biggest twist ch 8

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Time skip (discussion plans about war against clayman army and other things like making body for trainee)

Now the day arrive for walprigus only just no of hrs left

After Raichal agreeing to accept ramiris to tempest she think up so many plans to for sake of her country.

Rimuru prepare to send Diablo with youm for making youm as king

"can you tell me more about walprigus" Raichal

"Yes, its meeting between 10 great demon lords. First like I said its used to be tea party with me, milim and guy.... "Ramiris explained everything about walprigus she know .

"Oh !I know female vampire I used play with her.What her name milus ,or something right?" Veldora suddently remeber .

"Oh now its male vampire name roy valentine ." ramiris provide further information she remembering now 

"Mm I also know a demon lord named Draguel.I always spar with him .But there no clear winner.But if I fight I will win .Kuha... ha..haha !" Veldora boasted .

"Mhhm lier," Rimuru

"What are you thinking rimuru?" Raichal

"Well come to think of it I didn't revived veldanava yet .What about we bring him to walprigus ?" Rimueu said mischievous grin.

"You can do that ?" Ramiris said in surprised look as her eyes in skepticsm though..

"Yes I decided I will bring him back now! He can revive himself but for some reason he didn't even trying I don't know why !Well just you wait !" Rimuru said and he formed body which he see when he first met.

With azure hair and golden eyes pretty similar face of milim.Then he forcefully turn make him revive powerful as an true dragon before sealing his power..

(A/n- veldanav  don't have turn null like in canon but star particles and quantum related .. And creatin related things ..)

«VOW: announcement the rebirth of individual know as veldanava ,the STAR God DRAGON dragon factor have recovered and reviving by interference of unknown individual been noticed »

The VOW announced to rest of the world including every world in this reality even in the isolated dimension like promised land ...

After that veldanava said something in annoyed tone.

"Why did you revive me bastard .I lost my wife *sob ...and everything *sob" veldanava in angry for the forced revival on him.

"Oh that the case then you don't need to worry about that I can revive her.I also saved her soul already. Because I know how stubborn you are !" Rimuru said while everyone suprised look on their face

'It definitely my brother!I can sense his dragon factor and VOTW of say such.'veldora thought himself 

'Is this for real?!!' ramiris thought

"Big Brother?" Veldora

"...." Veldanava

"Veldanava sama?is this is really you?" Ramiris

"Eh?Is this the god you talked about?" Raichal

Veldanava is happy now after hearing soul of his wife saved by first friend in this world.

"Hmm rimuru is this your daughter she look similar to you? isnt she" Veldanava

"Oh few minutes ago you became cry baby now asking me some stupid question?No she is not my daughter .I don't have any children until now.."rimuru

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