting no sleep(and also because they were busy gathering weapons). Scorpius held a kitchen mallet, Albus had Sirius Black's old baseball bat(gifted to him by James I of course), Frank had one of Sirius Black's old water guns(also gifted to Sirius by James I), Hugo had one of Orion Black's old belts, Louis had asked Teddy to help him charm a used toilet bowl cleaner to give people electric shocks when someone touched the end of it, and Teddy just carried his wand. Albus once again started banging on the door.

"Oh hey guys". said Fred II."FREDERICK NO FRATERNIZING WITH THE SHUNNED". shouted James."Sorry. What is your purpose here". asked Fred II."We are freezing. We cannot survive out there in the freezing cold in this drafty old house". said Teddy."Okay. I shall deliver the message to the King". said Fred II. Fred walked back into the room to see James who was watching tv."Hey your majesty King James II"? asked Fred II."I have a message from the shunned. They say they are freezing and I presume they would like us to let them back into the brotherhood". said Fred II.

"Who cares. Let them sleep in cauldron cakes". said James. Fred went outside and delivered the message."Sorry to have to do this to you buddy. But. ATTACK THE MAN CAVE BURN IT TO THE GROUND"! shouted Teddy."FOR LA RÈVOLUTION"! shouted Louis. James II and Fred II were severely outnumbered and lost in like 10 seconds."Tie them to the chair Hugh". said Teddy when Albus "accidentally" hit Fred II and James II over the head with the baseball bat."Jeez. We went through all this trouble only to sleep in an old small drafty room"? said Teddy."Yup". responded Frank."We really are idiots". said Louis. They kept James and Fred tied to the chair for the rest of the day.

(A/N: Ok I made sure to keep this one short and sweet. My main inspiration for this chapter was like Lord of the flies x French Revolution. So take this an enjoy it if u want).

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