Travelling to alternative world. ch-1

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I'm bored out of my mind. I’ve done everything. Literally everything. I’ve made worlds based on all my favorite manga and anime—Naruto, Misfit in Demon Academy, even Umineko. I played around with all of them, tweaking their laws, creating characters, messing with their timelines, and watching it all unfold. But now, after four thousand years of doing this over and over again, even that’s gotten stale.

I could sit back and admire how my "imaginary space" has evolved, expanding endlessly as I siphon off more Turnnull energy. I’ve isolated the multiple end of space and time inside my metaphysical space to absorb all that turn null energy. But I don’t even need to be physically there anymore! My imaginary space can store and process everything automatically. I’m basically on autopilot at this point. I’ve already released my angelic and demonic skills into the Voice of the World, yet I still retain my core powers. My abilities, being a mix of both, are far superior to any angelic or demonic constructs out there like ultimate skill Azathot for example which is mix of angelic and demonic in nature but superior to it in every aspects.

I don’t even need to manage Tempest anymore. Thanks to my minions who control time, a year in the Cardinal World is like 10,000 years in the other worlds. It’s almost laughable how much time I have on my hands. But that also means I’ve got nothing to do.

I stare out into the void of my **imaginary space**, thinking. Maybe I should visit a parallel world? After all, there are plenty of them. Some are nearly identical to the Cardinal World, but with slight variations. In one of them, I might be female. Or maybe I could jump into a timeline where Veldanava’s daughter, the True Dragon, is me. Wouldn’t that be interesting? A world where I’m the almighty Dragon herself, or maybe just a Demon Lord again. Would the fate of that world be any different? Better? Worse?

Not that it matters. I’m the one who dreamed up **Azathoth**, for crying out loud. The world is whatever I want it to be.

“Hey, Ciel,” I call out in my mind, knowing she’s always there, nestled deep within my soul. She’s been my constant companion since forever. Well, not exactly forever, but it sure feels like it. “Have you found the most entertaining world like I asked?”

<Yes, Master. I’ve located a few options. Would you like to know the specifics?> Ciel’s voice echoes in my thoughts, as cool and composed as ever.

“Nah, that’d spoil the fun,” I respond lazily. “Besides, I like a good surprise. Oh, by the way, have you figured out how to bring Gobta back from the Promised Land?”

<The Promised Land, where the so-called ‘original God’ resides? I can bring him back if you want, but we’d need to convince the will of that unknown God. And Milim training Gobta? That’s unlikely.>

Ugh, that stupid God. Not that he’s *really* a God in the grand scheme of things. It’s just Veldanava, or rather, his will—his memory that regained consciousness. I’m not even sure if I’m fully him or just a fragment. Maybe I’m his reincarnation? Eh, doesn’t matter. I’m my own being now, an independent will.

“Well, whatever. Gobta will get bored eventually and come crawling back in a few years. No need to force it.” I stretch out, the weight of boredom pressing down on me. “So, which timeline are we headed to, anyway?”

<How about returning to the time when Veldanava was still alive?> Ciel suggests.

“That’s a pretty good idea. And I assume this is the world where I was female, right?”

<Correct. You’ve become quite intuitive, Master.>

I roll my eyes. “Don’t patronize me, Ciel. I’ve learned a thing or two over the millennia, you know. By the way, can we bring Diablo along? It’ll be dull without him causing his usual mischief.”

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