Chapter 7: Anything

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"Did you miss us?" Mei said as she approached the group. "Finally you're back! I can't believe you just took Mari!" Haoyu pouted as he stared at the girl. "I'm her best friend so of course I should talk to her alone for a while, or did you want to join in on girl talk?" Mei snickered. Haoyu opened his mouth ready to make a joke but Jianguo elbowed him in the side.

"We better get going unless you all plan to listen to a four hour lecture from my parents about the dojo's history." Mei shuttered at Jianguo's comment remembering all the times she had to listen to their parents go on and on. "Yeah, let's go!" Mei pushed Marinette out of the dojo and the rest quickly followed.

The group began to get to know each other as they visited other more secluded spots only known to locals. Eventually the sun had set and the group was back at the hotel.

"You all go ahead we have to talk to Mari for a second." Jianguo said as the French students went into the hotel. "Sure dude!" Nino responded before the group completely disappeared from Jianguo's view.

"So when are you going to tell them?" Haoyu asked. Marinette sighed as she played with a lock of hair in her face. "I don't know. I mean I have to tell them because they're going to the coronation but I just don't know how. And what if they don't want to be friends with me because I lied to them." Marinette said nervously. She gripped her hair harder until her knuckles turned white. A sigh escaped Jianguo's lips. "Well it's better to tell them sooner than later Mari. You can't keep lying to them like this. Not to mention you should go to the palace soon." Marinette looked at Jianguo he was right of course. Every night Tom and Sabine said they had to get back to the palace, but that would mean telling her friends and she was way too scared to do that. "It's alright Mari they won't hate you they'll understand I promise." Mei said as she put her hand on Marinette's arm. "Yeah they're right Mari. Your friends aren't bad people the won't abandon you because of this." Haoyu said adding onto Mei's statement. Marinette looked at the three knowing they were right. She thought for a good minute and finally decided. She looked up at the three and took in a deep breath. "You're right. I'll tell them."

"Are you sure? We're not trying to force you?" Mei asked. Marinette looked at her and smiled. "Yes. In fact I'll tell them tonght. They deserve to know the truth. If one of them lied to me about something this important I'd want to know. So I'll tell them." A smile appeared on her face as she had finally decided. Jianguo looked at her for a second before smiling. "I'm glad. And I'm sure they'll understand Mari." Marinette looked over at him. "Thanks." With a smile on her face Marinette made her way to the hotel.

Adrien held onto Lila's hand as she showed him around a park she had visited often when she lived in China. "And this is where I accidently ate a poisoness berry but somehow survived." Lila said as she laughed. "Wow Lila I guess you really are lucky!" Adrien said as he admired his girlfriend. "Of course I am. Why did you even doubt me?" Lila smiled and then sat down at a bench. Adrien quickly followed suit as he sat next to her.

Over the past year Lila and Adrien had fallen for each other. In fact Lila didn't even care he was rich anymore. But even if she did love him that didn't change the fact she was a pathological liar. She still remembered the first time she had lied.

It was the first week of kindergarden and Lila wasn't exactly fitting in. All the other kids had cool parents that were famous but she didn't. A girl noticed she was sitting by herself and came to talk to her. "We're all talaking about our mommies and daddies. What do your mommy and daddy do?" She asked. Instead of saying her dad abandoned her and her mom was a single mother she instead chose to say something else entirely. "My daddy flies planes all over the world and my mommy is a famous model!" The girl looked at Lila in amazement. "Wow that's so cool!" However, eventually everyone found out her secret. "How could you lie to us. You're just a Lie-la!" Lila stared at the girl confused. What did she do wrong? The girl slapped Lila. Everyone was on the girl's side but not on Lila's. That's not fair. Lila thought. After that whenever her lies were caught she would simply tranfer to another school. But lucky for her it almost never happened.

Lila had always been embarassed of her ordinary life and wished for something else. Once she had seen that Marinette was living the life Lila wanted she started bullying her. Marinette was always ruining Lila's chances and now she was trying to take away her chance at meeting the Princess of China. She wouldn't let this happen. She couldn't let this happen. Lila's knuckles turned white from gripping her dress so tightly. "Are you okay?" Adrien asked. Lila smiled. "Yeah just a stomache."

She knew Adrien would leave her if he fould out the truth. She couldn't let that happen. She wouldn't let that happen. She would do anything in her power to keep that from happening. Anything.

~Sorry for the late update I was in a competition and it lasted a lot longer than I thought. I'll try to update every two weeks or more. <3 ~

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