Chapter 11: Meeting

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As the shadow got closer Jianguo recognized it and started to panic. He grabbed the princess right in time to save her from the grab of the prisoner, but a toddler can only do so much.

Haoyu and Mei watched in fear as the masked person threw Jianguo to the ground and grabbed the princess. Though they could not see the person's face they could see the hatred in their eyes.

The whole encounter that seemed to last forever for the children only lasted a minute and by the time the guards had noticed the screams and rushed in it was far too late.

"After that the princess was eventually saved but she was taken to Paris early as a precaution. My memory isn't the best so I can't remember all the details and we were never told what happened to Mari but there's no doubt it was something she will never forget."

The group starred at Haoyu in disbelief. Sure they had heard from their parents that the reason the princess left early was for safety reasons but they never imagined the palace was attacked. Not only that but the Mari had been kidnapped!

"I can't believe that happened to her." Kagami said as she sympathize for her friend. "How long was she gone?" Luka asked. "It was never stated when she returned and we were only told about it after she had safely arrived at Paris so I don't know." Haoyu said. "It couldn't have been more that two weeks because we were told after sixteen days and they probably waited a couple days after finding her before telling us." Mei said.

The group starred in horror at Mei. Mari could have been gone for two whole weeks! What they could have done to her in that time is unimaginable. "But don't tell her we said anything I don't want the topic to trigger some of her memories." Mei stated. "Well of course! We are obviously not going to ask her about her potential trauma! I mean that would just be insensitive!" Chloe said as Sabrina agreed.

"Well speaking of Mari I heard she'll be busy with preparations so I think we should do something for her to help with the stress." Juleks said. "Well that came out of nowhere." Nino laughed trying to lighten the mood. "I think that would be a great idea. I'm sure she would appreciate it!" Kagami said happy she could do something for Mari. "But what could we do for her?" Sabrina asked. The whole group began to think as they all had no idea. "We could set her up with someone." Haoyu suggested. "NO!" Everyone said. "Okay." Haoyu said as he tried to regain his confidence from his idea being refused. "What if we bake her cookies?" Juleka asked. "No she can just ask the chefs to so it wouldn't be that meaningful." Mei responded.

As the whole group ran through dozens of ideas one finally stuck. "What if we talk to the servants and set up a spa night for her to relax after everyday of working. This way she can use it for the whole two weeks!" Luka suggested. "OMG you are a genius Luka!" Chloe said as she hugged him. "That's perfect. And we don't have any spa areas in the palace so she can use it for after her coronation too!" Mei excitedly said.

As the group began their plan a familiar face walked into the castle. "Oh my gosh it's been so long but it looks the same as I remember!" Amelie said. "Calm down mom it's only been a couple years since your last visit so it's natural it has not changed much." Felix stated as he followed the servants. "I know darling but you don't know how many weeks I spent here visiting the Empress after her marriage. Her and I still exchange letters you know!" Felix rolled his eyes. He had heard countless stories about his mother's youth and did not wish to hear anymore. "Mom do not forget we have to hurry so we can meet the Emperor and Empress." Felix said trying to hurry his mother up. "Yes I know. Oh are you excited to see the princess? Not even I know what she looks like! The last time I saw her she was barely a couple months old!" Amelie squealed thinking about how pretty the young girl must be now.

"I am not particularly excited to see her if that is what you are asking." He responded. Amelie stopped and turned toward her son. "What do you mean you aren't excited? I've heard from some sources that not only is she beautiful but she's super kind! Plus the two of you are around the same age so you could become friends." Felix sighed at his mother as she continued trying to convince him that the princess was the best person ever and would make the best friend he could ever have.

As they walked they encountered a group of teenagers being oddly suspicious. When they noticed them however they quickly bowed.

"Good afternoon it is an honor to be graced by your presence." A girl with her dark hair in a bun said. The rest quickly followed suit with their greetings.

"Aw look at such teenagers full of excitement! I would wish you could take at least a little of their excitement. After all it's not everyday you get to attend a coronation!" Amelie told Felix. "What were you all doing just now?" He asked the group ignoring his mom. "We were preparing a surprise for the princes-" Sabrina said happily before she was cut off by Chloe. "Shut up what if Mari finds out! I'm sorry for the confusion we should be on our way. It was nice meeting you." She said before the whole group left.

"Huh so the princess is named Mari?" Felix asked. "Yeah but if you wanted to know that you could have just asked me! But I'm glad you're finally showing an interest in the princess!" Amelie said happily. "Whatever" Felix said before continuing to walk toward the throne room.

~Thank you all for the support I just wanted to know if you wanted more scenes from other people's POVs and if you all wanted a QNA after a chapter to better understand the story?~

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