The New Girl On The Block

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"Who's that girl hanging around Barclay?" Wednesday asked Enid as they stood by one of the entrances to the quad.

Sitting by the fountain was Bianca and a girl Wednesday didn't recognize. The girl had beautiful light brown skin and braided golden hair that reached her shoulders. She was in the Nevermore uniform paired with some type of white scarf. She had a blinding smile that for some reason wouldn't allow Wednesday to look away.

Enid gave her a small glare. "You really don't read the group chat, do you?"

"I actively avoid it."

Enid rolled her eyes and looked at the beautiful girl laughing at whatever Bianca had said. "That's Lilith Holloway. Bianca's best friend from back home. She's new here and the girl we've been planning to introduce you to."

Wednesday finally looked away from Lilith to turn to Enid with a blank expression. "And why would you want to do that?"

"Seriously, Wednesday, read the group chat."

"Spill it, Enid."

Enid sighed. "We just think you guys might get along. You actually have a lot in common."

Wednesday squinted her eyes at her. "Like?"

"Like illegal activities," Yoko slid into the conversation as she threw her arm over Enid's shoulders. "She likes to set fires."

"Arson you say?" Yoko nodded and Wednesday turned her gaze back on Lilith with a new mischievous glint in her eyes. "Interesting." She had yet to meet anyone at this god forsaken school that had a penchant for such exciting hobbies. This girl just became a thousand times more interesting in Wednesday's eyes. "I should like to meet her."

Yoko and Enid shared a knowing smirk. The truth was that the group was trying to set the two girls up. Lilith is the epitome of what they assume Wednesday's type would be. They wanted their macabre friend to find a little love in her life, and when Bianca told them about Lilith they knew they needed to make it happen. Thankfully the pyro is pansexual, but they realized they didn't know if Wednesday was interested in girls. She had that brief thing with Tyler her first year at Nevermore, but the goth had told Enid time and time again that she never actually felt anything romantic for him. Rather she used him like a tool and then felt like she owed him. Since then Wednesday had no romantic endeavors of any kind and none of them ever brought it up. So Enid decided on a discreet approach.

"Hey, Wednesday, let's play 20 questions," Enid demanded as she hopped on top of the goth girls desk while she typed on her typewriter. "I'll even let you go first."

Wednesday continued typing, but played along with the werewolf's shenanigans purely to see what she was up to. "What's your favorite number?"

But Enid wasn't even paying attention. "Triangle. Are you into girls?"

She stopped typing and just stayed frozen for a few seconds. So that's what Enid was up to. But why would she want to know that? She internally shrugged. It's not like the answer was a secret, but honestly, she thought the werewolf already knew. She gave her a side glance. "Are you?"

Enid's eyebrows scrunched together. "Wends, you already know I'm a lesbian." She had come out after finally accepting why her claws came out whenever she tried to be with Ajax (because they really shouldn't have been), and of course when she told her detective roommate she had aptly responded with: I know.

"There's your answer." Wednesday continued typing like normal and after a few seconds to process what she said, Enid's jaw dropped before she ran out to tell Yoko.

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