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Raichel sighed as she stood in the cave, watching Tesla and Vesta enthusiastically geek out over their latest ideas. She had just introduced Tesla to Vesta, and while she knew about Tesla from her past life on Earth, Vesta—being a fantasy-world dwarf was completely unfamiliar with him. That didn’t stop Tesla from jumping right into discussions about technology and theoretical inventions, which Vesta quickly picked up on, the two men bonding over their mutual nerdy excitement.

Vesta, who had been serving Raichel after his fallout with Gazel, was currently focused on developing more advanced healing potions, something Tesla found fascinating as well. They instantly hit it off, much to Raichel’s dismay. As their chatter about alchemical formulas, trans-dimensional theories, and infinite energy sources filled the air, Raichel found herself trapped, desperately trying to act interested.

"It’s amazing, right?" Tesla said excitedly, looking at Raichel for confirmation. Vesta nodded enthusiastically. "We could revolutionize not just Tempest but every nation with this!"

Raichel felt a heavy sense of déjà vu hit her, reminding her of the time Kaijin had first met Kurobe, and she had been stuck in a similar situation awkwardly nodding along as two inventors lost themselves in their own little world. "Amazing, yeah...," she muttered, though her mind was already elsewhere, yearning for some paperwork to escape into.

The conversation was going over her head at this point, and Raichel’s patience was running thin. She quietly asked her Ultimate Skill, King of Wisdom Raphael, for some advice. "Raphael, any excuse to get me out of this?"

<You should use sword training as an excuse. It's a plausible and respected reason.>

Raichel’s eyes lit up. "Perfect." With an exaggerated stretch, she interrupted the two inventors, who were still deep in discussion.

"Hey, um, Tesla, Vesta," she began, putting on her best serious face. "I just remembered I have sword training scheduled right now. You know how important keeping up my combat skills is, especially with all the paperwork piling up." She smiled awkwardly, hoping they’d buy it.

Tesla blinked, while Vesta looked a little confused. "Sword training? But we’re right in the middle of—"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, super fascinating stuff," Raichel cut in quickly. "But, you know, swordsmanship and all that it can’t wait. And I’m sure you two will be fine discussing... whatever this is." She gave them a quick wave and backed away before they could argue.

As she slipped out of the cave, she sighed in relief. King of Wisdom Raphael chimed in. <A successful escape plan, I must say.>

"Thanks, Raphael," Raichel mumbled, now mentally preparing herself to enjoy the peace and quiet of the paperwork she was about to tackle.

What can I say chapter is kinda short and horrible even in my standard

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