Chapter 13: Project Approved

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Chloe, Sabrina, Kagami, Juleka, Luka, Nino, Mei, and Haoyu sat in Chloe's room as they brainstormed ideas of how the spa room should look. "The walls should be yellow!" Chloe stated. "No they should be pink! That's Mari's favorite color after all!" Mei argued. "How about a darker blue. After all blue is suppose to be the most calming color." Kagami stated. The group agreed and continued planning until Sabrina interrupted. "How are we suppose to pull this off? Don't we need to hire people? And don't we need permission from the Emperor and Empress?" She asked. They all stared at her as they had completely forgotten all about that part. They all sat in silence before Mei said. "I mean we can tell the Empress and Emperor about our plan and ask for help." She said. After a little bit of thought they all agreed and they asked for an audience with the two.

"Ugh I'm so nervous. I mean we're seeing the Emperor and Empress without Mari." Juleka said as she walked back and forth anxiously. "Calm down Juleka being nervous won't help. Just feel your inner calm." Luka said trying to calm down his sister. "Yeah dude there's no reason to worry they might be super important people and could kill us with a snap of a finger but they're also just Mari's parents. I mean they wouldn't kill their daughters friends. Would they?" Nino asked accidentally scaring himself more and more. "Of course they aren't! They aren't tyrants! If you actually took the time to read about them they're very gentle rulers and have barely executed anyone." Chloe said glad she looked them up when they found out Mari was the princess. "Wait that means they have killed people?" Sabrina asked now scared. "Of course they have they're rulers not babysitters!" Kagami added. "They're really not that scary. Right Haoyu?" Mei said trying to calm down the group. "Yep they've only killed a couple people and if they did kill us they wouldn't tell Mari so there's no need to worry." He said not getting the hint that she was trying to calm them down. She elbowed Haoyu just as a guard approached them.

"The Emperor and Empress are ready to see you." A guard said as they escorted the group to the the throne room. The French students held their breath as they entered before bowing and greeting the two just like Mei and Haoyu did. "Why did you ask for an audience with us?" The Emperor asked scaring the poor teens. "Well your majesty we wanted to do something for the princess after everything she's done for us." Mei said. "To be more specific we wanted to ask if you could help us set up a spa room for Mari." Chloe specified. The group stared at the two anxiously waiting for their answer.

The room was silent as it felt like it had been hours until the Empress finally spoke up. "That is an excellent idea. We would be happy to fund it! And you know what instead of just a room you should make a whole spa! I'll make sure to inform the guards to listen and grant all of your requests about the room!" She said happily before sending the group away. After all she would gladly use the spa room with her daughter.

The group emerged from the throne room with smiles. "She actually said yes!" Sabrina said not being able to believe it. "I told you they weren't going to kill us." Mei said rolling her eyes knowing they would say yes from the start. "Well there's no reason to just be sitting here c'mon let's get started!" Haoyu said as the group excitedly started on the project.

Felix and Mari walked in an awkward silence not knowing what to talk about. However the silence was cut short as Felix spoke. "I am sorry about my mom your highness." Mari looked at Felix. "Don't be. It was also my parents that wanted us to become friends and there's no way to avoid it. So what part of the palace would you like to see?" She said quickly turning the atmosphere around. "Wherever you suggest." He said politely. Mari stared at him for a second realizing he was testing her character right now. After all they aren't just little kids they are nobles and this tour could turn them into allies or enemies. "Well if you insist." She said as she took Felix around the castle. "This was the sword that my ancestor used as he ended the war. The sword symbolizes peace and how we should not forget where we came from." She said pointing to a sword in the wall. "And this is where the knights train. I try to come here every week so I'll know who is protecting me and my subjects." Mari continued showing Felix around impressing him with her knowledge and how she got along with all of the servants.

"And this is the garden-" Just as they made their way to the garden a servant interrupted them. "I'm sorry for my rudeness your highness, however you have an appointment with some people about the coronation." He said trying not to give out too much information in front of a foreign noble. "Thank you for telling me. I'm sorry Felix but I must cut this short. Lee can show you where you are residing." She said as she gestured to the servant. "There is no need to be sorry your highness I am glad you took the time to show me around the palace." He said politely before leaving with the servant.

"Ugh who does he think he is! He was totally testing me the whole time!" Mari said angrily. "Well I'm sure he was just seeing if the future Empress was a good one. There's no need to be so angry Mari!" Tikki said trying to calm her down. "Yeah but where did he get the right!" Mari said as she walked to her next appointment angrily. Not hiding the fact that her mood had been tarnished by a certain blond boy.

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