Chapter 4: Planning

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The five girls sat on Marinette's bed as they typed into their phones. "I should be free in about a week. And after that I can clear my schedule so I don't care how long we stay." Chloe said as she looked through her calendar app. Marinette nodded as she was secretly texting Mei and her other friends at the palace on their group chat.

'So me and my friends are going to be visiting China for my coronation and I wanted to introduce you guys to them.' She texted and she quickly got a response.

'I guess I'll meet them first since I'll be meeting you once you get off the plane.' Jianguo Zhang replied. He was Marinette's personal guard and had to meet them as soon as they got to China. Another reply came quickly after that.

'If they're the princess's friends they must be awesome! I can't wait to meet them.' Haoyu Gui replied. He was another guard at the palace that was assignment to Marinette. Unlike the serious Jianguo he was always teasing people and loved a good joke. 

'I heard from Mei. I'm so excited! Do you think you could set me up with one of them?' Xiao Lai asked as she had just got dumped by the boyfriend. Marinette couldn't contain a giggle as she read her messages. The other girls looked her way before finally questioning. 

"Do you have a secret boyfriend cause you keep texting someone and giggling?" Kagami asked. Marinette was surprised by the question before answering. "No I just have a couple friends in China and I was telling them about our visit." Sabrina's and Chloe's eyes lit up for two very different reasons. "Do you think one of them knows the princess?" Chloe asked as Sabrina also asked the girl a question. "Do you think one of them is a servant or has family members that have served for royal families?" She asked with twinkling eyes. Marinette tried to look away from her as she found it hard to lie straight to her best friends faces. "I'm sorry but I don't think they know the princess nor do I think they are servants." The two girls looked upset before they were once again distracted by planning the trip.

Marinette smiled before she remembered she had left her friends messages on read. She quickly typed a response and sent it out.

'I'm super excited too! Also don't't scare them Haoyu! And I don't know about the setting up thing. You'll have to wait until we get there.'

She kept texting them before Mei had finally logged on. 

'Hey sorry guys I had to do some chores but I can't wait! So all your friends will be coming including ----?' Mei asked.

'Yep unless they say they can't but I'll tell you if that happens.' Marinette responded. 

'Okay thanks! I can't wait to see you guys!' Mei responded as she blushed from where she stood in China.

The group had finally found out the day they wanted to leave and when they would come back. But Marinette didn't pay attention to when the would come back since she knew she wasn't going to. As soon as her friends started senior year Marinette would start her lessons in being Empress and would get her high school diploma from home. Oh how she couldn't wait to practice in the sparring room and read the books from the library. 

Even though she had grown up in Paris she has had many tutors from China. Her parents wanted to make sure she was learning everything that a princess should learn and know it just as well as her father. Not only had she learned about the history of China but she was also very proficient in debates, negotiations, history, finances, and business. Not only that but she had also mastered the spear, sword, and many martial arts. After all a princess should be knowledgeable and strong.

Soon before they knew it a week and a half had passed and it was time to leave for China. The group had checked into the airport and sat down at their seats when a woman walked up to Juleka. "Excuse me but can we switch seats?" The women said to Juleka. "Um no thank you." Juleka's reply seemed to annoy the woman as she took in a deep breathe and asked again. "May I please switch seats with you? You see you're sitting next to my daughter and it's her first time flying alone." The woman said as she pointed to Marinette. "I'm sorry I can't." Juleka replied obviously knowing she was lying. The woman let out a huff as she called for a flight attendant. "This weird girl won't switch seats with me even though she already said she would! Not to mention she is sitting next to my daughter who has severe anxiety and needs me to sit next to her!" The woman yelled causing many people to look their way. The flight attendant asked the two girls if this was true and when they shook their heads no the flight attendant asked the woman to sit down. The woman began flailing her arms and legs as two security guards took her out. The flight attendant then looked at the two girls with a soft expression. "I'm so sorry girls. Many weird people claim that they are related to a minor on plains in order to sit next to them. Make sure to be extra careful from now on okay?" She asked and when the girls nodded their heads she returned to her duties.

"Wow I never knew people could just lie like that. Imagine if they had gotten away with that." Juleka said as she shivered not wanting to think about the outcome. The rest of the group including Tom and Sabine had witnessed the crazy lady's claims and asked if they were alright. They both nodded and Juleka got up and sat in the aisle seat so no one could try to sit in it. Marinette noticed Juleka's cautiousness and was reminded of something she had been meaning to ask Juleka. "Um Juleka have you been alright with the um break up." Juleka looked at Marinette with a sad look in her eyes as she remembered what Marinette was talking about. After Lila started lying Rose had felt sorry for her and had sided with Lila. Meanwhile Juleka had sided with Marinette as she knew that someone as kind as her could never do the things Lila had said. After that Rose had ended up breaking up with Juleka as she didn't want to be around someone who said Lila was mean. "It's been getting better. I miss her less and less. And I also realized that Rose never checked her facts and always believed people. So even if we had stayed together what if someone had said something about me? She would probably believe them and then leave me all alone." Juleka said as a said look filled her eyes. "Hey let's not think about that anymore. We're going to China remember!" Marinette said trying to lift Juleka's spirit. But Juleka only gave a small smile in reponse.

The rest of the flight had gone by without incident and soon they had landed in China.

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