Chapter 12: The Encounter

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Mari talked to Biyu Chen the designer of her coronation dress, with her planners.

"What about a silver trim?" Jing asked. "No" both Mari and Biyu said. "It has to be red with golden designs! That is traditional." Biyu said. "But I also want to add something else. Something more personal that will tell everyone something about me." Mari pondered. They had been discussing her coronation dress for a couple hours now and had decided almost everything about it but Mari still couldn't decide what to add to it to make it more her. "What about a design at the end of the dress?" Ping asked. "That could work." Biyu said trying to imagine something in her head. "I want it to be pink but I don't know what design!" Mari sighed. "What about a circle?" Jing said. "No that's too ordinary." Sighed Mari. "What about hearts?" Ping pondered. "No way that's not appropriate for a coronation dress." Mari sighed thinking she'd never decide when Biyu suggested the perfect thing. "What about pink flowers it'll show your favorite color and your elegance!" Biyu said finally coming up with a solution. "YES! That is perfect!" Mari said finally happy it was done.

A knock was heard shortly after the solution was found. A short man entered when Mari said to come in. He was a familiar guard that Mari had encountered a lot. "Your highness the Empress and Emperor request your presence in the throne room." The male said.

Huh why would they need me? Thought Mari as she excused herself so she could go see what was the matter.

Felix and Amelie entered the throne room to see a man and woman on the thrones. The man had a defined jawline and slight wrinkles you could tell weren't from age but from stress. His hair was a dark black that went well with his striking blue eyes. Felix could tell from his body structure and his expression that he had fought in a battle more than once. To the left of him was a smaller woman. Her face was a little more chubby and someone would have described her as having a baby face if they weren't afraid of her. She had a mole right beneath her left eye and her brown almost black eyes were that of a predator. Her light blue hair was tied back in a bun and her fierce expression vanished as she saw Amelie.

"Greetings Emperor De Hai Vuong and Empress Zhi Min Vuong." Amelie said as she bowed followed suit by Felix.

Zhi laughed at her old friend. "Come on Amelie you don't need to address us so formally." "That's right Amelie both me and Zhi see you as a sister." De agreed. Amelie laughed at her old friends. "You two are too nice." She laughed. "Now who is this young man?" Zhi asked like she didn't know the answer. "It's been a couple years and you can't recognize him. This is my son Felix doesn't he look just like me!" Amelie said putting her face close to her son's. "Mom I am sure the Emperor and Empress can see the resemblance you do not need to act so unseemly." Amelie laughed at her son. "He's so up tight! I know he didn't get that from me!" The other two laughed as they were reminded of Amelie's late husband. "Yes he acts just like him." De said.

Mari rushed to the throne room worried something might have happened. "Don't worry Mari I'm sure they just want to catch up some more." Tikki said trying to reassure her. Mari stopped and took a deep breath. "I hope you're right Tikki." Mari said before continuing to walk toward her destination.

Felix was startled as Mari opened the doors and looked at the two unfamiliar people. She quickly said her greetings and walked to her parents. Felix could tell right away that the girl was the princess. Her face structure started out cute but she surprisingly had a sharp jawline. Her eyes were the same striking color as her dad's but her fierce gaze was obviously from her mother. Her hair glided to her hips in a dark navy color that mixed her parent's hair colors. She glanced again at the two before talking to her parents. Why does he look so much like Adrien? Mari thought as she talked to her parents.

"I assume you called me to meet the guests." Mari said. "Yes this is Amelie Coburg Clarence the head of the Clarence duchy in England and that is her son Felix Coburg Clarence." Zhi said. "She also happens to be a childhood friend of ours and we hoped you and Felix could become friends." De added. Mari sighed knowing that this added more to her already packed schedule. She turned toward the duo. "It is nice to meet you both I am princess Mari Hai Vuong I am thankful that you both have made time to visit us." She said trying to please her parents. "Oh no need to be so formal I'm practically your aunt so please call me Aunt Amelie!" Amelie said adamant. "Oh I could never!" Mari said surprised by her words. "Oh just call me Aunt Amelie I insist!" Mari sighed not wanting to argue with this enthusiastic lady. "Yes Aunt Amelie." She said with a smile. "Now Felix go talk to the princess! After all it's not everyday you get to meet the future Empress of China! Now shoo!" Amelie said pushing her son away. "But mom-" Felix tried to protest. "No buts now shoo" Amelie said. "But-" "Shooooooo" Felix sighed knowing he couldn't win against his mother and escorted the princess out.

~Surprise surprise Felix isn't a marriage candidate bet I surprised you with that. 😉 Also full name reveals woohoo!~

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