Chapter 3: They're dating

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Marinette stretched as she woke up. She then looked at her phone wondering why it hadn't gone off yet. When she picked up her phone she suddenly remembered that it's the first day of summer break. A smile slipped onto her face as she cuddled back into bed to sleep for a couple more hours.

Lila sat on a bench at the park waiting for Alya and the rest of the class. The day before she had told Alya she wanted to talk to the class about going on vacation during the break. Alya then called everyone as they had a group call and decided they would meet up today at the park.

She had gotten there ten minutes before the meeting time thinking if she got there early she would seem diligent. The first to get there after Lila was Rose while the last was Adrien.

"I'm sorry guys I had a photoshoot." He said when he finally arrived. "So what were we going to talk about again?" He asked causing Lila to explain how she wanted to go to China for vacation. "The princesses coronation is during the break and I had met her when I went to visit one of my uncles in China when I was a toddler and became quick friends with her. Unfortunately she wasn't suppose to be playing with me so I've never seen her since and I was hoping that if she saw me at her coronation she would remember me and we could become friends again." Lila lied as she glanced at her friends putting on a sad face. "Of course we'll help you go to China." Rose said as she comforted Lila. "Yeah! I'm sure Adrien could help us get tickets he is rich after al!" Alix chimed in.

Adrien looked at the class. At first he didn't believe Lila but more and more evidence piled up until he eventually realized he had judged Marinette wrong. Even though he knew this he still missed her as a friend but he quickly brushed off the thought and smiled. "I'll ask my dad when I get home and then text you guys the responce." He said while smiling. Lila smiled and hugged him. "Thank you Adrien you're the best boyfriend ever!" She smiled as she gave Adrien a kiss. Alya rolled her eyes at the love birds but inside she missed Nino. "Yeah yeah, we know you two like each other. But this trip can also help us learn more about China so you can always use that as an excuse." Alya stated. "Or to help him with his social life." Kim said as he laughed. Lila smirked, Gabriel would gladely let them go and even book the tickets afterall he was still indebted to her for getting Marinette away from him. Plus he liked Lila spending time with Adrien. Adrien smiled at his girlfriend not knowing that his father even knew Lila.

Marinette felt Tikki pushing on her cheek. "C'mon Marinette your friends are here." Tikki said as she struggled to wake Marinette up. At the mention of her friends she finally got up and walked downstairs until she saw Juleka, Chloe, Sabrina and Kagami sitting in the bakery with bags. When Sabrina saw Mainette she immediately apologized. "I'm so sorry we came unanounced. Chloe suggested we have a sleepover at your house to plan the trip." Sabrina said. I laughed at the girl. It seemed Sabrina's first instinct was either to apologize or act like a servant. She always used the excuse that she was just getting ready for when she would be a head maid in the future. I always found that ot be a weird dream but Sabrina was very passionate about this. "Hey you guys all agreed with me so don't just pin it on me." Chloe said causing Sabrina to apologize to her too.

I laughed at the scene and showed the girls to my room. "Can you guys wait here for a secong I have to ask my mom something." I said as I made my way down the stair again not waiting for a response. "So what did they say about the trip?" I ask Tom. "They said they didn't mind just to tell them the day they wish to leave and they'll order the tickets." I smiled, my parents really are the best. "Thank you for asking." I say as I make my way back to my bedroom.

When I got back the four of them were unpacking all their stuff. "Ok so we just have to decide the day we want to leave and my parents will get the tickets. The four smiled as I said that. "Mari you're the best!" Juleka said as she day dreamed about all the beautiful sights in China. I laughed, "You just realized that?" I asked as I turned toward Kagami. "So did your mom say yes?" I asked while I crossed my fingers hoping that would make her mom say yes. "She said since it would be a good opertunity to meet the princess of China and a good learning experience she would allow it." I rushed in to give her a hug and then turned to the others. "What about your parents?" Chloe have me a thumbs up followed by a nod from Sabrina and a smile from Juleka.

Without realizing it a smile erupted onto my lips. "Well then let's get planning!" I say.

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