Devil king and demon king.

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In the cosmic theater of creation in one of the creation of god of creation which created by Rimuru

(A/n It is not rimuru story.. just skip it if you don't like it as I trying to add some short chapter as with new content unrelated to the story well I like to continue the normal story but you know it's kinda funny I like to creat some lore inside the story as unrelated to Rimuru but also heavily related to him in some way sorry if I am using somany repeated contents again and again )

Demon King Azrath and Devil King Belial, once allies ruling over their realms for twelve millennia, finally clashed in a way that shook the entire abyss. Azrath, a cold-hearted ruler who thrived in chaos, couldn't stand Belial's sneaky, prideful tricks any longer. Belial, always playing the long game with deception and manipulation, had no intention of bowing to Azrath's darkness.

Their once-shared dominions, bound by an uneasy alliance, turned into hostile territories. At a neutral meeting point atop the infernal peaks of Hell, they faced each other, with the very air between them buzzing with tension.

Azrath, with a smug grin, said, "Belial, your charm and lies don’t work here. This is my realm of absolute darkness."

Belial chuckled, smirking back. "Azrath, you might have your darkness, but my schemes? They’re deeper than your abyss. Even the demon lords hate you for the sins you've piled up."

And so, their heated words escalated until they could no longer stand to be in the same space. Using ancient spells and rituals, they severed the connection between their realms, raising an impenetrable barrier fueled by their hatred. What used to be a single, connected world now became two isolated ones, timelines split apart with their own separate fates.

Back in his fiery domain, Belial’s annoyance simmered. The flames of Hell reflected his frustration as he paced through his obsidian halls. His servants, ever loyal but cautious, awaited his return in silence.

With a sly grin, Belial addressed them. “Well, that’s the end of our little game with Azrath. We’ve cut ties for good, and now we’re free of that cold-hearted fool."

His servants exchanged nervous glances but kept their heads low, listening as Belial’s voice turned more thoughtful.

“In my absence, it seems the abyss has forgotten just how cunning I am. Azrath thinks he can overshadow me with his darkness? Pathetic.”

With a flick of his hand, he commanded his courtiers, “Send word to the other realms. Let them know we’re independent now. Azrath’s shadow won’t reach us here. We’ll thrive without his chaos.”

His followers nodded, quickly dispersing to carry out his orders, while Belial’s mind started working on new schemes. Alone in the flickering light, he mused over his next move, the thought of besting Azrath in his absence keeping him entertained.

Meanwhile, deep in the abyss, Azrath brooded. His dominion of endless night was now silent without Belial’s schemes playing in the background. But the quiet didn’t bring peace; it fueled his irritation.

Azrath’s footsteps echoed through the darkness as his demonic minions bowed before him, awaiting their master’s orders.

“The ties with Belial have been severed,” Azrath declared, his voice cold and heavy. “His games won’t touch us anymore. We are the true rulers of darkness, and we’ll show the other realms what that really means.”

The demons, too afraid to question their tyrant, nodded quickly.

“Send out emissaries,” Azrath continued. “Let every realm know that we stand alone. No one will get in the way of our reign.”

As the minions scurried to obey, Azrath’s gaze darkened even more. The void around him grew heavier as he prepared for his rule, now completely isolated from Belial’s tricks.

In the vast space above it all, Rimuru, the ever-playful Demon Lord, watched the drama unfold with a smirk on his face.

"Well, that got heated fast," Rimuru mused, amused by the sudden chaos between the two rulers.

"I really should talk to Veldanava before he finds out about this. He always scolds me for the smallest things, like making worlds without causality. I mean, come on, what’s the big deal?” Rimuru chuckled, talking to himself.

Rimuru knew if Veldanava found out about the latest mess, it wouldn’t just be his old friend’s wrath he’d have to deal with. "And then there’s Raichel. If she finds out, I’ll be in even bigger trouble. The thought of her withholding food for a year? That’s a nightmare. Sure, she’s younger, but she’s not someone I can scold back. She's basically my parallel, and I’m stuck living in her kingdom."

With a playful grin, Rimuru continued to think through his situation. "Veldanava and I have been friends for twelve billion years, and Raichel’s only been around for what, four? But in her human form, she acts like she’s 25. And me? Yeah, I’m older than time itself."

Ciel’s voice interrupted his thoughts, smug as usual. <Master, should I inform Veldanava?>

Rimuru raised an eyebrow, grinning. "And just how do you plan to do that?"

The playful back-and-forth with Ciel only added to Rimuru’s enjoyment, making the drama below feel like nothing more than entertainment.

Here it is not gonna lie I didn't plan on making Rimuru stay here long

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08 ⏰

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