Veldora the super saiyan short chapter

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It's been four years since Rimuru, Veldora, and Veldanava arrived in Tesla's lab. Over time, Tesla had grown used to their outlandish personalities and near-godlike abilities. However, the absurdity of the trio's antics was sometimes too much for his scientific mind to process. After receiving a crash course in quantum mechanics and zero-point energy from Veldanava, Tesla had become something of a sage himself. Still, whenever things got too wild, he’d take the most rational approach: a quick nap.

Tonight was no different. Veldora, always eager to impress, decided to show off what he believed to be his ultimate "technique."

Standing in front of Veldanava and Rimuru in his human form—blonde hair gleaming and golden eyes sparkling—he grinned widely.

"Behold, big bro, Rimuru! Witness the might of a true Dragon Ball *Super Saiyan* transformation!" Veldora shouted with glee.

Rimuru leaned back in his chair, trying not to burst out laughing. "Oh boy, here we go again."

Veldora began to channel his energy dramatically. His hair flickered into a radiant gold as his body surged with power. Sparks of electricity erupted from his feet, and with a thunderous roar, he struck a ridiculous heroic pose.

"TA-DA! Now, this is *Super Saiyan*!" Veldora declared proudly, flexing his muscles and tossing his now-golden hair.

Veldanava, the Creator God himself, stood there with an eyebrow raised. "Veldora, I control entire galaxies and the laws of physics. Why would *Super Saiyan* even matter?" He asked, genuinely confused.

Veldora, unfazed by his brother's skepticism, continued, "Big bro, you're underestimating Earth’s pop culture! Super Saiyan isn’t just about power it's about style! Do you even know how cool this transformation is? And Super Saiyans are boundless beings in some anime rankings. You’re missing the point!"

Veldanava blinked. "Boundless? We’re literally aspect of world as avatar. But sure, let’s roll with this…"

Meanwhile, Rimuru, unable to resist the urge to outshine Veldora, stood up with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Veldora, let me show you how it’s really done. You know, for someone who watches a lot of anime, you really missed the true peak form."

Rimuru smirked and, with a surge of energy, his body began to glow. His hair shifted to a vibrant blue, while a radiant aura enveloped him. Muscles rippled slightly as he assumed a dramatic, yet impossibly cool, stance.

"This… my friend, is Super Saiyan Blue" Rimuru said with a knowing smile. "Now this is perfection."

Veldora’s eyes widened in disbelief. "Rimuru! That’s… that’s incredible! How did you…?!"

Striking another heroic pose, Rimuru added, "Anime physics, my dear Veldora. Anime physics."

Veldora, feeling slightly jealous, muttered, "Hmph, I’ll get there eventually. Just you wait…"

As Rimuru and Veldora were busy one-upping each other in their transformations, Tesla, who had long since given up trying to understand their powers, lay slumped in a chair nearby, snoring lightly.

While Rimuru and Veldora continued their playful antics, Veldanava, the creator of entire universes, was deep in thought. He had been working alongside Tesla for months now, finding this strange Earth timeline fascinating. Despite his infinite power and ability to create worlds from scratch, Tesla’s inventions intrigued him.

"This world has no mana… and yet it functions. Its entire structure of energy and physics is so different from anything in my creation," Veldanava mused as he fiddled with one of Tesla’s early machines.

Tesla, still snoring, remained blissfully unaware of the godlike being experimenting with his equipment.

Veldanava absentmindedly muttered to himself, "No mana, no inherent magic systems… yet they have made so much progress. Electricity, alternating currents, quantum mechanics... Perhaps I can adapt some of this for my own creations."

He adjusted a knob on Tesla’s machine and sparks flew briefly. "It’s so primitive compared to my powers, yet the principles are ingenious."

Rimuru, hearing Veldanava’s mutterings, called over from his "Super Saiyan Blue" form. "Hey, Veldanava, you do realize that you can literally bend the laws of the universe with a thought, right? Playing with Tesla’s machines is like a dragon trying to figure out how a matchstick works."

Veldanava, undeterred, replied, "It’s not about the power, Rimuru. It’s about understanding. You see, there’s something beautiful in the simplicity of this world’s science. It’s not built on magic or divine energy—just pure, unadulterated ingenuity. That’s what makes it different."

Rimuru rolled his eyes. "Alright, philosopher dragon, whatever floats your cosmic boat."

Eventually, Tesla woke up, groggily rubbing his eyes. "Oh… you're all still here," he muttered sleepily, clearly accustomed to their presence by now.

He glanced around the room and noticed that his lab was once again filled with a golden-haired Veldora flexing in his "Super Saiyan" form, Rimuru glowing blue like a radiant deity, and Veldanava tinkering with his prized inventions.

"Please, tell me I’m dreaming," Tesla groaned. "You guys have been here for four years and every day it gets weirder. I’ve invented the most incredible things in the last few years, and yet you all just… keep doing this!"

Veldora beamed. "Tesla! Have you seen my Super Saiyan form?"

"Yes… yes, Veldora, I’ve seen it at least a dozen times this week," Tesla replied, barely managing a smile.

Veldanava, without turning around, spoke up. "Tesla, I was thinking… what if you applied the concept of zero-point energy to your current theories on electricity? It could revolutionize power generation."

Tesla blinked. "Zero… point energy?"

"Yeah, it’s simple. You know, the infinite energy that exists in the vacuum of space? It’s a concept I’ve used in several universes. It’s kind of my thing," Veldanava replied casually.

Tesla stared at him, then at Rimuru and Veldora, and sighed. "I need coffee… and a long vacation."

Rimuru chuckled. "Don’t worry, Tesla. We’re just getting started!"


What will be Tesla thought about them a bizzare dream

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