Rimuru and other go to era of Tesla

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Tesla was tinkering with his alternating current generator when suddenly, with no door creaking or footsteps, three strangers appeared in his lab. Startled, he knocked over a pile of blueprints.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! How did you all get in here?" Tesla exclaimed, blinking rapidly as he tried to make sense of the peculiar trio.

Rimuru, looking like a rather dapper 37-year-old man but with an air of mystery, smiled calmly. "Relax, Tesla! We're travelers from a... different realm. Just thought we’d pop by and have a chat."

Tesla, still staring, muttered, "A chat? About what, exactly?" His mind raced between the theories of invisible cloaks and ghostly apparitions.

Veldora, always the excitable dragon in human form, burst out, "Tesla, my man! Big fan of your work! But I gotta ask, have you heard of *anime*?"

Tesla blinked. "A... what?"

"Anime! It’s like... this amazing thing from our world! Giant robots, crazy battles, hair that defies physics!" Veldora was gesturing wildly, but all he got from Tesla was a bewildered stare.

"Hair that defies... physics?" Tesla repeated, as if grasping at straws. His mind, brilliant as it was, was not prepared for this.

Veldanava, standing tall and regal but with a look that could only be described as “the sage who knows too much,” stepped forward, hand on chin. "But Tesla, let’s be serious. Your work with alternating current is brilliant, but have you thought about its impact on a global scale? You’ll change the entire civilization. Cities lit up like constellations."

"Global scale? Are you all time travelers or something?" Tesla half-laughed, half-wondered if he was still dreaming.

Rimuru gave a nonchalant shrug. "Labels are boring. We’re here to learn from you, maybe share some knowledge from our side, and also to… avoid some unpleasant chores back home."

Tesla’s brows furrowed. "Avoid chores... by traveling to my lab?"

"Exactly!" Rimuru said, as if that was the most logical thing in the world.

Somehow, in the most confusing day of Tesla’s life, he found himself sitting at dinner with these "otherworldly" guests. The food was simple, but the conversation was anything but.

"So, back to this... ‘anime,’" Tesla ventured, glancing nervously at Veldora.

"Yes! It’s like storytelling but with awesome art!" Veldora explained, dramatically waving a drumstick around. "You got battles, magic, and lasers! You’d love it, Tesla!"

"I see..." Tesla mumbled, though he clearly did not. His mind was now juggling the concepts of alternating currents and giant robot battles.

Veldanava, playing the part of a sage who just couldn't resist showing off, suddenly chimed in, "Tesla, do you know about zero-point energy? It's this untapped field of infinite potential. You could revolutionize your world’s power systems with it!"

Tesla’s fork hovered mid-air. "Infinite energy? Untapped?" His interest piqued, but so did his confusion.

Rimuru leaned in casually. "Oh, and if you're ever bored, try manipulating space-time. Once you get the hang of it, it's a real game-changer."

Tesla's eyes widened. "Manipulating... space-time? That sounds... insane."

Rimuru grinned. "Eh, it's all relative. Science, magic... it's just a matter of how you look at it. Don't stress."

Tesla's brain was overloaded. "I... I’m trying not to."

After dinner, Tesla led his eccentric visitors back to his lab, showing off his prized experiments. He demonstrated his alternating current, beaming with pride.

"This, gentlemen... and lady, is the future of electricity!"

Rimuru clapped. "Impressive stuff, Tesla! In a few years, your work will light up entire cities. People won’t know how they ever lived without it."

"Really?" Tesla asked, taken aback. "You know this for certain?"

Veldora jumped in with his usual gusto, "Oh, for sure! But wouldn’t it be cool if you could use electricity to make laser beams or something? You know, like in anime!"

Tesla chuckled nervously, still not quite grasping the concept of anime but sensing Veldora’s passion. "Laser beams, you say? That would certainly be... something."

Veldanava, always the wise one (or so he thought), placed a hand on Tesla’s shoulder. "Tesla, you're brilliant. But don’t limit yourself. You should consider the *vast potential* of the universe itself. Zero-point energy. The manipulation of matter and time itself. The boundaries are yours to break."

Tesla, still trying to keep up with the escalating absurdity, just nodded slowly. "Right... boundaries... breaking."

Just when Tesla thought the conversation couldn’t get any stranger, Rimuru leaned over, a playful grin on his face. "By the way, ever wondered about parallel dimensions? There’s a version of you out there running an anime studio."

Tesla’s face turned pale. "I... I think I need to sit down."

Veldora, ever the cheerleader, clapped Tesla on the back. "Don't worry, Tesla! You're a genius. You'll figure it all out in time. Oh, and I’ll send you some anime recommendations later!"

As the night wore on, Tesla found himself enjoying the odd company. He couldn’t tell if they were angels, madmen, or something in between. But one thing was for sure his world had just gotten a lot stranger.

And as they finally left his lab, Tesla leaned back in his chair, staring at his inventions, muttering to himself, "Manipulating space-time... giant robots... zero-point energy... What in heaven's name just happened?"

As the trio walked away, Rimuru chuckled, "I think we blew his mind just a little."

"Only a little?" Veldora grinned. "Wait till he watches ‘Gundam.’"

Veldanava, trying to maintain his sage-like air, added, "I feel like we may have altered history."

"Meh, history’s overrated," Rimuru said casually. "What’s next? Edison’s lab?"

Tesla, from the distance, muttered again, "Where did they come from...?"


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