Rimuru get new pet..

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It had been hours since Rimuru had left to fight Ivaraj, and Veldanava was losing it. He stomped around the room, his fists clenched, frustration boiling inside him. "Damn it! It’s been hours! What the hell is happening out there?" he growled, glaring into the distance like he could will Rimuru back by sheer force of annoyance.

He couldn’t understand how someone as powerful as Rimuru could take this long. Sure, Rimuru was strong strong enough to revive him and pull off all sorts of impossible feats but Ivaraj wasn’t a pushover either. The constant worry was gnawing at him. "He better not have gotten himself killed… What am I supposed to do then?"

Veldanava ran a hand through his hair, pacing like a madman, his worry spiraling into impatience. He was acting like a boyfriend waiting for his girlfriend to call back. "Shit! How am I supposed to find him now?" He swore under his breath, activating his full-powered universal perception and thought acceleration, searching for Rimuru across the vast space-time fabric. He was a god, for crying out loud, and yet here he was, losing his mind over Rimuru’s disappearance.

Meanwhile, in a distant dimension, Rimuru was in deep thought. So deep that it bordered on ridiculous.

"Hmm… a name, a name," Rimuru murmured to himself, staring at the creature he had created. It was a void-born entity, shadowy and ever-shifting, its eyes gleaming with a chaotic, otherworldly glow. It was the perfect being of destruction, and yet all Rimuru could think about was what to call it.

<Master, I’ve already suggested the name Moros. It’s a good name. You’ve been stuck on this for nearly 10 hours, even using thought acceleration at ridiculous speeds. Just pick something!> Ciel’s voice buzzed in his head, clearly exasperated.

"Yeah, yeah, I heard you. What about ‘Sagania’?" Rimuru asked, completely ignoring the urgency in Ciel’s tone. "Besides, you’ve basically become my personal assistant making my coffee, cooking my food. Why not let me have fun with this?"

As soon as he said the name, the void creature began to transform, its chaotic form melting into that of a small, adorable blonde girl, about five years old. Its destructive aura shifted to something pure and angelic, a drastic contrast to what it had been.

"Well, that’s a surprise. Seems void creatures can shift their nature pretty easily," Rimuru said with a shrug, unfazed.

<Idiot master, void creatures are defined by their ability to embody any nature. They aren’t bound by duality, so it’s not that shocking,> Ciel huffed, almost as if she were rolling her eyes.

"You’re the idiot, Ciel. I knew that. But you know I’ve transcended even non-duality, right?" Rimuru replied smugly.

<What did you just say?> Ciel’s voice turned furious, ready to lash out.

"Tsk, this idiot Manas of mine," Rimuru thought, shaking his head. "Whatever, I’ll just send her to my imaginary space. Luckily, I can store even worlds in there without worrying about them dissolving or corroding."

With a flick of his hand, he teleported the newly transformed girl to his imaginary space. Problem solved.

Back in Tempest, Veldanava was losing his patience entirely. "Where the hell is that bastard?!" he yelled, pacing even more aggressively.

Milim, who had been watching her father freak out, raised an eyebrow. "Dad, what’s going on?"

Veldanava waved his hand, too irritated to explain. "He’s been gone for hours, and now I’m stuck waiting for that idiot Rimuru to show up!"

Suddenly, Rimuru appeared, casual as ever, as if he hadn’t just left everyone in suspense. "Sorry for being late! I brought two new pets one is Ivaraj, and the other is a void creature I captured from the end of space-time," Rimuru said nonchalantly.

Veldanava froze, his eye twitching. ‘Did he just call Ivaraj… a pet?!’ He clenched his fists, trying to keep his composure. His earlier anxiety was now replaced by sheer disbelief. This guy… this idiot… captured Ivaraj like it was nothing and called him a pet? Really?!

"Hah, give me a pat on the head, Mr. Veldanava," Rimuru teased with a grin, clearly trying to get under his skin.

Veldanava glared at him, his patience wearing thin. "You… absolute… IDIOT!" He finally exploded, smacking Rimuru upside the head. "You had me worried for hours, and you come back talking about pets?!"

"Ow! What was that for?" Rimuru whined, rubbing his head.

"For making me worry, you bastard! And calling Ivaraj a pet?! You could’ve at least let me know you were fine!" Veldanava ranted, still fuming.

Rimuru just chuckled, clearly amused by Veldanava’s outburst. "Ah, don’t be mad. It’s all good. I handled it."

"You’re lucky you’re strong," Veldanava grumbled, shaking his head, though he couldn’t help but smirk. "Welcome back, you idiot."


Well I don't change this chapter much because didn't find anything to change much

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