Ch. 12

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Chapter 12

“A shooting range?” I frown.

“Oh, come on Max. Shooting ranges are fun,” Piper assures me, amused. I roll my eyes. Her excitement for everything was started to get on my nerves. We walk into the old looking building, there was a glass counter with guns inside and guns hanging on the wall behind the counter. A woman stood at the counter, she was younger in her mid-twenties at least. She had dark black hair that she kept up in a loose messy bun. She had a lip ring, her eyebrow pierced, and earrings running up both ears. Both her arms were completely decorated with tattoos. I saw what looked to be a snake, a flower, and a butterfly, odd combination. She glared at us as we approached the counter.

“Who’s this Piper, finally make a friend?” The girl snaps.

“This is Maximum Ride.” Piper boasted, returning the girls icy glare.

“Cool name.” The girl said casually, her voice bored.

“Thanks.” I mutter dryly.

“Come on, Max.” Piper grabs my arm gently pulling me along. We walked over to the door that led to what I’m guessing was the shooting room. There was a long row of sections to shoot from. Piper walked to the first one where a handgun like the one she gave me sat on the small table. She picked it up and aimed forward. I looked to see her target across the room. She shot 5 times than hit the button on the side. The target moved forward and came right in front of us. All five shots were in the middle of the forehead.

“Wow.” My mouth dropped. Okay, I was impressed. She had excellent aim. “Bet you can’t do that twice.” She grins and reloads her gun. She shot right in the forehead again, and again. Okay, I was REALLY impressed. “Your good, I’ll admit it.”

“Your turn,” She said. Hesitantly, I walk to the section next to hers. I pulled out my gun that I had put securely in my belt loop. In front of me was my target. I emptied my gun. I pressed the button for my results. The target moved in front of me, all 5 bullets in his heart.

“Wow.” Piper gaped. “Have you ever been shooting like this before?” I shake my head, no. A loud whistle comes from behind me.

“That was sick!” Jesse burst smiling with approval, as he walked in through the same door we did.

“Hey! Did you bring him?” Piper asks eagerly. “I’m dying to meet him.”

“Who?” I question.

“The boy with wings who joined yesterday,” Piper reminds me. “I told you about him.”

“Yeah, he’s here.” Jesse smiled. “Hey Nick, come meet Max!” I eyed the door waiting to see who he was, and when I did my mouth dropped. Fang.

“Hey, you must be Max.” He walks up to me, smiling a crooked grin at me. That wasn’t Fangs smile. This wasn’t Fang. Fang has a clone.

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