Chapter 9: Breakfast

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Mari turned around in her sleep as she felt something nudging her. "Wa.....up........ri" Mari ignored the tapping and the words and slept like a baby. Until she felt a hard smack on her cheek. Mari bolted out of bed but tripped and fell. "What what happened?"

Tikki appeared in front of Mari just then. "Huh? Aren't you suppose to be in the miracle box for your birthday?"

Every year the kwamis lock themselves into the miracle box for a week to celebrate their birthday which happened to be this week.

"Mari did you forget that the weeks already over?" Tikki responded confused. Mari quickly grabbed her phone and checked the date. "Wow you're right. I can't believe a whole week has passed already." Mari said trying to comprehend how it was already Friday. This means there were only two weeks left until her coronation. "Now that you're awake you have to go to breakfast! Look on your calendar is says you're suppose to have breakfast with your parents and friends and yet you're over here sleeping!"

Mari looked over to her calendar and sighed. Tikki was right. "Thanks for waking me up Tikki." Mari said as she went to go get ready. "You're welcome!" Tikki replied.

Plagg grabbed his ring and flew through the sky of China. Even though Adrien had been acting stupid recently and had been bullying Mari he still was the owner of the cat miraculous. He had talked with Mari before about taking the miraculous back. Mari had been surprised about the owner but she had refused. After all Master Fu had given the miraculous to him so he deserved it. However she did say that if he crossed the line she would take it back. But she would eventually have to take it back anyway as she was the guardian. 

Plagg cringed as he spotted Adrien next to Lila. He secretly flew to Adrien and hid behind him so Lila wouldn't notice him. Adrien had noticed the kwami and had gone to the bathroom. "Plagg you're back! How was the party?" Adrien asked. "Good, sugar cube didn't like her present though." Plagg sighed. "Well not everyone likes camembert like you Plagg." Adrien said as he crossed his arms. "Still I'm surprised Ladybug didn't take you back. After all since Hawkmoth is gone we have no need for the miraculous." Adrien asked. "Well she said she would eventually take me back just not yet." Plagg said as he ate his cheese. "Okay back in my jacket you go. I can't keep Lila waiting." Plagg rolled his eyes and entered Adrien's jacket.

Mari walked into the dining room with her friends. "Dudette this dining room is like twice, no three times as big as Adrien's!" Nino said in awe of the room. "Well duh. Adrien might be rich but Mari is royalty!" Chloe said. 

Everyone was startled as they heard someone clear their voice. "I understand you are all excited however we should start eating soon." The Empress said. Everyone hurriedly sat down. "Even though we are the Emperor and Empress we hope you will relax and only see us as Mari's parents. We'd like to hear all about you and your friendship with our daughter." The Emperor said. Mari sighed knowing that her father was very excited to learn more about her friends. "Oh did Mari tell you about the time her design was featured in a famous fashion show!" Sabrina said proud of her friend. "No she did not." The breakfast lasted a while as everyone shared stories from Mari's childhood. 

As everyone was about to leave her father called her to stay. "As you know Mari your coronation is in two weeks and while we would love to spend that time with you and your friends we sadly cannot. First off Jianguo is doing an excellent job as your guard but you need a personal maid. So this is Xiao Lai. She is an excellent worker and Mei said she was a good person. She'll help you get ready for your coronation and will keep you on track with your schedule. Xiao bowed at the princess. "It is my honor to meet your highness and to work under you." She said. "And at your coronation we are planning on announcing your engagement." Her mother added. "What!" She knew Mei had told her about this but she didn't actually think what Mei said was true. "I can't just marry a stranger!" Her father sighed. "Honey we don't want to rush you into this but this is better for everyone. And you won't marry a stranger. Before your coronation you'll meet many suitors and will choose one as your fiance." Mari couldn't believe what she was hearing. "How can I possibly decide who I want to marry in just two weeks?!" Her mother sighed. "I'm sorry but this isn't a choice this is one of the duties of the future Empress."

Mari couldn't believe what she was hearing. She couldn't take it anymore and stormed out of the hall. "Honey are you sure this is what's best?" Her mother asked her father, "I don't know but we don't have any other choice. The empire doesn't trust a mysterious princess as much as they should so we have to do everything to earn their trust including an engagement." Her father replied. "If that is what you think is best." Her mother said as she leaned onto her husband.

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