journey to Dwargon ch-5

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Rachel pov
The monsters really grew these past days
How shocking...
This is what you call.. evolution, huh...
Does receiving a name prompt evolution?

Come to think of it, Veldora and rimuru had mentioned something about names...
Something about "nameless" and "named monster" hmm
I see! For a monster to get a name is for them to become a named monster!
So their stats increase, and the result-evolution!
That also explains why I warned about me dying using magicule(warned about in ch3...).

Monster evolution is absurd to be honest like seriously you become intelligent and powerful just cause nbamed ? while its take humans to evolve multiple requirements to even evolve beyond regular humans hmm this world seems so unfair and unequal but I am not complaining about it

Rather than growing up, it's probably better to say that they became a different being.Well I get human form by the help of rimuru
The goblins eyes sparkle in delight, reflecting their profound wisdom, and directed at the females....What the hell! They actually look feminine!

I'm so surprised I can't even scream!
Eh? .... EHH???
I couldn't believe my eyes

Though they were small monsters, resembling monkeys...
The males became hobgoblins.
The females became goblinas.

According to what Rigurdo said, they heard the "Voice of the World". well rimuru expained to me about thias when in cave though as some GOD named veldaanava is basically created its basically a consciousness of world as by his explaination VOTW managed countless world with different space time and casualities as in one of many of its feature is bestowing skills and evolutions

"This is the great and rare evolution that I've heard legends about!" Is how excited he was when rigurd told me about it.

He named by rimuru a guy magical power par with veldora or above I dont know..

The goblin females used to be covered from head to toe but due to the evolution some particularly voluptuous parts are visible.

We'll have to figure out clothing first.

And then there's the "Ranga" problem.

He's been so happy with my recovery, that he doesn't leave me alone for even a second.

And while I can't say I don't like the soft fur... I'm more of a cat person.

Don't get me wrong: I don't hate it

"So, Ranga, I only gave you a name, so why did the rest of the pack evolve"

That's right. As soon as I gave Ranga the name, that unpleasant incident occurred...

"My beloved master! We of the fang wolves are "many as one". The name you bestowed had become the name of our species!"ranga

I see, I see.A shared name, so everyone evolved.

According to him, the previous alpha did not favor this principle.

If he had, that battle might have gone a little differently no even if thats not possible I can say certainly handle them just itts narcist but legit fact hard even for me to accept.

Ranga seems to have secured his leadership in the pack.

And thanks to that, the species changed from fang wolves to storm fang wolves.

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