Chapter 2: I Overheard Something

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Marinette closed the door of her house as a bell rang. In order to not cause suspicion Tom had set up a bakery. At first she couldn't help but laugh at how clumsy they were and how everything came out of the oven either burnt or lopsided. But over the years they had gotten better. So much better in fact they were the best bakery in town.

Mainette walked into the kitchen watching as Tom started to put up for the day. "Tom you know how I have to go back to China for my coronation this summer?" Marinette asked. The sudden voice surprised Tom as he suddenly fell with all the pots and pans he was holding falling onto the ground. Marinette giggled at the scene, she had become very close to her 'fake family' that had raised her for the past twelve years.

Tom grumbled as he got up and checked to see if the fall had caused any of the pans to dent. "Yeah I kinda have to know about it. What about it?" He replied as he grumbled when he noticed a dent on his favorite pan. "Well I was wondering if my friends could come with me? You know as guests for my coronation." Tom once again fell to the ground when he tripped on something.

Marinette giggled as everyone always called her clumsy but right now she was sure the word described Tom perfectly.

Tom let out a sigh, "I don't know I'll have to ask your parents." Marinette watched in surprise as she was sure he would immediately say yes. She followed him through the hall as he went to go get a pan out of storage since he needed one the exact same size as the one he just ruined for tomorrow. "So when do you think I'll get an answer?" She asked while still on his tail. "Tomorrow morning I'll tell you." A smile erupted onto her face as she gave him a quick hug and headed back to her room.

She collapsed on her bed thinking about how nice it would be to return to her homeland when her phone started ringing. She picked it up only to see it was her friend Mei who had called her. Once she had gotten a phone her parents had told Sabine and Tom to add some people from the palace that had been picked out to be her personal guards and ladies in waiting when she returned. This way she could be able to keep up with what happened in the palace and make friends she'd be able to see everyday in the future.

She quickly answered the call and put the phone to her ear.

"Mari! Guess what I just overheard?" Her friend exclaimed. Marinette giggled as Mei had always been one to love gossip and whenever she found something out she would immediately call the princess. "What?" Marinette asked thinking about what love affairs the guards or maids would be getting in today only for Mei not to talk about any guard or maid at all. Instead she said, "I heard that after your coronation your dad was going to call all the princes in the world and have you pick one!" Marinette was shocked by these words.

She knew she would have to get married but she didn't think it would be like this. She had always dreamed of the day picturing herself getting ready for her coronation only for her to fall as she bumped into someone. And when that person helped her up she would be face to face with the most handsome guy ever. After the coronation she would meet him again and they'd stroll through the palace getting to know each other. They would talk about how they both loved animals and both wanted a private island to raise elephants together on. They would also talk about how they would have three kids and a cat and dog. And when he had to leave she would declare he couldn't leave as she loved him. Then he would say he never wanted to leave her and ask for her hand in marriage. But nowhere in that dream did it take place where she had to get introduced to a bunch of snobby princes and pick one out. What about slowly getting to know each other? What if she picked the wrong guy? What if they refused saying she was too weird and they then ran off with a maid? That would be beyond embarrassing. Marinette covered her face with her hands as hundreds of scenes played out in her head.

"Her Mari did you hear me?" Mei asked as she didn't get a response. "Yeah I did. But are you sure that's what you heard?" She asked hoping she would say no. "Yes Mari, I'm 100% sure that's what I heard." Marinette frowned in response but quickly smiled as she thought about what had happened that afternoon. "Mei I also have something to tell you." She teased. Mei was surprised on the other side of the phone as it wasn't often that Mari talked about her life. "Ohhh. What is it?" She asked burning with curiosity. A smile fell back onto Marinette's lips as she told her friend about the possibility of her going back to China with her friends in tow.

"Oh I can't wait to meet them! Can you send me a picture of all of you together? I have to know what they look like so I know who to ask about your embarasing stories!" Mei exclaimed. Marinette blushed thinking about all the stories they could tell her. She finally sent the picture only to hear a strange silence on the phone which was uncommon for Mei.

Mei blushed as she saw a certain person in the picture. They were perfect from their head to their toes and Mei had to know more about them. "Um Mari?" She asked. "Yeah?" Marinette replied surprised by the soft tone of Mei's voice. "Who's the person farthest to the left?" Mei blushed as she asked. Marinette traced the photo until she was saw who Mei was talking about. "Oh that's-"

On the other side of Paris Lila laid awake at night thinking about what she had saw at the cafe. An idea quickly gripped her mind and she quickly called Alya. "Hey girl what's up?" Alya asked. "Hey do you have any plans for the break?" Lila asked as a wicked smirk took control of her lips.

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