Chapter 5: Jianguo Zhang

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The group walked out of the airport into China. "Wow it's so beatiful. The melody of the wind is just so soothing." Luca said as took in everything. "I know it's so nice to see again." Marinette smiled. After they had landed they had gotten to their hotel and slept off their jet lag before finally exploring. Together the group explored the city for the first few days taking pictures and walking around the beautiful city. When they returned a tall boy stood infront of the hotel.

Marinette smiled as she ran to her friend. "Jianguo! Where have you been I thought you would come on the first day we arrived?" She asked while pulling him into a hug. "I was suppose to but something happened at work and I was unable to." He responded before pushing her off him so he could have some space. "Wow who is this dudette?" Nino asked as he shook his hand. "This is a family friend. He will be joining us for the trip. His name is Jianguo Zhang." Marinette said as she introduced her friends to him. "Well it's nice to meet you dude. My name is Nino." Nino introduced himself. "And that's Luca he's like obsessed with music but if you just ignore that he's a good guy. And that's Juleka, she's Luca's sister. She might be quite but she's super cool. That's Kagami she's super seriousness but she's super nice. And that's Chloe and Sabrina. Despite Chloe being a little spoiled and Sabrina having an obsession with being a servant they're really cool too." Nino said as he introduced the whole group to the boy. "Ridiculous utterly ridiculous! I am not spoiled Nino!" Nino chuckled as they began their daily argument.

"Pri- I mean Mari your friends are very interesting." Jianguo said as he watched the chaoticness of the group. "Yeah they are." Marinette said as she watched her friends.

Lila walked out of the airport with Adrien on her arm. "Wow it looks just like I remember!" Lila exclaimed as she took in the beauty of China for the first time. "Yeah it really is! And since it's confirmed we can go to the coronation because of Adrien's dad there's a 98% chance you will be able to be friends with the princess once again." Max said as pushed up his glasses. "Yeah Lila I'm sure once the princess sees you she'll immediately want to be best friends with you!" Rose said. "Yeah who wouldn't?" Alya asked. "Well I don't think Marinette likes me very much." Lila said softly. "That's only because she's jealous of you." Alix chimed in trying to make sure her friend stayed positive. Lila put on a small fake smile, "Thanks you guys you are all the best friends ever." The group then went on when they saw a familiar bluenette.

"Is that Marinette?" Mylene asked as she pointed to the girl. Ivan then squinted while saying, "I think so." Lila turned her head and when she saw the girl a smile spread across her face. "She stole your idea of going to China! That bitch!" Alya screeched. Lila put her hand onto Alya's arm trying to calm down her best friend. "I'm sure it's just a coincidense. They probably came to watch the princesses coronation as well." Lila said with a smile. "You're just being nice Lila." Adrien said as he smiled at his girlfriend.

While Marinette and Jianguo were talking Juleka noticed a group coming closer to them. "Isn't that Lila?" She asked as she pointed to the brunette. The group turned to look toward what Juleka was pointing at. "Ridiculous utterly ridiculous! She totally listened to our conversation and copied us by coming here!" Chloe angrily yelled. "She's probably going to claim Marinette was the one that stole her idea." Kagami said as she rolled her eyes.

Jianguo looked at the group confused. "Who's Lila?" He asked Nino. "Only the world's best liar. Ever since she transferred to our class two years ago she's been lying about Marinette causing Marinette to get bullied." Nino said as he rolled his eyes.

Alya came stomping to Marinette until she was right infront of her. "You bitch you copied Lila's idea! I bet you were thinking you could make fun of Lila here, well to bad cause I'm not going to let that happen." Jianguo felt angry that the princess was being called such a disgusting word. He quickly stepped in between the two. "Mari did not steal anyone's idea. She came here to visit her family and her friends. But maybe you might know that if you had asked but you didn't." He said as Alya was seething seeing someone stand up for Marinette. "Yeah don't you know Marinette's from China! I thought you were her ex-bestfriend but I guess you never cared!" Chloe said causing Alya to get even more mad.

Lila and the rest of her group came quickly after Alya stormed toward Marinette and her friends. "What are you doing here Marinette!" Kim asked trying not to shout. "I'm visiting my family with my friends or did you forget I'm chinese." Marinette said sarcastically. "Yeah right you probably just came to bully Lila!" Alix said. "I just don't understand why you hate me so much Marinette." Lila said as she started to fake cry. Marinette rolled her eyes at her past friends. "How was I suppose to know Lila was coming here. What are you saying I can read Lila's mind now." Marinette said as she giggled. Her classmates really were stupid.

Jianguo glared at the french kids that were now causing many people to stop and watch the scene. "C'mon Mari my parents have missed you and they wanted to see you." Marinette smiled as she responded. "Yeah I can't wait to see Auntie and Uncle Zhang." She smiled as the group then began to follow the guard.

"Look at her pretending she's a good person. The boy probably doesn't even realize he's being played." Alya scoffed. Lila clenched her fist watching Marinette walk with her friends. I swear Marinette you will not have a good vacation. I will make you pay Marinette Dupain-Cheng!

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