Rimuru and team going to cause chaos

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Two days have passed since the latest Walpurgis.

Rimuru, Veldora, and Veldanava, known for their chaotic tendencies, were gathered in secret, conspiring to escape their latest punishment. After slacking off and enjoying freedom for two days, they were hit with a brutal punishment: no food for six months! While food was technically unnecessary for spiritual beings like them, the emotional toll was enormous.

Veldora and Rimuru were still nursing bruises, courtesy of Rimuru's “Rip-off Clone.” Veldanava? He had it worse. His wife, Lucia, had delivered a scolding that shook the heavens. It wasn’t just their laziness that had earned them such wrath it was because someone else had started to mimic their behavior. And that someone was none other than Milim Nava, Veldanava's wild daughter.

Now, sulking in the corner like scolded children, the trio stared into space.

"Ugh… How did it come to this?" Veldora muttered, clutching his head.

Rimuru’s face lit up with a sudden idea. "Hey, why don’t we leave this world for six months?"

Veldora’s eyes widened. "What about the labyrinth plan? You know, me being the final boss and all that?"

"Oh, don’t worry, that’s an easy fix…" Rimuru grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

<<Notice: Individual Veldora Tempest’s Ultimate Skill [Faust: King of Investigation] has been upgraded to [Lord of Chaos: Nyarlathotep] by Rimuru Tempest.>>

Veldanava gawked, almost dropping his sage-like demeanor. "Rimuru! Did you just evolve Veldora's skill?"

Rimuru, now looking like a smug 37-year-old (which was anything but cute in his current form), flashed a sheepish grin. "Yep!"

Veldanava’s composure crumbled. "How the heck did you do that?!"

Rimuru waved his hand dismissively. "If reviving you and your wife was like harnessing the energy of the entire cosmos, evolving Veldora’s skill is like flicking a grain of sand."

Veldora’s eyes sparkled, stars practically orbiting his head. "Woah… Am I evolving into a Star Dragon now?!"

Rimuru internally sighed, 'Heh, did Veldora literally evolve into starry-eyed mode?'

<That joke was… painful, even for you.> Ciel groaned.

‘Ciel, don’t be mean! I’m fragile, you know…’ Rimuru mentally pouted.

After explaining how they could use parallel existences to maintain their duties, Veldora was practically bouncing with excitement. But Veldanava, not one to be outdone, smirked.

"You think I need your help? Watch this."

With a casual flick of his hand, another Veldanava appeared beside him created not by a skill, but by primitive magic, an ancient art older than creation itself. Well, at least in this version of reality.

Veldora’s jaw dropped. "No way! You can do that with magic?"

Rimuru chuckled. "Ah, primitive magic, huh? But in comparison to higher realities, that’s like baby’s first spell."

Veldanava’s eye twitched, trying desperately to maintain his sagely air. "Ahem… Well, it’s still advanced in this reality." He attempted to sound mature but was failing miserably.

Rimuru, amused, said, "Alright, now that we’ve settled that, leave your parallel existences here, and let's go."

Veldora eagerly created his parallel self, almost too enthusiastic. But Rimuru? Instead of splitting his consciousness, he simply created a pseudo manas, a separate entity that contained all his memories and personality but functioned completely independently, free of his direct control.

‘Heh, those two will still have to maintain their magicule levels while I’ll be free to enjoy six months of relaxation without a care in the world,’ Rimuru thought, a mischievous smirk creeping across his face.


Meanwhile, back at Labrinth

Ramiris was in the middle of a meeting with other key figures (or fairies) when she suddenly realized something was amiss. Her eyes narrowed, suspicious. "Wait… where’s Rimuru? And Veldora? And Veldanava sama? What are those three up to?"

Fairy 2 and fairy 1 exchanged confused glances. "Last we heard, they were sulking in a corner after getting punished…" Shion shrugged.

But Ramiris knew better. "I’ve been tricked, haven’t I?" she growled. "Those cheeky, no-good—"


Back to the trio, traveling through space-time…

Veldora was puffing out his chest, bragging as usual. "With my upgraded skill, I could probably conquer the entire multiverse if I wanted! Don’t you think so, Rimuru?"

Rimuru raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, yeah, sure. But let's be real you barely manage the labyrinth without messing up. You just got an upgrade, don’t let it go to your head."

Veldanava, desperately trying to maintain his wise, elder brother persona, chimed in, "We should focus on more important matters than… multiversal domination. Like... um, gaining a deeper understanding of our existence through meditation and inner peace." He folded his arms, trying to look sage-like, but the sparkle in his eye betrayed his desire to outshine his brother.

Veldora, oblivious, laughed. "Hah! Inner peace? That’s for people who *can’t* crush their enemies with raw power."

Rimuru just rolled his eyes. "You two are hopeless. Let’s just focus on enjoying our six-month vacation before Ramiris catches on. She’s gonna throw a fit when she finds out."

Veldora grinned. "Oh, I can already imagine her shrieking, ‘Veldora! Rimuru! You traitors!’ It’s gonna be hilarious!"

Veldanava sighed, rubbing his temples. "Let’s just… not make things worse than they already are."

And thus, the trio left the world behind, unaware of the chaos they were leaving in their wake but fully intent on causing more wherever they went next.

I guess the plot kinda suck.. I writes whats comes on my mind at the time..

Next one Rimuru coming to Earth but which timeline past which civilisation were born like Mesopotamia or future era of Cyborgs..? Or present which is 2023..?

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