Chapter 1: Summer Vacation

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Marinette looked at her long blue locks in the mirror reminiscing on the past. She had many secrets she kept from her friends, her name was even one of them. In fact she was the heir to the Empire of China. Her mother and father had sent her to Paris with two of their most loyal servants in order to keep her safe. It was also a tradition for the heir of the crown to live in another country in disguise. The only difference was she had to leave her home at the age of five instead of thirteen like the rest of her ancestors because the palace was attacked.

Whenever she moved to paris she had to abandon her name Mari Hai Vuong, and instead took on a french and chinese name, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She had told everyone that her mother was an immigrant from China and had fallen in love with her father and gave birth to her right after. She hated keeping these secrets but she didn't have a choice.

A voice rang out dragging her away from her thoughts. "Marinette you're going to be late for school!" Her fake mother called. "I'll be right there!" Marinette called back as she ran down the stairs and ran for her school. Luckily Hawk moth had stopped attacking Paris so her attendance was saved. However that didn't change the fact that she was the guardian. I'll probably make being the guardian the job of the Empress or Emperor of China when I ascend to the throne, she thought.

She finally got to her class and waved at her friends. Over the past year Lila's bullying and lying had become so bad that a lot of her class started to resent her. However that didn't bother her that much because she was able to find out who her real friends were. She sat next to Chloe while Sabrina and Juleka sat behind them and Nino Sat in front of them. Even though Marinette was glad she could find out who her real friends were she felt bad for Nino as because he decided to stick by her he had lost his girlfriend and bestriend.

As Ms. Bustier finished her lesson a smile took over her lips. "Goodbye everyone have a safe and fun summer! But don't forget to study the-" Her voice was drowned out as everyone made a run for it to leave school. Nino broke into a smile as he walked beside Marinette. "Two months! Can you believe we'll be free of Lila and school work for two whole months!" A smile burst on her lips as she watched Nino excitedly tell everyone they passed. Chloe rolled her eyes as she watched the boy. "Does he ever get tired?" Marinette looked at her best friend as she wondered the same thing.

After class Marinette, Chloe, Sabrina, Juleka, Kagami, Nino, and Luka sat at a cafe to celebrate the vacation. After Lila told her lies these were the only people who believed in her and she smiled as she stared at her friends.

"We have to go somewhere during the vacation!" Nino declared. "Well obviously, next year we graduate so we have to do something fun before we start thinking about college applications!" Chloe said as she rolled her eyes. "I agree. I want to go somewhere for the break." Sabrina said as she poured everyone a drink from the pitcher she had stolen from the waitress. "Perhaps we can go to China. I hear the princess is suppose to come back soon. Afterall her coronation is coming up in a month or two." Kagami added. Marinette's eyes went wide.

How could she forget she had to go back during this break? "China is very beautiful I would love to see all their art and culture." Luka said as everyone started talking about what they would want to see in China. If they go they'll definitely find out I'm the princess. But if they go somewhere else I won't be able to go with them. Marinette was playing tug a war in her head when suddenly a soft voice stole her attention. "How about you Marinette? Do you want to go to China?" Juleka asked as she stared at her.

Marinette finally made up her mind and responded. "Yeah I would love to go back." As soon as she said those words she internally cursed at herself for the wording.

"Woah dude. You've been to China before." Nino asked. "Of course she has! Her mom's from China so she has probably gone to visit her family." Chloe said as she looked proud od herself for remembering where Marinette's mother was from. Marinette thanked the heavens that Choe was there. "Yeah we used to visit a lot but not anymore. How about my parents take us? That way your parents won't have to worry about adults not being there." Marinette patted herself on the back for coming up with a solution. She already had to go to China so why not take her friends? She was sure Tom and Sabine would be happy to take them along with her.

"I don't know if my mother woud agree." Kagami said worried. A smile flashed on Marinette's face. "Don't worry Kagami. Just tell her it's for a research project for your senior year. That way she'll definitely let you come!" Luka scooted closer to Kagami as Marinette praised herself for her quick thinking in her head. "C'mon Kagami it couldn't hurt to ask." Luka said as he put a comforting arm around her. A slight blush formed on her cheeks as she nodded. Sabrina stared at the two envious of their relationship before turning back to Chloe. "So what do you plan on doing once we get to China Chloe?"

Marinette smiled as each of her friends began discussing the trip. Now she just had to tell Tom and Sabine and everything would go perfect. Except for the fact that a bad feeling was creeping up Marinette's spine.

Across from the group a certain brunette listened in on the conversation. So the brat's going to China. I'll just have to make sure her trip isn't as fun as it seems. Her green eyes shined darkly as the girl had nothing but ill intention.

~ Thank you for reading the first chapter! I'm sorry the chapters on this are going to be short but I felt it's more comfortable writing fanfiction this way. I hope you stay to read more about Marinette. ~

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