Chapter 6: Dojo

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"So are we actually seeing Auntie and Uncle Zhang or was that just an excuse?" Marinette asked as she walked along side her friends. "Both are correct. I am planning on visiting my parents at the dojo and I did use it as an excuse for you to get away from those crazy classmates of yours." Jianguo still couldn't believe that Mari's classmates dared to accuse her of copying Lila. Even if they didn't know Mari's identity as a princess she is still far to kind to bully or make fun of someone for no reason.

"Your family works at a dojo?" Kagami asked very intrigued by the topic. "My parents own a dojo but I rarely go there as I am busy with my job." Jianguo replied. "What's your job?" Sabrina asked eager to talk to someone with work experience. "I am a g-" Marinette nudged him hinting at him not to tell her friends about his job. "G-gardener. I'm a gardener." Luca looked at the boy confused. "Wow your melody would have never told me that about you." Luca said as Jianguo nervously chuckled. He had never outright lied on purpose and he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable because of it. "So are you going to inherit the dojo?" Nino asked. "No I do not plan to. It will most likely go to my little sister."

The group kept walking until they came upon a building with a sign above it reading Zhang's Dojo the group followed him in until a boy ran up to Jianguo. The boy had brunette colored hair in contrast to Jianguo's black hair and his hair was tied back in a short ponytail. "Jianguo what are you doing here? You hardly ever visit the dojo?" The boy said. The boy then turned his head and gasped when he saw Marinette. He pulled her into a hug, "Mari you should have told me you were here already!" He said as he released the girl. "These must be your friends you were talking about. Hi I'm Haoyu Gui I'm Mari's brother." The group looked like he was crazy as he said this. Marinette sighed and quickly tried to get rid of the confusion. "I'm sorry everyone Haoyu is not my brother. He is a friend of mine that likes to play tricks." Marinette said as Haoyu grinned as he leaned on the taller Jianguo. "Hey why'd you tell them so quickly the joke could have gone on for so much longer!" Haoyu whined. "C'mon don't argue." Jianguo told Haoyu. Haoyu sighed and then nodded.

Juleka looked at the two confused as she had never seen anyone out right lie about something like that as a joke and was taken aback by what she had just witnessed.

Soon a girl came running toward Haoyu. "Haoyu you can't just run off like that!" She said as she finally reached him. "Sorry I had spotted your brother and had to say hello." He said trying to calm the girl. The girl's black hair swished in her ponytail as she spotted her very tall older brother standing next to Marinette. The girl's face was practically a copy and paste's of Jianguo's. "Brother what are you doing here?" She asked curiously. "So you acknowledge Haoyu and Jianguo before your best friend?" Marinette asked while staring at the girl. The girl's green eyes went big as she saw Marinette and she quickly pulled her in for a hug. "Mari you didn't tell me you had gotten to China already!" The girl said as she released Marinette from her surprisingly strong grasp.

The girl then looked at Marinette's friends and her heart started racing as she spotted a familiar set of eyes she had remembered from the picture. "Oh these are my friends I showed you a picture of them remember?" The girl nodded as her brother introduced her. "This is my sister Mei Zhang she trains at the dojo sometimes with Haoyu." Marinette's friends nodded and then introduced themselves to her. She smiled and nodded until a certain someone introduced themselves. "Hi I'm ---- it's nice to meet you." The person said as Mei's face only got more red. She shyly nodded and then looked back at Marinette. "While you all introduce yourselves to my brother and Haoyu you don't mind if I talk to Mari?" The group looked at Mei. "We don't mind you probably can't wait to catch up with Marinette." Chloe said. "I agree with Chloe I'm sure it was hard not seeing your best friend for so long." Sabrina said as she felt sorry for the girl. "None of us mind dudette!" Nino said stopping the rest of them from having to answer.

"Hey I mind! I just got to see Mari and you're already taking her away." Haoyu yelled thinking Jianguo would agree. "Just ignore this idiot and keep on going." Jianguo replied shocking Haoyu. "What you're taking Mei's side! I thought we were friends." Haoyu said dramatically. Jianguo just rolled his eyes and looked at the group.

"So you're from China that must mean you know about the princess's coronation?" Chloe asked. "Of course I do! I'm attending after all." Haoyu replied quickly recovering from the earlier betrayal. "Wow you're attending that's super cool dude!" Nino said as he wrapped his arm around the boy. "Me and you have got to be friends. Afterall you must be cool to be able to attend the princess's coronation!" Nino said as Jianguo looked at the two.

"I'm not sure everyone that is going is cool." Kagami replied. The group looked at her confused. "I heard Lila and her group talking earlier about how they were going to attend the coronation." Haoyu looked at the girl confused. "Lila? Who's that?" He asked. "Only the biggest liar in the world. Not only does she lie about everything but she also makes fun of Marinette!" Sabrina said getting angry when she remembered how the kind Marinette was treated by Lila. "Ridiculous utterly ridiculous Lila is probably only able to go because Adien's father is famous!" Chloe fumed. When she saw Haoyu and Jianguo's confused faces she quickly explained. "Adrien is Lila's boyfriend and his dad is a famous designer." She said.

As the group was talking Marinette and Mei came back finished with their conversation.

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