Veldora resurution and Rimuru returned- ch-6

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Clayman didn’t overestimate his power.

He had taken over all the land owned by Demon Lord Kazaream.

After the defeat of Kazaream at the hands of Demon Lord Leon, all of Kazaream’s previous subordinates went to submit themselves to Clayman’s reign.

Clayman took over Kazaream’s domain.

The other demon lords did not object to it and the merging process afterwards proceeded smoothly. Everything was unfolding according to Demon Lord Kazaream’s precautionary plan which he devised for times like this.

Clayman gradually expanded his territory and became a force to be reckoned with as a new demon lord.

Among all the Demon Lords, Clayman holds the greatest amount of wealth.
Clayman is able to use his predecessor’s legacy and magic to improve the combat capabilities of his subordinates, as well as recruit Majins who crave power. Clayman excels at luring Majins by using great wealth and then manipulating them.

Not only that, but he’s been scheming behind the scenes with all the profits gained through his relentless spending. This helped Clayman form a web of connections between different countries while simultaneously keeping them all in the dark.

Everything was going according to Clayman’s plans, and he had all the information he needed to maintain the control. Thus, his plan of world domination was already halfway complete…

All he lacks now is power, and Clayman is very aware of that but , that was in the past now Milim under his control nothing can stop .Clayman hold such a view.

Poor guy he didn't know his life expire date coming soon.

Raichal pov

Sure, I'll correct the grammar without changing the narrative style. Here are the corrections:

"Did my awakening succeed? Is everyone revived?"

<Affirmative. You awakened into a True Demon Lord, and everyone was resurrected perfectly.>

"That's good! Very good."

I see I am sitting in Shion's lap in slime form. That's good; she's alive!

"My lady, you're awake!" Shion exclaimed.

"Yes, I am awake! Is everyone resurrected perfectly? No one lost their memory or something, right?" Raichel asked.

"Yes, everyone is perfectly alright," Shion reassured her.

"Promise me you won't make me worry like that anymore!" Raichel pleaded.

"Yes, I promise. Look, everyone you revived, come and see her!" Shion announced.



"We resurrected without a single soul behind," they all bowed before her.

Now, I think back to when I tried to summon Demon Rimuru, and another demon appeared before me. Was I hallucinating at that time? Or is he really a demon? Why did he appear?

"Shion, I have a question. Did anyone named Rimuru come here?" Raichel inquired.

"Yes, he came here. He's the one who captured the king and the other two. And there's also a guy named Diablo who came here. Anyway, why does he look exactly like you?" Shion asked.

"Well, actually, I am the one who looks like him. He's the one who gave me my body to look like him," Raichel explained.

"Mm. Well, if it weren't for Rigurd, I might have mistaken him for an enemy," Shion admitted.

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