Rimuru captured ivaraj as pokemon

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In a dimension beyond the ordinary, where space and time had long since lost meaning, a confrontation was brewing. Veldanava stood on edge, his anxiety palpable. The mere thought of Ivaraj an unstoppable force of destruction the size of the entire dimension sent chills down his spine. No amount of spiritual or conceptual attacks could stop Ivaraj; its ever-growing power seemed uncontainable. This was why Veldanava chose to expand this world endlessly, hoping it would be vast enough to trap the monstrosity.

But now, Veldanava feared that his old friend, Rimuru, might never return. He had no idea just how absurdly powerful Rimuru had become, nor did he realize that Rimuru considered concepts like destruction...well, irrelevant.

While that Veldanava now has a role akin to a housewife, currently under Lucia and his daughter Milim Nava, who is Rimuru's bestie, he didn't get revived by Rimuru. Instead, he revived himself after separating from Rimuru's consciousness, which exists even deeper than the void. Rimuru's past life as Veldanava in his reality adds an amusing twist, as Rimuru and Veldanava are friends in this reality, with two parallel existences walking in the same country built by Raichel, who is also a parallel existence of Rimuru.

And yes, Rimuru was Veldanava in a past life, but honestly, let’s not get bogged down with the boring mechanics of parallel existences and timelines.

Because, really, who cares about parallel worlds when you’ve got this unfolding drama right now?

In the endless space-time dimension, two figures faced off. One was Ivaraj, whose size literally encompassed the entire dimension, with a single eye that spanned its entirety. Its mere presence was paradoxical in such a place, but it was only contained thanks to this strange, separated space where dimensions meant nothing.

The other figure? Well, it was Rimuru. He stood there, black-haired, humanoid, and ethereal comically tiny compared to Ivaraj. But size meant nothing here. Rimuru’s presence alone caused distortions across the dimension. Just his gaze sent shockwaves through Ivaraj, for the first time awakening something akin to instinct. Fear. Yes, the world-destroyer who had wiped out gods and shattered concepts like they were paper toys was afraid.

And why? Because Rimuru, despite his casual air, was a being that transcended everything Ivaraj knew. There was no comparison. Ivaraj, for all its brilliance, couldn’t comprehend Rimuru’s aura. It had destroyed gods representing the end itself, and yet here was a being that seemed… totally unfazed.

Rimuru, meanwhile, scratched his head, tilting it slightly in amusement.

"Ah, so this is Ivaraj, huh? You’re kind of... big. Anyway, you’re gonna be my pet now. Oh, wait, right you don’t even have a soul or ego. Anti-life forms, am I right? Ugh, whatever," Rimuru sighed with an exaggerated shrug. "I guess I’ll just tweak your concept a bit. You’ll be a cute little source of endless magicules. Way easier than keeping an eye on you every time you get all destroyer of worlds on things."

With a wave of his hand, Rimuru did the unthinkable: he shrank Ivaraj, the unfathomably huge dimension-spanning entity, down to the size of a puppy. A rather cute puppy, if Rimuru was being honest. A puffball of destruction turned into an adorable, harmless little creature.

"There, much better," Rimuru grinned. "Aren’t you just precious?"

Ivaraj, now an energetic little pup, wagged its tail. The once-terrifying force of nature was now more like a lapdog. Rimuru had also gifted it a consciousness and a strong will, more in line with a True Dragon. Why? Because why not?

"Alright, let’s head back to Tempest. I’m sure Shion’s made something inedible by now."

And just like that, without any help from Ciel, Rimuru had casually rewritten the very concept of destruction into a pet-sized puffball of infinite magicules. He didn’t even need to break a sweat.

As they headed back, Ivaraj trotted alongside Rimuru, tongue lolling out in pure bliss. The creature once feared as the destroyer of worlds was now Rimuru’s personal mascot. Rimuru, ever the nonchalant ruler of Tempest, merely smirked, knowing he had just effortlessly handled what most would call an apocalyptic threat.

“Well, Ivaraj," Rimuru mused as they walked, "looks like your days of world-ending terror are over. Now, let’s just hope you don’t chew up my furniture."

Dump fight ever I seen lol I don't plan on making the fight scene yeah yeah Somuch grammer mistake and somany dumbest things written in here lol I like to rewrite the entire plot from beginning but nah I am so lazy

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