Rimuru plans ?

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After successfully swapping with their clones, Rimuru and the gang found themselves in a private dimension where time was irrelevant. As their memories from the past six months flooded in, Veldora broke the silence with his usual straightforwardness.

"Rimuru, the dungeon doesn’t seem to be making much progress. What do you think?" Veldora asked, crossing his arms in slight frustration.

"Hmmm..." Rimuru tapped his chin thoughtfully. "How about we host a *Harvest Festival* for Tempest? We can introduce the dungeon during that time. But, of course, we’ll need Raichel's permission. She’s creative but not as much as me. After all, she’s my daughter, so I have the final say."

Veldora chuckled, but then his expression turned serious. "Rimuru, don’t get mad, but isn’t it kinda cringey to treat her like your daughter? I mean, she’s more like our friend. She even remembers her past life as a human."

Rimuru's thoughts immediately spun into overdrive:

It’s not like you can understand the complexity of being loved by your parallel version. Plus, let’s face it, I don’t have a child, so treating Raichel like one feels natural. I even manipulated event to change her name from Rimuru to Raichel. If I hadn't, Veldora might have named her something ridiculous. She's had such a different journey no goblins, just ruling over ogres. She never even built Tempest and still met her end at Hinata’s hands. I’m the one who meddled with fate to create her existence in this timeline, but I made sure it was singular. She only exists here in the present. If Chloe can bend time, I’m certain Raichel’s existence is even more fragile. She needed me to save her. So yeah, she's my daughter, but I’m not telling anyone that, except who know it only Diablo, the Unknown God, and ofcourse Ciel. This world is a parallel reality(different source for the concepts here with different quality but similar to event), not a parallel world(same world which branches of from same space time), which means the gods are different. Heck, even Veldanava is technically a version of me, but not quite. But how did Veldora get so mature? Maybe it’s Tesla's influence. Those two are way too close for my liking.

Rimuru snapped back to reality, responding, "Veldora, she needs a dad. Plus, it’s fun to see her get all embarrassed when I call her 'daughter.'"

At that, Veldanava finally chimed in with a smirk, "Heh, you’re really leaning into this, aren’t you? Don’t be mad, but it’s kinda funny. I mean, I bet you didn’t get a single wife, did you?"

Rimuru bristled internally, Is this guy mocking me? I didn’t marry anyone because women are terrifying! Hinata, for example, nearly gave me a heart attack when she found a picture of her in my room after the war with Feldway. I had to rewind time just to fix that disaster. Veldanava doesn't know the half of it. Even Shuna is secretly yandere, and don’t even get me started on the primordials. They're devils romance isn’t exactly on their radar. Well, except Espirit and Gobta, which is still kind of shocking.

Suddenly, Ciel interrupted his thoughts with a cheeky remark, <Wasn't it me who suggested rewinding time, by the way?>

Yeah, yeah, don’t remind me. Just don’t give her back those memories, alright? She’s scary enough without knowing the truth, Rimuru shot back mentally, earning a satisfied chuckle from Ciel.

"Veldanava, don’t pull my leg," Rimuru said aloud, trying to regain his composure. "You’re not one to talk. I don’t see you swimming in marriage proposals either."

Veldora, who had been standing quietly, finally broke his silence. "You guys are losing me here. First, Raichel being a daughter, then marriage, now... what exactly? You guys forgot the point of this whole meeting!" He was visibly frustrated.

Veldanava shook his head. "You’re such an idiot, little brother. How did you not pick up on any of this?"

Veldora grumbled under his breath, "Why does this sound so much like when big sister Velzard scolds me?"

Rimuru, choosing to ignore the banter, switched gears. "Alright, let’s focus. I’m thinking of shrinking Ivaraj the massive, mindless incarnation of destruction—into a more manageable form and using him to power the dungeon with an endless supply of magicules. Plus, Zegion could use a little training. He’s already strong, but with Veldora’s guidance, he could be a perfect dungeon boss."

Veldanava’s eyes widened. "Rimuru, are you out of your mind? Ivaraj is a walking apocalypse! He’s destroyed countless worlds, even heaven itself. He eradicated entire concepts time, space, destiny, and even destruction itself. You cannot control something like that. He obliterated the concept of the end! You seriously think shrinking him down will make him safe?"

Rimuru remained unfazed, his mind already made up.

Yeah, Veldanava’s right, Ivaraj is a force of destruction beyond reason. But come on, he’s got nothing on Turn Null. That primordial energy can wipe out concepts before they even exist. Ivaraj might be terrifying, but he’s not a threat to me. I could turn him into a dungeon mascot if I wanted to.

Rimuru grinned. "Veldanava, you’re underestimating me. I’m going to catch Ivaraj and make him my pet."

Veldora, standing with his arms crossed and a stone-faced expression, finally chimed in, "So... does this mean no dungeon expansion today?"

Rimuru shot him a playful glare. "Veldora, we’re going to build the most insane dungeon ever. But first, let’s handle Ivaraj."

Veldora scratched his head, still processing Rimuru’s bold plan. "Well, I’ll be here. But don’t blame me if it all goes sideways. Can’t wait to see what chaos you cook up."

Veldanava rolled his eyes. "You're both insane."

Rimuru smirked, "We’ll see about that. Now, let’s get started."

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