Chapter 8: Truth

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Marinette took a deep breathe before entering the hotel. You can do this Mari! She thought to herself. She entered her hotel room she had been sharing with all the girls. "Um Chloe can you go get the boys there is something I have to tell you all." Chloe looked confused for a second but quickly ran off to go get them. In just a couple minutes Chloe walked in with Luka and Nino.

"So why did you need us dudette?" Nino asked as he sat down. Marinette glanced nervously at the group unsure if she really should be doing what she was about to do. "I have something to tell you." Chloe looked over. "Well get out with it! It can't be that hard to say." She said trying to comfort Marinette in her own way. "Well there is something I've been hiding for a long time." The group stared at Marinette unsure of what she meant. "Uh how do I say this?" Marinette said trying to think.

Just the the door burst open. "Marinette we have to get you to the castle! Assassins are here!" Tom said as he rushed in. The group was rushed out where Jianguo and Haoyu stuck to Marinette like glue. "What's going on?" Chloe asked after being upset about being dragged into a random car. "Um this was kinda what I was trying to tell you. The truth is I'm Mari Hai Vuong the princess of China." The whole group stared at Marinette. "And assassins got information about where I was staying so now we're going to the palace." "So you're the princess that's about to become empress?" Kagami asked. Mari played with her hair before nodding. "OMG I'm friends with the future empress!" Chloe exclaimed. "Can you believe this Sabrina?" She asked. Sabrina only nodded still uncomfortable about the whole assassin thing. "That explains your royal vibes." Luka said.

The group asked Mari many questions until they finally arrived at the palace. Jianguo and Haoyu escorted Mari and the rest to her parents. "So are these two your guards?" Nino asked. Mari nodded. Her thoughts were only on meeting her parents. She hadn't seen them since she was five so it was obvious she was worried. When they got to the door Jianguo walked her in while the rest of her friends was excorted somewhere else by Haoyu.

The door opened to reveal two people sitting on two throwns. The man sitting in the bigger throne had an angry expression on his face and a dark brown beard. His eyes were a bright blue as he watched Mari. The woman sitting on the other throne had a lighter expression along with her lighter skin tone. Her eyes were a light brown and she had light blue hair that was in a tight bun. When the two saw Mari their expressions changed to worry. The Emperor ran to Mari. "Are you okay my little firebug?" He said while holding her so tightly she thought her organs were going to spill out. "Yes I'm okay." The Empress pulled him off of the girl. "C'mon you're going to squeeze her to death." She said. A worried expression hit her father's face. "Oh no was I too rough are you okay Mari?" Mari laughed at her parents. They were still the same no matter how many years it had been since she saw them. "I'm fine dad."

Her father smiled at his daughter. It had been so many years and she had grown to become a perfect mix of her parents. Her hair was a mix of both of theirs and her eyes were his color, but were her mother's eye shape. But most of all her smile was still the same as when she was young. "Now Mari come here and tell your parnets everything." Her mom said pointing to the third throne. "Yes we want to know all about your friends and experiences." Her father added.

Mari sat nervously. Should she be honest and talk about Lila? After a second of thought she decided against it. If her parents knew everything they might kill her so she instead avoided any talk about her. She talked about her friends and how they met. She then talked about how she had done in her studies and how Tom had taught her how to bake. She told her parents everything until it had become dark.

"As much as I enjoy listening to this I have to say that it's very late and you should be going to bed soon sweetie." Her mother said. "But I want to hear how she defeated the pigeon villain for the twenty-first time!" Her father whined. "You can hear the rest at breakfast in the morning. Mari needs her sleep or she won't feel well tomorrow." At the sound of this her father immediately nodded and sent Mari to bed.

Mari walked to her bedroom with a smile on her face. There was something special about talking to her parents that made her so happy. When she opened the door was was met with the surprise of her friends. "What are you all doing here? I thought Haoyu took you guys to your bedrooms." She said confused. "Well he did but then Mei showed us to your room." Juleka said pointing at her. Mei smiled. "So if you're the future Empress does that mean you're good at fighting?" Nino asked. "Yep, I'm even better than most of the guards!" The group laughed as Mari talked about her childhood.

"So does this mean you have to get married soon?" The group looked at Sabrina. "I don't know." Mari answered honestly. She had never thought of marriage. Sure she had liked Adrien but after finding out his real personality her feelings immediately vanished. But if she did get married she hoped it would be to someone nice and someone she loved.

"Come on Felix we're going to be late!" A blond lady shouted. "We can't be late mother it's a private plane. We're the only people that are getting on it." He said. "That doesn't matter! I want to get to China by the morning so I can talk to the Emporer and Empress!" Felix rolled his eyes. "Yes I know. You've told me this a thousand times today." The two then walked out of the doors.

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