Chapter 15: A Prince Meets a Maid?

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Lila walked hand in hand with Adrien as they saw the gardens. "Hey Adrien isn't your cousin coming to see the coronation too?" Lila asked as she remembered how important his family was in England. "Yeah actually he's at the palace right now." He stated not really thinking about the question too much. However Lila smiled at those words. "Wait does that mean he's with the princess? Can he introduce us to her?" She asked excitedly. If I can become friends with the princess I'll be set for life! She thought. Adrien thought for a second. He wasn't necessary on good terms with his cousin but if Lila asked he would try. So he got his phone out and made a call.

As Felix hid from Mari and Sasuhito his phone suddenly went off. The loud ringtone made him curse under his breath as the two saw him. He didn't know why but he felt weird interrupting them. He quickly silenced his phone and turned to the two. "Sorry I had gotten lost. I didn't mean to interrupt." He looked at them nervously hoping they didn't find out he was hiding there.

Mari looked over as a sound distracted her. Her eyes widened as she saw Felix. What was he doing here? Is he trying to annoy me even more? She asked herself. However Sasuhito's confused look snapped her out of it.

"Good morning Felix, this is Prince Sasuhito of Japan and Sasuhito this is Felix Clarence the heir to the duchess."

She said politely introducing them. Sasuhito didn't miss a beat and smiled. "I have heard good things about you Felix. It's nice to meet you." He walked over to shake his hand trying to be nice to Felix's culture.

Although Felix felt uncomfortable he still smiled and greeted him. "It's nice to meet you as well. I see you are a very accommodating person." He said politely eyeing their hands.

Mari watched as they greeted each other leaving Mari alone. Knowing they still hadn't made it to his room she spoke up. "Sasuhito I still need to show you to your room." His eyes lit up and he turned around with a smile. "Yes I haven't forgotten, but Felix said he was lost so could he come along as well?" He asked with a smile.

Mari was caught by surprise but still smiled at her guests. That is until Xiao walked to her. Ugh great I probably have something to do. Xiao walked over nervously still not used to being the princess's maid. "Your highness Ping and Jing Wong have come to talk to you." Mari nodded knowing that the maid would come only for reasons concerning her coronation.

"Thank you for telling me. Can you escort Sasuhito and Felix to their rooms?" Xiao nodded hurriedly before walking off with the two boys.

Mari just sighed and walked to the room she knew the two planners were in. This is going to be a long day. She thought.

As Xiao led the two men that were WAY above her social ranking she tried her best not to make any mistakes. The two only talked briefly and about small topics. When they got to Felix's room which was closer they bid farewell to him before going to Sasuhito's room.

Her nerves doubled as she was alone with the future Emperor of Japan!!! Sure Mari was also the future Empress of China but she was her maid. Plus she knew Mari was kind, but she had no idea what kind of personality this man had. He could execute people left and right and she wouldn't know. And so she walked with her head held high as she showed him to his room.

Sasuhito watched the poor maid with glee. Her expression changed every two seconds and he couldn't help but want to tease her. "So what's your name little maid?" He asked sweetly. Xiao turned around quick as surprise was etched onto her face.

Why did he want my name? Is he planning something? Normally nobles don't care about servants. Is he going to kill me?

Sasuhito watched with a grin as she began to tremble and her thoughts went wild. Finally after a couple minutes she spoke softly. "My name is Xiao Lai your highness." He looked down at her with a smile. "Well it's nice to meet you Xiao." She nodded and then breathed a sigh of relief as they had finally gotten to his door. "This is your room your highness." She said smoothly as the happiness of being able to not have to be around him anymore showed. He simply smiled and said. "I hope to see you again Xiao." Before he left and the door closed.

Xiao stared at the door for a second before leaving. As she walked everyone noticed that her cheeks seemed more pink than normal.

As Xiao got back she returned to her normal routine of cleaning, arranging Mari's schedule, and finally helping her get ready for bed.

Mari sat in the tub thinking as Xiao washed her arm. "Xiao why do you think my parents want me to get married?" Mari asked as her thoughts drifted back to her meeting with Sasuhito today. Even though he didn't say he was a suitor she knew a hundred percent he was. "Well your highness maybe they feel that having someone beside you might help you. Or it could simply be because they liked getting married young and want the same experience for you." Xiao said honestly not thinking too much about it.

After Mari got changed into her night gown she grabbed a robe off of the door. "Xiao I'm going for a little walk I'll be back in a second." Before Xiao could reply Mari was already out the door.

As she walked the halls they didn't seem pretty or even as relaxing as they normally did. Instead for some reason as she passed a specific door she felt a darkness in the halls. Then she recognized the door. It was her old room. It was where the...... Mari could feel herself becoming smaller and smaller as it seemed like she was going to vanish but suddenly something woke her up from her memories.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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