At Least Yell At Me In English

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Lilith woke up groggy and confused. She was laying in her bed. How'd she get in it? She went to use her hands to push herself to sit up, but winced as she put pressure on her right. She held it up in front of her face and saw white bandages wrapped around her hand. That's right, she hurt herself punching the mirror. But she was pretty sure she never cleaned it up. That's when she heard shuffling from inside the bathroom and out walked Wednesday holding a large bag of trash.

Lilith's eyes widened and she sat up, ignoring the pain in her hand. So it was Wednesday who probably carried her to her bed and nursed her hand. She looked around the room and saw that everything was cleaned up too. Everything was almost the same except she didn't have a bedside lamp or a piano anymore.

Wednesday placed the bag of trash by the door. "Good, you're awake." She walked over to her and sat at the foot of the bed, keeping a few feet between them. "Now you can explain everything you've been hiding."

Lilith looked down and bit her lip. "I thought you didn't need to know," she tried a teasing tone.

"That was before you trashed your room and hurt yourself. Now I do need to know. I can't help otherwise."

Lilith brought her knees to her chest and rested her left cheek on them as she looked at the wall. "Who says I need your help?"

"Your actions." Wednesday crossed her arms. "Now you can either tell me everything or I'll figure it out on my own by googling your name."

Lilith scoffed. "Go ahead. You won't find anything googling Lilith Holloway."

"No, I imagine I won't. But I had meant Karina Lockwood."

Lilith's eyes widened and her head snapped to her. "How do you ..." her eyes narrowed. "Did Tony tell you? Bianca?"

"No. They didn't need to." Wednesday looked straight ahead to Yoko's side of the room as she explained. "Tony told me the name, though he didn't say it was yours. He said I didn't really know you, that I knew nothing, and that you were deceiving everyone here. I thought it was an odd choice of words but I didn't think much of it." She turned back to Lilith. "Until today. When I was cleaning your room I had to pick up your pills—which you're extremely low on by the way—and I noticed something peculiar." She stood up and walked the few steps to Lilith's nightstand. "Prescription bottles always have the name of the patient on them." She picked up Lilith's bottles and looked at them. "Yours are scratched out. What's the point of doing that unless you don't want people to know the name on the bottle? But everyone already knows your name is Lilith, so why would you want to hide it?" She turned to Lilith and tossed her the bottles making her scramble to catch them. "Unless of course, the name on the bottle is different than the one you've been saying." She sat back down on the bed, but closer to Lilith this time and placed her hand on her knee. "So just tell me, is your real name Karina Lockwood?"

Tears began to fill Lilith's eyes so she closed them and felt the tears roll down her cheeks. "Yes," she said with a sob before covering her mouth with her hands to hold in the cries.

Wednesday immediately pulled her girlfriend into her arms and held as she cried into her shoulder. She wasn't upset that Lilith lied about her identity, obviously she must have a good reason. And it isn't like she's suddenly a different person. It's only a name.

Once Lilith's cries turned into sniffles, Wednesday asked, "Why are you in hiding? Does it have anything to do with your parents murders?" Lilith only nodded into her shoulder. "Tell me everything." She gently grabbed Lilith's head and made her pull away so they could look into each other's eyes. "Please."

Lilith took a deep breath as she looked down at her hands in her lap where she was fidgeting. "I have an older brother. His name is Brian. He's schizophrenic and bipolar, but he had meds and it wasn't super bad. His fire was bad though. You remember how my family's fire works, right?" She looked up to see Wednesday nod. "Well, he needs to set a fire every three days. It was really difficult for everyone growing up. He lost control a lot which made his episodes worse. But then we learned that me playing the piano helped calm his episodes and even his fire just a little bit. I always played Nuvole Bianche by Ludovico Einaudi. It was his favorite."

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