Chapter 10: Memories

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Mari ran out of the dining hall frustrated with her parents. "How could they do this to me?" Mari as she slammed the door shut to her room. However she had forgotten that her new maid had been right behind her so she wasn't alone. "Um princess I know you are frustrated but how about meeting the candidates and if you don't like any of them just don't marry any of them. After all you will be the Empress so you will have full control of who you marry." Xiao said very quietly. She didn't want the princess to hate her so she tried to help, but what if the princess does not care about her opinion. Mari grabbed Xiao's shoulders. "Xiao you are a genius! I'm the future Empress so even if I say I'll marry someone I can always just break off the engagement after taking the throne!" Xiao smiled glad she could help.

"Princess you have an appointment with the royal planners in ten minutes to plan the coronation." Mari nodded. It had always been tradition for the future Empress or Emperor to plan their own coronation so they could learn how to plan other important events. "Please show me to the room we will be in." Mari asked. "Yes your highness." Xiao said as she led Mari to the room. Behind them was Jianguo as he always followed Mari since he was her personal guard.

They entered a room to be greeted by a girl and boy who looked identical. They both had identical smiles that matched their pink hair and pink eyes. "Hello your highness my name is Ping Wong and this is my twin brother Jing Wong. We will be your planners and will help you plan your coronation and the banquet to celebrate." The tall woman said. "Hey Ping I was suppose to introduce us!" The man said. "Well you snooze you lose!" The woman said. Mari laughed at the twins as they argued. "Thank you for coming let us take our seats." Mari said. Although raised away from the palace she had still taken manners lessons. The manners from the mysterious princess surprised the two and they quickly sat down.

"As you both know I have never planned anything as important as this so I will be relying on you two but this doesn't mean you can take advantage of my naivety of this subject." Mari said with a smile scaring the twins and Xiao. "Yes your highness." The twins said in union. "Now what should we start with?" Mari asked. "Well we were thinking we should call a dress maker and get your dress first so we could base the decorations on your dress and hair ornaments." Ping said. Mari nodded. "Xiao you heard her call the best dress maker and tell them to come to the castle today and make sure they tell no one!" Mari said. "Yes your highness." Xiao said as she quickly left. "Now how about we figure out the layout of the coronation?" Mari said. "Yes your highness."

As they planned the coronation Mari's friends were in Chloe's room with Mei and Haoyu. "So where is Mari?" Kagami asked the two. "Mari is probably going to be busy meeting suitors and planning the coronation." Mei replied. "Suitors?" Luka asked. "She has to meet a bunch of suitors and decide on a fiance before the coronation." Mei said. "How is she suppose to have time to fall in love when planning and meeting dozens and dozens of new people?" Juleka asked the two. "I have no idea. I'm worried that Mari might be biting off too much for her to handle." Mei said. Everyone agreed before Sabrina piped up. "So how did Mari meet you two and why did she leave the palace so young?" "Well that's a long story." Haoyu said right before Mei punched him. "Don't listen to this idiot. Jianguo was raised to be Mari's guard since she was born and in order for her to have friends the Emperor and Empress set all of us up on many play dates to keep the princess busy. And when she got a phone Tom and Sabine added our numbers to her phone so she could reconnect with us. And why she left so early um... Haoyu you remember more you tell them." Haoyu sighed as he remembered the night. "It was one night when the princess was five....

Mari sat in her room with her friends playing with her toys completely unaware of the danger fast approaching the princess. A soldier with blood dripping down his face quickly ran to the bedroom of the Emperor and Empress having important news to tell them. He burst open the door ignoring the protests of the guards. "Your majesties the west palace is under attack from the rebellion!" He reported. The two quickly got up and began telling orders. "Secure the west palace and make sure to inform all guards of the situation. Where is the princess?" The Emperor asked. "She is in her room with the guard's grandchildren." The Emperor looked at the Empress and when she nodded he gave out orders. "Send guards to make sure the princess is safe!" He said. "Yes your majesty."

The children played until they heard a sound. Mari looked behind her only to see the window open and a black shadow getting closer and closer to her.

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