Chapter 14: Pity

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~So I am so sorry for leaving for a while I had major writers block but I want y'all to know I'll always keep updating till this story is finished. I'm going to try to get a couple chapters uploaded this week and thank you all for your patience. :) ~

The groups plans for a spa were going smoothly with the help of the Emperor and Empress. Although while their plans were going smoothly Mari's social life wasn't as everyone was busy leaving her alone with Felix only to get into petty fights with him.

"Ugh I just hate him! It's like everything he does is to annoy me!" She complained to her friends. She was already stressed with planning and it seemed he just made it ten times worse.

"I'm sure he isn't." Juleka said trying to calm down Mari. "He has no reason to annoy you." Mei said confused as she knew his mother loved Mari. "Maybe he just has a bad personality?" Said Chloe as she filed her nails. "Some people are just assholes like Lila." Everyone nodded at her words and soon the group fell silent as they didn't know how to change the topic when Lila got involved. But lucky for them the awkward atmosphere was soon broken as a servant knocked on Mari's door.

"Come in." She replied as one of her servants came in. The servant bowed before speaking. "Your highness the prince of Japan has arrived." The servant said nervously knowing Mari didn't like to talk about her new suitors. "The Emperor and Empress have asked you to show him around as he is one of your suitors." Mari looked up surprised as her emotions flashed across her face before composing herself. "Alright show me where he is." And before any of her friends could say anything she was out the door. "We're really gonna need to finish the spa..." Nini said as they all nodded knowing Mari was seething with anger inside.

Mari walked gracefully as her servant led her to a waiting room. As she opened the door she was met with a boy her age sitting down. Even though he was just sitting he seemed to almost have an aura of grace. As he moved his head his brown eyes lit up as he saw Mari. He stood up quickly with a smile. "Good morning your highness it's nice to meet you. I am the second prince of Japan Sasuhito. I am sorry only I could come as my parents and elder sister are very busy." Mari watched his body language as he spoke and his words seemed to glide off his tongue in a rhythm that tried to keep Mari's eyes on him. Instead of being suspicious of him as he already tried to seduce her she simply smiled. "Good morning to you as well. It is nice to meet you and it is no problem they couldn't come. Are they still coming for the coronation?" She asked wondering if they simply couldn't come in advance so they sent their son to seduce her. "Luckily my sister and mother will be able to attend the ceremony but my father has been in poor health and cannot." He said and although his words seemed sad Mari could still feel that intoxicating tone in his voice. "I wish the Emperor good health in the future. I'm glad your mother and sister can make it." He smiled at her response and before long she started walking him around the palace just as she did for Felix.

Felix sighed as he walked down the halls. He had listened to Mari and had thought he knew where everything was, but he had somehow gotten lost searching for Mari. His mother had insisted he talk to Mari to get to know her more and try to distract her from everything she was doing. And he stubbornly refused the servants that tried to show him where to go. And where did that get him? Lost. It got him lost.

He looked around confused. Why does every bloody hallway look the same? I swear when she showed me around they looked different but now it's like I'm in a maze! Felix was about to give up when he heard voices. Feeling lucky he followed the voices hoping he could find his savior and they could show him where he should go, but his thoughts were cut short when he saw Mari with a guy? He suddenly stopped not wanting to interrupt as he watched them. He didn't know why but something in his chest felt tight.

"So your highness how was it living abroad for a long time?" Sasuhito asked. As his eyes followed her she stopped to think about it. "It felt strange. Everyday I'd have to pretend to be someone who was me but not me at the same time. Everything always felt unreal.." She said as she wondered about her past identity as Marinette. As she thought and her facial expressions changed Sasuhito's eyes never left her and he smirked. "Your highness do you miss living abroad?" Mari looked at him as his words surprised her. "Yes but no. I don't miss being abroad or the feeling of lying about everything but I do miss some things about a normal life you can't get living in a palace." She replied calmly. "So does that mean you wouldn't mind visiting Japan one day?" He asked with a glint in his eyes. Mari looked up surprised and then she remembered. She wasn't talking with a friend but a suitor. And not to mention the future leader of Japan. "Maybe one day." She responded.

As Felix listened on he felt himself feeling pity for the princess. Never once had he pretended to be someone he wasn't. In fact he always said his emotions out loud without worry, but Mari couldn't do that. For her whole life she had to put on a mask and hide from the world. Not because she wanted to but for the sake of her survival.

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